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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. I've never investigated the setting itself, other than the Vecna adventure that was set within it, think i'll pop on to e-bay and see whether there is a quality version available.
  2. Oddly enough I recently ran through the original Castle Ravenloft adventure with my pen and paper group, still one of the best scenarios that TSR ever published.
  3. So long as they treat every studio and product with equal attention and give them the same chance, then I don't really see any problem personally.
  4. I really don't see the problem here, Luzarius has kindly offered to pay for all of the voice acting, let him do so. I'd upgrade his forum badge at the least though, maybe craft him a special one based on his role in funding the conversion of the game to being fully voice acted. Anyway three cheers for the gent.
  5. Finished the Heart of Stone expansion for the Witcher 3, excellent and successfully brings its subject matter to the computer in a very faithful fashion, there are still flaws in the game but the modding scene is helping iron those out. Also finished the Age of Decadence on a combat run, the difference from my first playthrough was striking, and combat was dangerous unusually enough. Some of the better original gaming i've indulged in over the last ten years or so.
  6. Well if innocent of manslaughter and any other charges, driving without due care and attention, reckless endangerment etc, then that is an end to the matter I suppose. I certainly hope that there is some better answer for the deceaseds family however, and that we are not seeing once again that there is one law for them and one law for us.
  7. Interesting, do you know how much compensation Mr/Ms Jenner has paid out to the deceaseds family, if any? Also what are the state of the court proceedings for the incident at the moment, this Jenner individual has a right to self identify as anything they wish (that's nobodies business but themselves) but justice must be served, the dead represented and the guilty brought to book. That is one of the core principles of society, and we already see how often celebrities are given far more leniency than the common folk.
  8. Meanwhile back at the ranch: Germaine Greer is now a misogynist apparently.
  9. You know those American fraternities we see depicted in the movies, the ones using the Greek alphabet and whatnot, one always thinks of the scenes where they're beating new members buttocks, and the beaten are thanking them and asking for another blow. I've always thought that is almost a perfect recreation of the relationship between Games Workshop and her customers.
  10. Non existence...luxury! I was suspended in a state of spiritual flux 'tween Heaven and Hell and tormented by gibbering horrors from the dark between the stars while being force fed marmite on those tasteless lumps of cardboard Americans call bagels. And I were glad of it, and thanked the tentacled horrors whose form my fractured mind could not concieve of with genuine relish on a job well done, stripping my pathetic man flesh from my bones and twisting the immortal soul within!
  11. I think I understand that, navigational computers would be most useful at plotting more efficient courses, so a vessel that was capable of formulating the shortest route in hyperspace(?) would be the fastest at travelling from point a to b. It's not a measure of acceleration and thrust at all, as we think of speed, but how short a distance between two points you can calculate safely. Avoiding gravity wells and known obstructions, though this would require very frequently updated star charts to work in practise I suppose. Just my theory however.
  12. That is so right on. Good movies are good movies but Star Wars was something no one had ever seen the like before. I can appreciate this but for me Forbidden Planet had it beat years before in terms of wonder and content, what Star Wars introiduced for me was Speed, and films have been getting faster ever since then. It roared out of the gates at a hundred miles an hour and never let up, perfect for attracting a child or young adults fevered imagination. Films of the period seem so plodding and slow in comparison, but that tempo allowed a lot more examination and nuance, take Taxi Driver and its slow build up to that fevered crescendo, or any other film really. I think Star Wars was the herald of a new era of cinema, both good and bad. Edit: I have to say, 13 channels of TV? The gentleman was utterly spoiled, the Wireless was an extravagance in my childhood home, there was only a phone booth at the end of the road, and a penny mix of sweets was a relished treat.
  13. The Last Kingdom, an adaptation of the Bernard Cornwell novel about a Saxon protagonist caught in a culture clash between the invading Danes and Saxons, Paganism and Christianity. Set in the ninth century as the last Atheling was rising to power. A cracking debut, though a little truncated. One to catch on BBC America, the i-player or what have you.
  14. I now have the Professor's eyeglasses, yes my Geralt is wearing shades, forcing me to at random moments screach out strains of the Who's vocals for some unknown reason. Edit: Playing both this and Age of Decadence really does provide a nice counterpoint.
