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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Luxor the Moonprince stands at the Tower of the Moon, looking Southeast to the Downs of Shadows. Finally gotten around to playing the Lords of Midnight, I was oddly touched by the memorial in Poe to Mike Singleton, a Titan of the industry who was all too quickly forgotten and taken far too soon. This was a very classy gesture, and as a piece of entertainment that broke frontiers and was enormously ambitious, very warranted. I'm overdosing on nostalgia and I cannot deny it.
  2. I've heard it before, I never found the source. Where do you take it from? It's almost impossible to clarify absolutely, but the differing heritages of the English language and the words it accomodates has granted it an enormous range, from Gaelic, Greek, Latin, French, Norse, Saxon, Dutch, German, Indian and such, there are very few languages with as wide a range. However in reality this is contestable, for instance Finnish with its tendency to mush words together means that there are near an infinite variety of new words one can make on the fly, i've forgotten the name for this. Generally English is just accepted as the largest of languages, there has been no definite study done at this point that i'm aware of. It's growing at a staggering rate as well, with text speak and various new terms being added every year.
  3. I'm wondering whether EotB 1 will have the ending implemented. @Gfted1: I really don't think these would be up your alley old man.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMRo5XCKddQ That's the one Keyrock and Majestic. Also if I may be so bold, the All Seeing Eye mod for EotB is a very nice automapping tool which some may think the game needs, I wouldn't take advantage of too many of its features however, just in case one spoils oneself.
  5. Apologies for the double post. Forgotten Realms fans may wish to visit GOG in the near future however, I predict a golden reward if one searches thoroughly.
  6. Personally I try to remember Shakespeare's saying, brevity is the soul of wit, and cut down on rambling. If necessary trim all your prose and make a bullet point list of details. However from the responses you recieved it seems likely that the person you were in discussion with was not worth the interaction, they obviously cannot debate the topic so inevitably try and make a personal dig. One has experience of these little lapdogs yapping at ones heels, ignore them they're not worth it. I've often thought that a master of discussion could make resounding points with just a few words, take Iago: "Methinks the lady doth complain too much." Such a simple sharp sentence, conveying so much meaning. Then again this somewhat lies in the nature of English as the largest of languages (not most spoken,) we have so many words from so many father languages to use that we often babble. Terseness can also be seen as rude by some, while others see it as a lack of education. Edit: Also don't be ashamed of passion, sometimes it is warranted. I'd much rather have a discussion with an honest and enthused individual, than someone whom simply parrots an accepted opinion or whatever they have heard on the local or international news.
  7. When one comes to the conlusion of the Legacy of Kain, their strong right hand once more by their side and all the illusions shattered, it is fitting that it all ends with this simple cynical monologue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG6fVY4DHK0
  8. Was anyone surprised? To continue the knitting puns, I ask how the corrupt were bought: I assume it was in purls. Yes I know it isn't spelled correctly, oh please yourselves, titter ye not.
  9. I think it would be perfectly reasonable to trust a Fargo with money, a Scot like Mr Urquhart as well who executed what was probably one of the most satisfactory and well managed Kickstarters seen thus far, but Mr Schafer? Personally I wouldn't trust him with a ha'penny, after all basic addition eludes the gentleman.
  10. Awfully good play on words. What I think is so fundamentally depressing for so many of us is the same groupthink we've seen so many times before, the same demonisation, the same moral panic and usually enacted by the same morally and ethically devoid individuals. This seems rather appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW-iPQzCfCU Edit: Made five years ago or so, just for clarification.
  11. Not to mention my avatar is facing the viewers right and yours the left - totally different! Yeah finding that perfect picture that also scales just right at Avatar size isn't easy. I've ditched a lot of proposed avatars because they didn't look right at smaller sizes (so they were there for like seconds). Its about time for me to change my avatar...hope that doesn't break when I try to upload one if I find a new one I like... Ah my apologies, it speaks to my own laziness that I identify either of you gentlemen at a glance rather than paying due attention.
