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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Always liked Carl Critchlow, even when he changed his style, Thrud always made me chuckle.
  2. The latter scene of this video would be judged as "problematic" and "dehumanising" as well as racist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1zjeYhJs7o While good Christian men and women of the time would probably laud his nobility and piety.
  3. Now that's what I call a return to form, i'd been waiting for the return of some good old games, hopefully Dark Omen and the Dawn of War series will follow.
  4. Please don't remind me, I still have flashbacks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbI-fDzUJXI
  5. ...Then why bring up the subject if it's not directly relevant to the discussion at hand? Exactly.
  6. Oh I may well be misusing the word Mr Bartimaeus, i'm as fallible as the next individual when it comes to my grammar. I'm becoming inexact and lazier as I age i've found. In my youth I was somewhat of a: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjLrFLYGdPM
  7. Oh I don't alway use whom, just when the specified object is unknown. However my grammar was taught forty or so years ago so it may now be out of date, who knows. Edit: Or misremembered.
  8. Whom is being enormously ignored in modern English, I feel bad for the old chap and hope to propogate its use and revival.
  9. Whom was stating that anyone in this discussion was? Perhaps read the full post if you wish and you'll maybe know whom it was aimed at.
  10. Playing Soul Reaver on keyboard because I haven't got a gamepad, i'm sure i'll have Thatcher fist by the end of the game, still enjoying it all in all.
  11. Why listen to the immoral preaching about morality in games? Why listen to those whom want less content, reactivity and interactivity in games preaching about how games should be more like their regressive walking simulators? Game journalism is a joke that is irrelevant and going extinct, they demonstrate this more and more, their rabid attempt to hold on to the status quo, and defend their power base is hopeless.
  12. And now I can't get the Beverly Hillbillie's theme tune out of my mind, thank you so much. Does crude oil really bubble up out of the ground?
  13. A decade or so ago Mrs Nonek took over my training while recovering from a back injury on the Rugby pitch, her yoga and low impact cardio more than did the trick, I began hardly able to move and ended more flexible than ever. Bearing in mind i'm hyper flexible so i'd agree that yoga is more than effective, i've got to admit I still work out with her at least once a week. If any of you are pondering a summer holiday may I recommend Dubrovnik, spent a fortnight in a small villa by the coast there as a prelude to the childrens summer holidays, and it was a most charming locale. The architecture is beautiful and golden especially in the old town, the locals are friendly and polite from what I saw, the Adriatic is a nice change from the cold dark seas of home, and the prices are quite competitive (though that may be just the current strength of the pound) in the restaurants and shops. Not too many loud, drunk English either, a definite plus.
  14. Pity i'm off to Heathrow in a few hours, this thread is bound to be good, ah well enjoy the arguing over the next few weeks. Please remember to mention the sex cards.
  15. I do want an apology from you for stating untruthfully that I was a liar, and that I am pursuing a false agenda, that has not changed, it is not disingenuous, it is the simple truth. I have been trying for six pages now to get one. For a third time however I politely ask that since you will not apologise for your untrue insults, and since you are not interested in factual discourse that you cease engaging with me, thank you. Edit: You've derailed this thread enough after all.
  16. Stiff Mr Iso, perhaps? However I was not the one who initiated this conversation, nor sought this argument, and I have answered all questions posed to me and provided factual, logical discussion in a concise manner rather than tried to evade questions or be dishonest.
  17. Which is it you do in real life? Lose arguments, avoid providing any answers, have all your points disproven or demonstrate your lack of understanding? How have you not been sacked? I had no intentions other than gaining an apology for your false accusations against me, and disproving that you were interested in factual discourse, I made that clear from the beginning and was proven correct by your repeated evasion and dishonesty. I argued in good faith and truthfully at all times. Now please for the second time i'll ask politely, cease from trying to engage in discourse with me, you've never won one argument and you never will, accept it. Thank you.
  18. I am not taking credit for anything. I made a statement of fact, whether the initial accussation against Gamergate that your side made was absurd or not, the fact remains that the diversity of race and gender amongst Gamergate was proven by the #notyourshield campaign. The harassment accusation was disproven by analysis of Twitter. These are simply two facts, whatever you think of them is irrelevant, they disproved false accusations and were victories for Gamergate against those whom were mislabelling it. They are facts, part of the five I have provided, you have provided none, thus you are proven to not be interested in pursuing factual discourse. That is the end of the matter. Now apologise for calling me a liar and prove that I am pursuing a false agenda or apologise again, you have spent five pages skirting this issue and proving that you are both dishonest and unable to answer any question posed to you. Give me a straight answer for once, stop avoiding the issue like a coward. Oh I never said you were pursing a false agenda..I said sometimes you use grandstanding and hyperbole I am going to wait for someone else who is trustworthy to comment on who is correct, you and I are too emotionally involved You did accuse me of pursuing a false agenda at the end of the last thread but one, and I am perfectly calm and not emotionally invested at all, if you wish to be a coward and run away from an argument that you are losing that is fine. I expected nothing else from you. Since you are now proven to be incapable of engaging in factual discourse, have still not apologised for calling me a liar nor provided any evidence that I pursue a false agenda or offered an apology for that, I am going to ignore you again. One cannot get any kind of answer out of you nor expect any kind of honesty so discussion is pointless. Please don't try and engage in dialogue with me again, thank you.
