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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Good point, however I personally think that under these circumstances there has to be some give and take, I looked forward to the novella but no one at Obsidian could predict Mr Avellone leaving. If the novella is never released i'll not hold it against Obsidian.
  2. Cyberpunk by Mr Avellone, yes that would do.
  3. It was the Arcanum wolves wasn't it?
  4. Oh damn! Edit: I wonder how that works with Mr Avellone being one of the co-owners? Anyway thank you to the gentleman for the years of great gameplay experiences, and stories that really touched me. I guess the hard part really is in the letting go.
  5. Apologies for the double post, however I thought this was quite interesting, apparently the Witcher 3 sold four million copies in its first two weeks: http://forums.cdprojektred.com/threads/47606-Open-Letter-from-Marcin-Iwi%C5%84ski-co-founder-of-CD-PROJEKT-RED
  6. No please provide factual evidence, or retract and apologise again. Edit: You insisted that you debate only based on facts, so do so.
  7. Your apology is accepted. You may choose to believe that I spew rhetoric and grandstand, though voicing ones opinions in a clear, concise fashion is neither, however that is subjective so i'll let it pass. However you accused me of pursuing a false agenda and now being woefully misinformed, please provide factual evidence to corroborate this.
  8. Waiting for answers from whom ? If its me do you mind repeating the questions? You accused me of lying and pursuing a false agenda, please provide factual evidence to corroborate this.
  9. Waiting for answers from the end of the last thread.
  10. Stayed with Yen despite removing the last wish, it just felt right. I know that she is hotheaded, arrogant and has little empathy but her desperation to find Ciri is understandable, this is the only daughter she'll ever have, and I couldn't abandon her after so many years. Very well made scene, nicely understated. Edit: Got to admit that i'm a sucker for strong women as well, a woman to walk the mountains with as the poet says.
  11. Truth to be told, any Infinity engine, or Infinity engine inspired game stands up better against Torment in combat. That is hardly the praise. On the other hand, Torment graphics are still ageless and look great even after all these years (exempt those 3d scenes). I would say that is down to art design rather than graphics myself, then again the source material was very distinct.
  12. Does, Hinds and whatnot sometimes develop antlers as well. Edit: Rare except amongst Reindeer but it does ocassionally happen, if that helps maintain your head canon at all.
  13. I can't speak for anybody else but I haven't stated that the game can't have minorities, as there already are many green, grey and so on, however it's perfectly valid for the darker skinned humans to find it hard to reach the Northern Kingdoms usually and especially during wartime. It's also perfectly valid if the designers choose not to include a demographic who are more than rare in that locale, to the point where Zerrikania is almost a myth to the common folk. If one finds this objectionable then one has a logical recourse, simply boycott the game. Personally I choose to support the designers artistic vision and right to make a game without having to adhere to foreigners politically correct checklists. Then again I don't find it repellent to play a different race, gender, species or in a different culture in a game, and I certainly don't expect designers to make every protagonist an Englishman to appeal to me. In fact i'd be bored if they did, as i'm an Englishman in real life and seek something different and exotic from my escapism. Such as a genetically engineered mutant whom is not technically of the human species anymore. Edit: Off to barbecue some steaks, good afternoon.
  14. Not really, you regularly call me stupid and have even claimed I have syphilis which has rotted my brain due to my relationships with prostitutes (despite the fact syphilis is curable if treated early.) But guys Alum does makes several valid points, these are really about people making generalizations around articles and people trying to understand nuances. I would encourage all of us to take this advice constructively. You have accused me of being a liar, grandstanding, pursuing a false agenda, spewing rhetoric and various other things Bruce. Yes but the difference is you have demonstrated all those things, not all the time but particularly on the GG thread No I haven't Bruce, I have debated honestly, made my opinion and position known and argued against false narratives. You are free to believe that I have grandstanded and spewed rhetoric but lied and pursued a false agenda, pursuant to your own self admitted reliance on facts i'll need to see some evidence for this.
  15. Not really, you regularly call me stupid and have even claimed I have syphilis which has rotted my brain due to my relationships with prostitutes (despite the fact syphilis is curable if treated early.) But guys Alum does makes several valid points, these are really about people making generalizations around articles and people trying to understand nuances. I would encourage all of us to take this advice constructively. You have accused me of being a liar, grandstanding, pursuing a false agenda, spewing rhetoric and various other things Bruce. I have simply responded in kind and honestly am bewildered as to how you cannot understand various simple points made, have to have answers repeated to you again and again, and have your hypocrisy explained to you. Thus obviously I wonder if there is some impediment to normal rational debate at work, I am not saying this for my own health but for yours. If you're going to troll, expect to get trolled in return. As for advice from Mr Trioxid, nobody needs any, we're all intelligent adults here and the Anglo Saxons are Slavs, and insert token minorities in a game articles, are both worth arguing against for several reasons. Mr Chmielarz article does also raise several good factual points, despite the ending falling off into hectoring.
