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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if this is just the first of many, the smart people know whom holds the purse strings and have seen the lies and vitriol that the dying old dinosaurs are peddling.
  2. "How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four." "Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane." Listen and believe Gamers.
  3. Oh I do apologise wasn't thinking, i'll amend immediately.
  4. If i'm correct in gauging the "outrage" over Fallout 4, isn't the "problematic" content showing the male protagonist in a dress? How exactly is this "problematic," previously womenswear would automatically morph into menswear in the Fallout 3d engine when worn by a man, and vice versa. Isn't the fact that now Bethesda has allowed men to dress as women and the other way around a blow for transvestites, cross dressers and such? Seems counter intuitive and frankly petty and not well thought out as a complaint. Edit: Being pilloried for implementing greater representation, seems that developers can't win.
  5. Just wait until you get to the emotional cutscene that plays when Geralt romances Ciri. Ouch, even joking about that feels wrong, they really did pull off the father-daughter relationship quite well. Well the battle was lost and won, the hurly burly done!
  6. Just found Ciri...wow! To say that Geralt is a stoic, playing it Bogart from start to finish, this is probably the most emotional moment i've ever seen in a game. I'm no great fan of cinematics that do not aid and enhance gameplay, but when the cinematics are of such quality that they are better than most films, well then I can tolerate them.
  7. So if one murders someone purely because of personal (for example a conflict of personality or jealousy) hatred, that is not judged to be a hate crime, although motivated by hatred? How strange.
  8. Absolutely, I'd love to play more historical RPGs, and in all types of locations and time periods too. I'd love to see a historical RPG set in China during the Three Kingdoms period, or an Aztec RPG set a little before the Spanish conquistadors arrived, or an RPG set in Victorian Era England, like the new AssCreed, minus the AssCreed nonsense. After watching the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2010 I agree with that absolutely, the intrigue, culture and almost every detail of the setting would lend itself to an absolutely masterful game. Playing someone like the humble Cao Cao watching his rivals and enemies from under lowered eyes, waiting for the chance to pounce upon and manipulate them.
  9. How sad, one hopes that the massive media response and inevitable blanket coverage will not spur copycat or revenge attacks. Ones thoughts are of course with the victims and their families, but one has to ask: What drove this young man to commit such atrocities and throw away his life, along with taking the lives of the good people at the bible reading session?
  10. Just completed all of my Gwent decks as well, until the two expansions are released I imagine. Almost everything in Velen and Skellige is done, I even visited the old queen of Skellige, leashed to the rocks, dead of hunger, thirst, cold and torn apart by scavenegers and had a brief moment of remorse. Still I don't regret bringing her to justice, though that was an interesting quest that could have sprung (like so many on skellige) straight from Snorri Sturlusson's writings. Time to gather allies and find Ciri.
  11. I really hope this spurs a new genre of games, the historical RPG one might say, meticulously researched and in depth real world settings with fictional derring do for the protagonist to indulge in. I was especially captivated to hear of the AI that Warhorse are trying to implement, something like the old Ultima living world, but more adaptive. Nice to see such ambition and innovation championed.
  12. Mr Luzarius, I urge you to travel to Crookback Bog in Velen, there one may meet real flowers of womanhood. A trio of sisters, daughters of Baba Yaga that famous beauty no doubt.
  13. Interesting question, it really can't lead to a reconciliation or a better relationship, they must have known that revealing their daughters donning of blackface would alienate her with finality. Whom really knows what goes on in a family other than the members however, if they can face being honest with themselves. It's a shame that the matter couldn't be dealt with privately, but then again it's not a private world anymore.
  14. Oh it's just a routine procedure, threads that are too long tend to gum up the works so to speak, so a new one is started. Couldn't save Jorund on Skellige, decent chap, bit upset about that. Edit: Re-loaded to try and save the chap again, yes I know that i'm a savescumming degenerate, and found out that it's a forced failure. The supernatural dextrous Witcher, fist fighting champion and living legend is forced to lose for dramatic effect, and i'd thought they'd have learned from Letho. They could have simply have had someone stab Jorund from behind, rather than discarding the players input entirely, clumsy railroaded way to deal with this.
  15. Interesting perspective on the parents of Rachel Doleval: https://homeschoolersanonymous.wordpress.com/2015/06/16/the-media-is-doing-exactly-what-rachel-dolezals-abusive-homeschooling-parents-want/ Seems like the writer of that article is swapping unproven accusations and assertions of motivation about Dolezal to unproven accusations and assertions of motivation about her parents. The whole thing may be a sad commentary on a particular families breakdown, but I'm with Gromnir in that I can't see what material advantage or harm was caused by Dolezal's masquerade given that her position in the NCAAP wasn't contingent on her being a particular race. But I admit I'm not following the story terribly closely so maybe I missed something "important". Reminds me of the Philip Larkin poem, obviously not suitable for this forum, which should serve as a warning and reminder to all parents. However the "evidence" against Ms Dolezal's parents barely seems much more than mudslinging. I'm left with only one conclusion, that being that the young lady might possibly need help. Obviously we all know young white men and women whom identify and mimic American African ghetto culture, even in the leafy suburbia of England thousands of miles away, but the lengths that the young lady went to seems...excessive. Edit: Then again thinking further on the situation, many women dye and style their hair, use ridiculous amounts of tanning and products to darken their skin and dress or make themselves up in a certain manner. Is Ms Dolezal's artifice any more egregious than other ladies? It's an extremely weird situation.
  16. Even new players aren't giving me cards anymore, I think that i've only a few uniques left.
  17. Yeah they are clearly inferior to fairly much any sword, but the glacial pace at which i'm progressing means i'm overlevelled even for death march, so i'm gimping myself intentionally. Edit: Finally got Avallach, think i've only one or two cards left to gather.
  18. You can find some quite good ones with nice bonuses, they aren't as efficient as the swords but they add a little extra challenge.
  19. Strange considering the Wolves rare use of signs in the books and games. Think i'll stick with Ursine and axes. Edit: Yes the quick potion pots and loops on the armour were a nice touch.
  20. I'd forgotten all about this, thank you for the reminder.
  21. Extremist seems to fit the bill more aptly from what i've heard and read.
  22. I envy you your lack of light pollution, at this time of year it's quite difficult to get a good view in England.
  23. The Witcher III: Gwent (featuring the Wild Hunt.)
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64KlhfIN5qY
  25. Correction: Editor, chief and god of the Codex.
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