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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Finally getting weapon repair kits, extremely useful in the field, I wonder if one can craft them? Edit: My complaint about itemisation remains however, in the first game the Witcher's meteorite steel swords were some of the finest weapons in the Northern Kingdoms, a solid step above everything else that was used by the common soldier or Scoiatael. Reforged with the various coloured meteorite fragments and they became even more effective and distinctive. In the last two games however they have become trash to sell at the first opportunity, and thus Witcher's blades are devalued which is working against the narrative. The same could be said of the Silver Swords, in the first game a rare, masterwork item, with a history relating to Coen and a massive boost in effectiveness. Now just not so much, a rather standard weapon.
  2. I agree with the leap of faith, it seemed like a perfect place for reflection and self doubt, and perhaps even abandonment. Torment is magnificent, personally i'd mod it with all of the recommended fixes, unfinished business, tweaks and of course the widescreen mod. I don't wish to be too critical of Poe but it doesn't stand up against Torment in any way except for combat and graphics, Torment is richer, deeper, more original and disturbing with a setting that uses every trick at its disposal to reinforce the core themes of the game. It is packed with a ridiculous amount of detail, and there are hints and foreshadowing present throughout that lend an air of doom and tragedy to the adventure. Your stats will affect your playthrough, your actions will shape your alignment and have consequences to deal with, strange powers may be unlocked with a few words and a fleeting memory, echoes of the past may come to haunt you, and remember that all of the people you meet are their own characters: It's not like Bioware where everyone is there to massage ones ego, here characters are consistent with the world and spring to life in and of themselves. The gameworld is a glorious, gruesome, grubby and graphic character in its own right, and springs to life with a life of its own. Many recommend a high int, wis and cha character, as this unlocks conversations and other more alternate options of adventuring. Personally just looking at the Nameless One I cannot help but make him physically formidable, and moderate in his other stats, and this balanced build is viable and will still unlock most content. It also makes combat far more fun and viable. I envy you your fresh eyes, be prepared for one very fine game. But in the end only one question matters...
  3. Wha.. is Freedom Force? Superhero squad based RTwP action adventure/RPG. Very good, cheap on Steam and GOG, only the second game (Freedom Force vs the Third Reich) is available on the latter however.
  4. I thought it was male because of all the men at sea.
  5. Well I was hoping we'd see a Giant Green Walking guy like in the original Planescape: Torment (around 0:35). Mind you, he didn't appear in Planescape: Torment the game, but you know eventually we'll get a game with a giant green walking guy that has Torment in its name. I want to believe! After the first playthrough I thought that the giant might be the Siege Tower golem released from the confines of his tower, on viewing again however I just don't see it.
  6. In my opinion i'd prefer that they emulate neither going forward, i'd prefer Mr Cain gave us ToEE combat, Mr Avellone and the other writers give us Torment like writing, and a reactive, living world such as that seen in Ultima VII was built. The illustrated sequences bear prioritising and utilising more frequently as well.
  7. Turned off all markers, makes for a much better game. Turned off hair effects after a brief dally playing with them in which it was crashing every half an hour, without the hair effects it runs as steady as a rock again. Still don't like the massive inventory compared to the first games realistic limits, i've gotten no backpack or anything else and yet am carrying half a dozen swords and a couple of suits of armour as well as fifty pounds of various tat. One day a game is going to break free of the tyranny of loot and i'm going to die of shock. My horse wouldn't cross a bridge for some reason. Roche's saddlebags should in my opinion serve as storage, a game focused so much on loot and with so much lying around to collect needs storage as a priority. I know one can buy saddlebags to boost inventory, but that just boosts Geralts, which doesn't make sense at all. This is a very good game however, the gameworld is beautiful, brutal and i'm finding myself lost in just exploring and such. I'd rather play as Vesemir than Geralt though, sadly enough. I wonder if there might be dlc or expansions published covering the other Witchers of the Kaer Morhen Wolf school.