  15. Neal Halford is in my eyes somewhat of a genius. I read the Riftwar saga before I'd ever heard of BaK. My uncontrolled geekout over the first time I saw Pug in the game was perhaps excessive. Needless to say, I didn't earn any cool points that day. And yes, Dungeon Siege was awesome. Did Neal Halford write for Dungeon Siege? I honestly did not know that, much obliged, I was just commenting on his writing in BaK, at points superior to Feist's prose in my opinion.
  16. Issues denied a platform? Anything not reported on, not attractive to the ideology of the reporters or their establishments, not judged as important, or that is dangerous in revealing the medias hypocrisy and lack of ethics. Anything that is not judged to be a hit worthy story really, all of these can be brought to light through other means. I'm personally thinking of the equal pay and benefits denied to our loyal Gurkhas, not a newsworthy story for decades, until a tireless celebrity helped bring it to the spotlight partly through social media and the mass media had to finally report on it. "Morally correct." A phrase used by an unethical and corrupt profession to pour scorn on a harmless passtime. Shame those whom show any thought but those we judge to be correct, Room 101 beckons for such thought crime. One wonders however how these reporters walk down any inner city street at night with young ladies half falling out of their clothes at every corner, and how morally incorrect they think these people are.
  17. It's rather depressing, to me at least, that this image is incomplete. At the same time "video nasties" were being villified and blamed for societies and individuals ills, along with rock music, rap music etc. It spirals back far into history, with the same message repeated over and over, that of control, villification and demonisation. Novelists and satirists were shamed by society, letter writing and the royal mail that allowed women sheltered by society to experience a far wider world was denounced, film was dismissed as vulgar and crass, the translation of the bible led to William Tyndales death on charges of heresy. One can almost see a pattern here, to deny any pleasures, any knowledge or any advancement of the common man or woman. To deny them any releases or passtimes not judged worthy, and make them ashamed of themselves for indulging in anything not sponsored by those whom "know better." I do not believe this is in any way intentional, but it may well speak to how the upper classes and those in power (like the current crop of trust fund baby SJFs) look down on their fellow men. With ill disguised contempt, fear and loathing. The mob must be kept in its place, and satiated with the simple pleasures of bread and circus rather than pursue anything restricted or dangerous.
  18. Brought to my attention by Fallout 2 of all games! Redding I believe, absolutely fascinating. Though of course games can teach one nothing but violence and sexism, ha.
  19. It is always the middle man whom takes the cream, is it not? Reading of the North American Old West recently and this seems to be very much the case, while panhandlers and miners slaved to bring in a few ounces of (undervalued) gold for provisions and survival, the merchants whom sold to them were reaping rich rewards from the inflated prices they could sell goods and gold at. A fascinating period.
  20. Indeed in my opinion this is one of the side effects of a press that has given up any notion of objectivity and free speech, indeed almost all of the media in those countries were state owned and controlled, making other means of organisation vital. Of course word of mouth is important, but that is a limited and flawed method of communication. One cannot underestimate how important social media was in those countries struggles for freedom. It is worrying to see how Gamergate has been villified and demonised unfairly by the lying media in the west, and a certain sign that they have abandoned objectivity, and are only a step or two from state owned institutions (not least the BBC) that we see the world over. From there it seems but a small step to a Ministry of Truth, and a boot stamping down on a face forever. Then again one does not miss what one has until it is gone.
  21. There are no plans for growth if the venture is successful? A pity. Edit: Good Lord i'm in a Mercurial mood today, I do apologise for the rather heavy handed sarcasm, didn't have my run this morning and I think i'm far too full of beans.
  22. Well I think we can all agree that what is most important is that we are safe to dance, safety dance...everybody look at your hands...we can dance, we can dance...everything's out of control...
  23. I think Mr Fargo has a little more experience than Mr Schilling, however i've no doubt that there are both tax breaks and some degree of taking advantage of lower wages (compared to LA) factored into this venture. Still more high tech skills is no bad thing for any area, especially when those skills are in one of the few growth areas.
  24. If they go by the recently released independent report on supposed harassment by Gamergate, then the miniscule amount of pruned content will probably not amount to a hill of beans. However pinpointing offensive content, well I think we all know that is a fools errand, if one is of a mind one could remove almost everything anyone ever said or discussed. