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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Pity, i'd prefer to give my money to GOG when purchasing Hatred.
  2. I've got to say that some of the side quests are absolutely fantastic, they stand head and shoulders above the competition and really spring to life if one refrains from using the idiot vision too much.
  3. It's quite funny, during my last trip to York I noticed all of the street names ending in -Gate, such as Goodramgate, and upon further investigation found out it is simply the Old Norse for street. In the mentioned case: Guthrum's Street, one of the legendary sons of Ragnar Lodbrok. It quietly pleases me to walk through such history and see it enduring after a millenia. I also recieved some good news today that made me quite happy, my lads maths has improved immeasurably. I attribute this to introducing him to the Fire*Wolf Demonspawn choose your own adventure novels, they have a lovely complicated mathematical method of resolving combat as well as some fantastic riddles, and since beginning playing them I have noticed him solving problems with far more efficacy. This has worked far better than his lessons, during which he is actually encouraged to use a calculator, which I find simply ridiculous as he was not even being taught his times tables.
  4. That sounds about right to me, castles have been held against sieges with far fewer numbers, i'd also probably add twenty five to fifty or so constables of the town whom probably report to the local lord, handle the incoming mercantile vessels, maintain the peace, bully the peasantry etcetera, and can at a pinch serve as footmen. Personally i'd add quite a few more squires, from all ranks of life, whom are serving the gentry. If forested the land might also have wardens, longbowmen and such whom can provide archery services during wartime as well as scouting and skirmish. There will probably also be an economy built up around the castle, whorehouses, gambling dens, merchants catering in what the peasantry would regard as luxuries and such. A pity what happened during the End Times. Edit: If the lord of the town is of sufficient standing, a Baron or such, he may well have landed gentry and knights technically under his command in his fief. Whom may of course have their own retinues.
  5. Agreed, and it was basically the system they had in the first game, simple and elegant. Bring a smith a number of rare ores and he will forge the sword you desire, without all of the pointless junk cluttering up ones inventory.
  6. Nonek you do realize that just because a particular women hasn't experienced sexism in the gaming industry that doesn't mean that sexism doesn't exist in that industry, you know that right? I'm sorry Bruce but i'm going to take the word of a vastly experienced industry veteran over a false narrative published in a gossip blog like Polygon by barely literate, corrupt, pseudo intellectuals. However you are free to believe the opposite and that developers are sexist, racist and what not, and boycott their games as a method of protest. My own experience states that every developer i've met has been quite liberal, usually highly educated or clever, and interested in pleasing their audience rather than harassing women or trying to create a hate group. Thus i'll state once more that I don't believe that developers are the sexist monsters you would have them be, and that such an attitude is harmful to the industry as a whole, as well as any woman looking to enter it.
  7. It's a step up in the grimdark stakes, even from the previous two iterations.
  8. Letho, I really didn't expect the Viper to be cast aside, an unwise move in my opinion. Edit: Despite all of my criticisms I still think this is so far my game of the year, and possibbly the last few years as well. Strange how I can overlook so many flaws, I don't think i'm overhyped but simply really enjoying myself, and i'd revise my score to maybe a 9 out of 10. However the ending(s) may change that, and the latter portions of the game.
  9. To me what was interesting was his comments on Ms Amy Hennig, one of the stalwarts of the industry, and involved in some of the biggest successes of the past twenty years. A woman whom has blazed a trail and yet does not feel that she was at all discriminated against, even though she began working in an era when men were undoubtedly the largest demographic in the field. To hear that she sees the field as a meritocracy is far more believable than Mr McIntosh's sock puppet spouting his uninformed tripe about the evil developers are perpetuating. To paint developers, whom from what i've seen are mostly civilised, creative and frankly liberal individuals, as sexist and repressive has always seemed quite frankly ludicrous to me. If anything the underlying themes of almost all games has been one of undeniable morality, rather than perpetuating the desperately crafted tropes their detractors invent every week. Like Mr Dyack states this is the negative and harmful misrepresentation that may well deter new people from entering this profession. In my opinion of course.
  10. Nonek you have this whole thing wrong but I am not going to go into detail to refute it because the truth is you don't care about the plight of strippers...it would be demeaning to my relationship with the girls if I had to explain it to you Sorry about that It's not me whom you should be apologising to Bruce, however feel free to justify your prostitution to yourself in whatever way you wish, I never expected a straight answer as per usual.
  11. Nobody was aiming or expecting to close down anything, Gamergate was trying to improve game journalism and still is. No you're a hypocrite because you proudly confessed to forcing yourself on Prostitutes Bruce, there is no social justice in propagating a trade that is harmful to women, illegal and dehumanising. As i've stated before your having to peruse Strip Clubs to meet women, and buying of their time is your own affair and perfectly legal. In fact good luck to the young ladies whom are relieving you of your wages.