  8. Dissonance: Geralt should not be so weak, nor opponents so resistant to his blows. It's mechanics versus narrative again, Geralt should be at his strongest, but is basically reset again, feels very artifical and in need of rebalancing. At the beginning of Assassins one could have stated that Geralt was almost slain in Jacques vision of the coming ice age, and was recovering under Triss' care ever since, giving a little reasoning for his reset which i'm surprised that they didn't leap upon. In this game there is no excuse or even an attempt. How to realistically model this in gameplay, with rewarding progression but acknowledgement of the protagonists skill and experience, i'm just not sure. The swords should last longer, be repairable and maintable with whetstones and oils, but I don't really mind the exploration and monster slaying aspect so far. Each venture into the wild feels a little too dangerous however, for a fairly civilised land, but maybe this is intentional. The Hunt rampages, monsters creep out of the dark places, war engulfs the land and nobody is safe. All these complaints aside i'm still enjoying myself immensely, Gwent is absorbing quite a little time as well. So far 8 out of 10, a good game with room for improvement, but shackled by some mechanical imperfections and narrative dissonance that i'm not sure can be fixed.
  9. First impressions: The new dodge (duck, dive, dip or whatever) is extremely welcome, as is the circling of enemies, which is everything I thought was problematic in Assassins of Kings. The keyboard and mouse are obviously a secondary consideration once again, but to nowhere near the extent of the second game, mouse hardware toggle is extremely illogically placed under options rather than controls. The graphics are beautiful, I may be a short sighted old gammer but I wish every game was so downgraded, this is running like a dream on my Titan at a constant 60 fps, though i've turned off bloom, motion blur and the rest of the usual irritating features. Vesemir and the lads are back, huzzah, however no Berengar yet unfortunately. Not much handholding, a good thing. Music strangely seems to have a few New Vegas vibes to it ocassionally, as well as callbacks to the first games. Can't see myself using rolls in anything but combat with the larger post conjuction monsters. Narrative seems to be exactly what i'd expect, the usual good writing, verisimilitude and world building that the Wicthers specialise in. Not fond of the eating mid combat, it was better in the first game, where it had an animation of its own that took some time and was thus dangerous to perform. Equitation very well implemented, though i'm mostly trotting or cantering, and not stretching Roche into a full gallop. No game affecting bugs so far, seems very stable. In summary i'm back off to play it. Edit: Forgot, no key rebinding yet like in Assassins of Kings when it first came out, which is a real pain for us lefties. Unless it's under a silly name like "input settings" from the second game.
  10. Worth mentioning, think i'll give him a ring, thank you Mr Amentep.
  11. Might be a leftover impression from the first time 3d came around? But he seemed quite certain.
  12. I liked the original Bard's Tale somewhat, though I thought it was a little behind the times. The second game totally burned me out on the franchise however, to the point where after defeating Lagoth Zanta I simply gave up and no longer followed the series or whatever Mr Heineman produced as an offshoot, Dragon Wars was it? I think i'll give this one a miss, it just doesn't stir the enthusiasm that Poe or Torment did.
  13. My brother in law has only one eye, he lost the other while in service, and apparently 3d is just a blurry mess to him. I never knew that two eyes were required to see it.
  14. 1. Twelve coordinated articles attacking gamers from the industry leaders is not a "few," insulting gamers is not a subjective matter. 2. Doing business with a publishers marketing or PR department is no excuse for unethical behaviour, game journalist purpose is to serve and inform the public, not please their advertising partners, this argument is a childish strawman. If there are stipulations laid upon advertising simply refuse it and seek other sources of income, simple and ethical. 3. The fact that you have an issue with a moral and ethical consumer revolt should make you question your own moral guidelines (such as they are.) There have been numerous reported and proven cases of unethical and anti consumer behaviour throughout this thread, burying ones head in the sand does not make Ms Hernandez or Mr Graysons corruption go away, Mr Gerstman's sacking for telling the truth is still real, Ms Chobot appearing in a game her company reviewed and awarded top scores is still there, the recent totally factually incorrect attack against Ubisoft's female protagonist which some idiots supported despite the obvious poor journalism, etcetera, etcetera. Deny these all you will, but they are real. 4. The insults against me are not warranted and untrue, I am simply telling the objective truth and that is not hyperbole, I neither exaggerate or use rhetoric. Attacks against the millions who play games recreationally continue, including the absolutely indefensible insults against those whom were subject to a bomb threat, which some sick and twisted individuals laughed about and stated were funny. Pathetic people without morality, intelligence or any shame. 5. Your entire argument in this post is factually devoid and based on personal opinion, there is already a massive change in the industry model, with game journalists publications thanks to their own ineptitude, corruption and contempt for the consumer, driving customers to Twitch and Youtube for honest and objective reviews and news. 6. The aim of Gamergate is what it has always been, to make an industry that is ethical, fit for purpose and sustainable, rather than the self destructicve idiocy of the current hate movement and harassment campaign. To deny that is to deny facts, misrepresent and accuse the membership of having other aims, that is neither logical or truthful and remains an insult accusing Gamergaters of deception.