  12. An interesting Diablo clone from Eidos released today: Revenant. The plot and setting are the standard poorly made cliches, the world however is bright, colourful and extremely vibrant and if one sticks with the combat it is revealed to be a thing of beauty, with a host of finishers for each type of monster, grappling and throws and a number of very powerful spells to take advantage of. The protagonist Locke is a unique individual who is fully voice acted, at first far too dramatically, but this soon settles down into a far more even cadence. Well as even as it can be considering his nature. A quick demonstration from the animators website of his work on the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqxfp-msQhc Edit: Oh and it must be added that the cinematics are absoultely stunning. Alltogether it is a flawed gem, with far too much grinding and clearly rushed development, what if is the question that looms large here.
  13. I really do miss those cartoons, it's a crying shame that they're no longer played on television. Edit: Are you and Mr Bartimaeus trying to confuse us, re the avatars.
  14. Bomb threat at the SPJ discussion, i'd like to say i'm surprised but sadly i'm not, have RPS laughed about this yet?
  15. Yes I thought it was maybe a touch too verbose, after all brevity is the soul of wit, but saying that the atmosphere and descriptions were all quite well written. I especially liked the fact that one could easily die in the freefall opening through making an obviously poor choice, nice touch of reactivity there. I liked the organic character creation but felt that it maybe could have gone further, and be more natural than the self reflection within the orbs.
  16. Bionic commando, Robocop, Saboteur...none of these sound likely but erm Operation Wolf?
  17. History abhors a paradox. Wrapping up Soul Reaver 2, a coalescing maelstrom of revelatory narrative brilliance, every thread, every hint and all the foretelling and manipulation over the three games are rewarded in this utterly brilliant climax. It is one of the most powerful and gripping experiences i've ever had the pleasure to play, and I remain impressed by just how coherent, nuanced and complex the plot is. Ms Hennig and her team really knocked it out of the park here, with nods back to all of the previous lore and such a change in focus from what we were expecting from the simple revenge tale told by the first Soul Reaver. The fact that this game can forge such a coherent narrative over millenia of lore, time travelling antagonists and protagonists and the fantastic circumstances of its nature is however to me a telling condemnation on the rest of the industry. Other companies can barely handle coherency, let alone consistency, feel free to rework past lore or abandon it entirely, and frequently leave such holes in the narrative as to render it a laughable mess. I'm left wondering why this is? Is it the nature of the design process, the management of the project or a lack of quality due to no real demand, after all whatever a large company does it will have manic defence of its decision by a fanatical minority, rather than the criticism it should be desiring and needing. When rampaging through the halls of the Sarafan Stronghold I heard Vorador roar at the cowering sheep of the Circle that they should: "Call your dogs! They can feast on your corpses!" Well I felt a shiver of expectation run through me. Here I was in the very scene upon which the Legacy of Kain began, and Raziel was a part of it, within earshot of the ancient Vampire and his rampage. Such a great respectful nod to its predecessor, and immensely satisfying. I really wish more developers would work to make their games so coherent, self referential and consistent.
  18. I'm somewhat on the fence, though I enjoyed D:OS there were a lot of promised features that were not implemented in the end. I was fully expecting these to be added in a patch or the enhanced edition, but they weren't. I may simply pledge at the lowest amount and treat it as a pre-order.
  19. Clinton vs Trump, independence not looking so sweet now is it? Of course I jest, i've really no knowledge of the USA's political machinations, and would not be so arrogant to judge the candidates or the system. Hope you folk live in uninteresting times under your next administration.
  20. The gentleman ingested a Dark Bird of Ocanthus from a rune covered ale stein and awoke to a new perception and grasp on his situation, he then set forth to change his life, while the crone whom had given him the beverage cackled behind his back and whispered. "How strange, that was your first wish!"
  21. Kroenen did add a certain horrific coolness to the experience I must admit.
  22. Rewatched the first Hellboy, i've got to say that I still enjoy it wholeheartedly, and yet its sequel left me totally cold for some unknown reason. Strange.
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