  12. And how exactly is one supposed to know what is useful later in the game? It really is one of the most glaring flaws, and one they had to address in the second game, so why did they not learn from past mistakes and provide storage from the outset? Personally as i've stated before I would have made Roach's saddlebags the storage, on hand and summonable at all times, this would have been a perfectly accessible compromise. As it is Roach's saddlebags adding to Geralt's inventory is both illogical and counterintuitive. Or Yen might simply have given one a magic box in Vizima, that one could use to access a storage chest in her rooms. Or any of a hundred other perfectly reasonable suggestions. Edit: The obvious joke about groping Yen's chest springs to mind, a very Witcher-ish jape, the game must have infected me.
  13. Yes such Wilde like wit would amuse you I was quite sure. Gamergate? Very well thank you for asking, various publications have had to sack staff whom were blatantly moronic and anti consumer champions, such as Leigh Alexander, Ben Kuchera, Bob Chipman, Jim Sterling etcetera. Many publications have been forced to implement ethics policies because of us. Gawker media a cesspit of immorality and poor journalism has suffered millions of dollar in lost ad revenue. Accountability to the public has become a driving force once more. Several pro conusmer publication prioritising ethics and disclosure have been created. The Escapist actually made an acknowledged full about turn, and prioritised good journalism and consumer championing. Female developers have been enabled thanks to Gamergates funding. Undeniable facts and victories worth celebrating as I stated. RPS and Polygon, I really couldn't care less about: One is the home of an idiot whom laughs at the victims of bomb threats and to all moderate and reasonable people such individuals are scum only to be spat upon. The other is the home of barely literate poor journalism that openly trades in factually disproven lies and a false narrative. Both are rapidly becoming irrelevant, and their childish attempts at humour and awful prose are not the only reasons for this, they are simply untrustworthy and biased. It's because you're a hypocrite Bruce.
  14. Still no storage in game? For the life of me I can't figure out why they are not implementing this, it directly flies in the face of strategic gameplay and enjoyment of the game. Some have suggested leaving inventory on the floor, stating that it will not disappear, I can however state that this is not true. I needed to reload a save from hours earlier after trying this tactic, incredibly frustrating.
  15. Yes I know you still pretend to support social justice Bruce. Gamergates victories are simply victories, they are as I stated worth celebrating as is any moral cause, and personally I wish that there were far more consumer revolts such as this with people fighting against corruption and lies. The world would be a far better place, especially if this spread to journalism as a whole and maybe even politics. Demonisation of the innocent, endemic corruption, the lies of a false narrative parroted by those in power, and their barely literate followers, and most importantly accountability to the common people, these are all things worth fighting for in my opinion. Worthy of celebration as well. You are free to disagree however Bruce, and post however many smileys seem to be amusing and witty to you.
  16. I disagree, various sites have been exposed and forced to implement ethical policies, but these are self regulated and as we see regularly the false narratives, the corruption and the anti consumer bias is still present. There is in the end no accountability, no punishments and no ethical standards to adhere to except what the publications make themselves and can easily weasel around and manipulate to their own advantage. As long as supposedly customer focused sites are mocking the victims of bomb threats, and abusive morons are laughing at their pathetic witticisms, then there is still a problem to combat. Of course the good work against corruption and unethical behaviour is worth celebrating, and those whom have championed the corrupt and immoral have been proven wrong repeatedly in their lies and demonisation. Some are even now trying to weasel their way out of their previous standing, and pretend to be moderate and neutral, when they have been the champions of the liars and immoral. Obviously these are hypocrites, and idiots whom underestimate peoples memories, the kind of people whom at one time stated that a multi billion dollar industry does not need ethical standards like any other form of journalism. Ian Mile Cheung the Neo Nazi has even been trying to appear rational lately, as if his past stance will be forgotten. Amusing how these people have so little bottom that they will desert their cause as soon as they sense a change in the weather, I expected nothing else really though.
  17. There's a good chance that the monsters made a resurgence after the Catriona plague arrived, Ciri caused that by bringing a Bubonic plague flea from our world into the Witcher world, which hopped on a rat aboard the Nilfgaardian ship Catriona. With sickness thinning the population and the dead left to rot, well the post Conjunction creatures might have taken advantage and thrived, because of the sudden scarcity of humans.
  18. Keira Metz has a respec potion, expensive however.
  19. You can acquire more bomb slots in the alchemy tree, which personally I find counter intuitive, it should be linked to armour as it was in the first game. Strangely I find that though the raunch has been toned down the challenging content has not, the Bloody Barons quest and dealing with his offspring was probably as raw and boundary pushing as any game ever has been. Nice to see Avallach making an appearance, as in the books i'm still perplexed about his motives.