  15. I love this gent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDilcyyyKJM
  16. I prefer the term delightfully eccentric. Edit: No joking aside I thought the above explanation was very dry and dusty, and the product of a dull, staid old man, it's quite exciting to be thought of as bonkers.
  17. One of my favourite action movies as a young man was John Boorman's Point Blank, really the epitome of post Noir thrillers in my mind. Interestingly enough remade with Mel Gibson as Payback, a far more blunt adaptation in my opinion. Then again I far prefer Lee Marvin as an actor.
  18. While true that publications have always been biased, unfit for purpose and simple mouthpieces for publishers, this does not in any way mean that they should insult and demonise their audience, disdain any journalistic ethics or even think to preach at the consumers whom allow the industry to exist in the first place. Wanting a better industry, reviews and integrity is surely a good thing, and demanding a little respect and not to be insulted by those whom should be serving the public is also totally reasonable. It's also an easy to reach goal, disclosure, recusal and objective criticism are not burdensome or difficult to practice, and yet they still refuse to. However consumers are already moving on to far more effective mediums such as Youtube and Twitch, and such people as Totalbiscuit are pioneering good standards for that industry which gives a lot of hope. All in my opinion of course.
  19. Well bearing in mind that the Northern Kingdoms of the Witcher are more on par with Scandinavia, and that Nilfgaard seems to be more of a parallel with the Holy Roman Empire, and especially the Teutonic Crusades, i'd say personally that there's an element of truth to both mens assertions. Poland was at an equivalent time landlocked was it not? With the difficulty of travel outside sea lanes in the medieval period I suspect that the amount of Turkish merchants and such travellers of darker skin tones was probably far less than a single percent of the population. Probably they would also be gathered in population centres, as we find is true in most societies still now, simply travelling from the Shires of England to any large city shows a massive ethnic shift. There of course would be ambassadors, dignitaries and more commonly churchmen from far shores travelling hither and thither but once again I don't suspect that this would have any effect on the ethnic population. Even conquerers such as the Normans and Romans in Britain really made no impact upon racial profiles and the DNA that is typically found throughout the Isles, so I suspect that while not totally true, Mr Vavra is broadly correct in his assertion. There were people of colour in Poland, but they were rare and probably unusual to the idigenous Slavic(?) population. Once again however i'd state that this is a fantasy land far to the North, with an ice age threatening, at a state of war with its southern neighbour and fiercely independent and isolationist. The lack of any distant foreigners From Zerrikania, the southern reaches of Nilfgaard or such is hardly an unexpected thing surely. The world is much smaller and easily traversible now, and so we take foreign nationals for granted, I assume in the small area of Redania, Temeria and especially Skellige which the Wild Hunt covers, the natives would not. Also bear in mind that if searching for diversity Geralt is not technically even human, he's been mutated into a different species, not to mention all of the fantastical species and conjuction era creatures. Edit: I can understand Mr Vavra's ire however being lectured about his own countries history by a journalist whom lets face it won't have done any historical study into the period or place, whereas Mr Vavra probably has from what we have seen of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Edit #2: Pre downloaded on GOG.
  20. I preferred Hawkmoon personally, but the High History of the Runestaff was the first collection of Moorc*ck novels that I read, so that may be a nostalgic bias. The four books in that illustrated cardboard cover however were fantistically illustrated, very psychedelic and quite frankly weird, i've trawled all over the web and still can't find the collection in mint condition, one suspects that they're as rare as rocking horse droppings now. Then again they must be forty years old or so.
  21. I've also always liked Hardy, though definitely a secondary player in this movie, I think his part is well played, just not really well fleshed out. Though I admit that I thought Mel Gibson's Max was more mellow than mad, and provided more of a sane backdrop to the world and setting than indulging in the outrageousness.
  22. I'm sorry I would love to help, but despite trying to use American English on this site I frequently lapse back into English and therefore doubt my ability to proofread your dialogue. However I would say good luck, and would be most interested in using your mod the next time I download New Vegas, if appropriate. Do you have a tip jar, patreon or some other method of financial support?
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