  16. At the end of the day if the people whom regard the Witcher 3 as "problematic" really think it is, then there is a very simple solution: Boycott the game and act upon their moral indignation. Pity because they'll be missing one of the best games of the last few years, both original, internally consistent, detailed, and with a very interesting setting grounded in Slavic (not Anglo Saxon) mythology. However if they feel that the presence of so many Caucasian people is simply too repellent, and that there are not enough token representations of different ethnicities of the Witcher world, then they must take the high road and set an example, boycott CDPR and deny them a sale. Behave in a principled and consistent manner with their beliefs.
  17. The music on Skellige, beautiful. I stumbled upon a quest involving a Nithling post today, i'm extremely surprised to see this little known artifact of Norse lore used in any way, the developers really seem to be aiming at creating a unique and accurate representation. There were also sturdy Norwegian horses grazing in the fields as well, I wanted to trade in Roach for one of these. It's nice to see such care and detail taken in manufacturing a setting, this really is a labour of love I think, despite all of my complaints.
  18. I thought by Wingnut he was inferring that the distinguished lady had large ears.
  19. We need more games about Byzantium. Here we have 1000-year old empire that almost no mentions except in bystanding, even among historians. Yes i've always felt that it's been spectacularly overlooked myself, in fact i'd say that the most famous attempt at a Byzantium like metropolis is probably Gondor in Lord of the Rings. City between the east and the west, the still glorious brother of a long fallen sister city to the west, with famous horseman serving as its auxillary troops. The parallels really can't be denied. Imagine the artistry, the infamous politics, the architecture and the heritage of such a setting. Makes one think. Hah, Anglo Saxons are now Slavs, yeah that's priceless. Edit: Nice article by Mr Chmielarz.
  20. I'm eagerly awaiting Expeditions: Vikings simply because of the chances for diversity, hopefully we can travel to Byzantium to serve as Varangians in the Guard, and see what a melting pot of cultures and creeds walk the legendary streets. Diversity in such a crossroad of the world, at the centre of trading routes and easily accessible by sea (the highways of the ancient world) is warranted and internally consistent. I look forward to seeing the interactions and clashes that occur in such a locale.
  21. Rumour is that there's a Gwent dlc on the cards in the near future.
  22. The humble migrant interviewee is told by the Disney executive that she has good news and bad news for him, so of course he asks: "What is the good news kind Madam?" "You've succeeded and won a job at Disney." Filled with elation the young man smiles, and then frowns. "If I may ask Madam, what is the bad news?" "It's Disneyland Paris." "****!" Edit: Can you imagine a Disneyland opening in England though, the poor customer service, the painfully rendered smiles on wan English cheeks, the awkward attempts to be jolly, Micky sneaking off for a pint and a cigarette every half an hour, Sleeping Beauty nine months due and swearing like a docker. I think we'd be worse to be honest.
  23. What handicap is that? The only games of gwent I lost were when I had really crappy cards. As soon as I started finding/buying/winning some hero cards, as well as special cards, I was unstoppable. NPCs have already a good deck but I'm still trying to find how to build one, I buy a whole bunch of cards but merchants don't seem to carry more than 5 and from different decks. So at this point of the game I'm still playing with the damn temerians because I haven't been able to build a proper deck. I stuck with the Temerian set because they seemed to be more plentiful. I'm done the game, and still don't have complete sets of the other factions. Best way to build a strong deck is to play against those players who will play for special cards (it's given as a quest), starting with the Baron in Velen and he'll have a list of other players who also will play for special cards. That's how I got started with finding strong enough cards to compete with the better players. You don't seem to get that in order to beat the strong players you need a better deck which is the sole purpose of beating them in the first place. There is no upward scale just a bunch of random spikes. The worst part is that this could all has an easy fix, sell basic deck in the game aside from individual cards. You know, like in RL. Also, **** whomever came up with the leveling up system. I've seen bad talent trees, I've seen bad games that level you into competence but restricting your abilities to slots that unlock upon reaching a level and then only giving you 9 slots. It's like the guy that designed it just decided to say "**** your choice, you're either a warrior a mage or a mutant", for a game with just one hybrid class it shouldn't really be that restrictive. It was easily fixed in previous games by just modding the amount of talent points but the skill slots really put a damper on that. I did largely the same as Mr Anakin with Gwent and i'm sorry to say rarely faced a challenge, especially when using the Nilfgaardian deck, which quickly became my favourite. However on your second point i'm in total agreement, it's just an arbitrary restriction and really isn't consistent, I mean Geralt's been doing this Witcher thing for a century or so now (though that's argued over) and should know his arse from his elbow to put it crassly. Edit: Never mind being reset to level one twice over now!
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