  20. Beautiful weather for late spring, a nice breeze in the air, a long weekend off thanks to the bank holiday, my workouts have been pleasantly exhausting, the walks with Fido long and refreshing, the cider at the Thirsty Traveller cold and plentiful, my fellow drinkers companionable and humorous, Mrs Nonek has never looked so fine and is blossoming thanks to her usual springtime exercise regime, and the little ones are running around like mad in the garden and pool. The architecture of a good life I think. A few hours of adventure and derring do in the Witcher 3 just adds to this pleasant weekend, I think that I shall partake in a little more before dinner.
  21. First off, GG has been blind to years of journalistic abuses due to being nonexistent, unless time travel has been invented while I wasn't looking. You could argue that the people who later become gamergaters weren't, but that's a statement impossible to prove or disprove (although we can point at the circumstantial evidence of their prolonged silence, which doesn't seem to support your statement). Second, you're basically just reinforcing my point. The straw that broke the camel's back wasn't Gamespot firing an editor for the oh-so-horrible crime of handing out scores lower than 8 to AAA games (a perfect encapsulation of what's wrong with gaming journalism), it was people "preaching at you" (read: discussing feminist issues in articles you're in no way forced to read). It's a ****ing temper tantrum over the SJ equivalent of TotalBiscuit's weird, but essentially harmless obsession with graphical setting options. Sorry but scientifically and statistically you can't say that Gamergaters haven't flagged up issues from years before Gamergate began, this is pure rhetoric and a lying strawnman. Mr Gerstman's firing has been referenced by Gamergate dozens if not hundreds of times as a blatant example of journalitic corruption. Secondly you're just reinforcing my point that there are so many abuses and corruption endemic in game journalism for the longest time that only the immoral, stupid, corrupt and unethical with a vested interest in continuing this hate movement can support and defend it. Throwing a spoiled childish temper tantrum and screaming that millions are sexist harassers, when it is scientifically and statistically disproven, is the resort of spoiled little children whom don't like that their disdain of normal diverse people has been called out. When people support corruption, unethical behaviour, genocide, accusations of terrorism that are now revealed as lies, laughing at the victims of bomb threats and demonising millions for a passtime, those people are neither moderate or reasonable, they are mad little fanatics lost in their own little hateful world. And despite their wish that gamers were dead and their twelve gibberish articles repeating that sentiment, gamers are not dead, they're thriving unlike the vicious, toxic creatures whom launched that attack.
  22. It also depends on the attack and weapon carried, two handed weapons and strong leaping attacks cannot be parried or riposted, dodging is far more effective at this point. This kind of fits with Witcher lore, read the battle with Renfri's boys in the Last Wish and you'll get a feel for the ideal way that Geralt should attack: Circle the prey, strike when they show a weakness, simply do not be there for their attacks and always be on the move. Stalk like a wolf really, as the school hints at. Edit: Parry and riposte are extremely effective against shieldbearers and such as you state Gorgon.
  23. There were twelve articles attacking gamers, this is the simple truth, deny and try to weasel out of it all they wish. It takes a real leap of imagination to read any of them and imagine them as anything but a straight up attack, and a spur to demonise the gamers whom dare to ask for ethics, for journalists to not sleep with the developers they are supposed to report on, and for some basic respect and a little simple disclosure from the industry that is supposed to represent them. Then again social justice isn't really about any kind of social justice is it? It's proven that it is a hate movement dedicated to harassment of anybody not buying into their sick ideology, empowering self professed proud abusers of women like Bruce to preach at his betters, to advocate genocide, laugh at the victims of bomb threats, lie and misrepresent in the media and demonise millions of diverse people whom play games recreationally. Edit: And to say that GG has been blind to years of journalistic abuses is just simply lying, the whole point of Gamergate is that the twelve articles attacking gamers was a last straw. After decades of demonising gamers, corruption and failure to be fit for purpose, it is when they started so blatantly preaching at the audience they are supposed to serve that gamers snapped back. They were not going to be lectured by unethical, corrupt, harassing and spoiled children screaming at being caught out yet again. No one forgot the previous years of endemic corruption and they are still brought up regularly. After all whom but an immoral idiot could support the scum whom engaged in such blatant corruption? Or oppose a movement striving for morality and ethics?
  24. God help me but I honestly like the Bloody Baron, he reminds me of poor Henselt, CDPR are really quite gifted at making likeable swine. Brilliant piece of characterisation, head and shoulders above the competition.
  25. Monsters were dying out apparently, and Witcher's were following as they were no longer needed. There may be another conjunction on the way, the Aen Elle may be letting them into the world, or the populations may have recovered with all of the wars and lack of Witchers to keep their numbers down? What was the quote: Soon wraiths, wyverns and Fleders shall be no more, but sons of female dogs will always be around? The Dwarf in White Orchard has his forge repaired if you urgently need smithcraft.
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