  19. I am not taking credit for anything. I made a statement of fact, whether the initial accussation against Gamergate that your side made was absurd or not, the fact remains that the diversity of race and gender amongst Gamergate was proven by the #notyourshield campaign. The harassment accusation was disproven by analysis of Twitter. These are simply two facts, whatever you think of them is irrelevant, they disproved false accusations and were victories for Gamergate against those whom were mislabelling it. They are facts, part of the five I have provided, you have provided none, thus you are proven to not be interested in pursuing factual discourse. That is the end of the matter. Now apologise for calling me a liar and prove that I am pursuing a false agenda or apologise again, you have spent five pages skirting this issue and proving that you are both dishonest and unable to answer any question posed to you. Give me a straight answer for once, stop avoiding the issue like a coward.
  20. Nonek ...no offense but I am not sure if you understand my question. If you don't mind I just want confirmation from someone else that points 4 & 5 are indeed examples of a GG victory...I just don't see it? I repeat Gamergaters were labelled en masse as misogynist and racist, this was disproven by the #Notyourshield campaign, thus Gamergate scored a victory against those whom were misrepresenting it. This is simple and undeniable. Gamergate was labelled a harassment campaign, this was disproven by independent Twitter analytics, thus once more Gamergate scored a victory against those whom were misrepresenting it. This is simple and undeniable. I have provided five factual statements, you have provided none, thus I dismiss your claim that you are interested in factual discussion. Oh I take back that I said you are a liar, that was wrong Not good enough, apologise and please provide evidence that I am pursuing a false agenda or apologise for that as well.
  21. This is about facts! Points four and five are true, Gamergaters were called misogynists and racist, and their movement described as an harassment campaign, even though Twitter analysis by an independent body and the #Notyourshield campaign disproved this, thus they are facts. They are also most certainly victories, disproving your demonisation of the movement. I am taking this debate seriously, I have provided five factual statments you have provided none, you are not taking this discussion seriously nor providing any facts. Now please provide evidence as to why I am a liar and pursuing a false agenda or apologise and deny that you are interested in a factual discussion.
  22. Numerous publications have changed or implemented new ethics policies - Okay well if you consider this a victory, I never had an issue with this , individuals such as Ms Alexander, Mr Kuchera, Mr Chipman etcetera have been shown the door for their blatant contempt for the custome https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leigh_Alexander_(journalist) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Kuchera They seem fine to me? the twelve gamers are dead articles are now being frantically back pedalled from and their message desperately denied by the indoctrinated Yeah this was silly but I said you guys misunderstood this , the ridiculous accusation that the men and women of Gamergate are all misogynists and racists is becoming laughable, No this isn't true I agree and all this when the media have been spinning a proven false dialogue that Gamergate is a harassment campaign. Once again this is not an absolute and also false. I agree So to be honest I only see point 1 as valid ? The last two are just silly generalizations that were unnecessary and you shouldn't have worried about 1. So this is one fact I have made, it doesn't matter what you thought of it. 2. They were both removed from their previous positions, another fact, whether they are doing fine is neither here nor there. 3. The articles were published and are now being backpedalled from, another fact, and your opinion is once more worthless. 4. So you agree, another fact. 5. You agree again, another fact. All five of my claims were true, all five of yours were false. You have lied five times now, produced no facts and conceded that I have spoken truly five times. Now please provide evidence that I am a liar and pursuing a false agenda as you stated, or apologise and deny that you are interested in providing any factual discussion.
  23. I shall repeat please provide factual evidence for the above, if you do not then I shall continue to ignore you, and would ask that you stop talking at me. I have answered every one of your questions, however ridiculous, you have answered none of mine. Now either do so or show your true colours.
  24. I read this post and yet I still can't determine one example of " GG victory " . Once again Nonek drop the grandstanding and post some facts ? Anita and her kind are still active, certain websites still push SJ issues, companies like Bioware have embraced progressive change, E3 had all these token female developers and companies like Obsidian are concerned with the views of the LGBT community These are all " victories " to me...you see I post facts. Please do the same if you want to convince people of the GG victory I posted facts, you do not as I shall demonstrate: 1. Mr McIntosh's sock puppet is a laughing stock whose cause that games cause violence and sexism has been disproven. 2. Certain websites still pushing SJF issues does not invalidate the victories of Gamergate when those websites have had to implement ethics policies. 3. Bioware are doing what Origin did twenty plus years ago they have embraced regressive change. 4. E3 had less female representation this year than the last. 5. Obsidian are interested in making a profit, which has nothing to do with the struggle for ethics that Gamergate works for, their audience is their own business. Now please disprove the facts that I posted above, respond to my earlier question and prove that I am a liar and pursuing a false agenda as you stated, and for Gods sake read a dictionary and look up grandstanding, you are the one doing that not I. If you cannot do this and provide factual evidence then please stop responding to my posts, as I do not wish to hear the same condescending rhetoric repeated again and again.
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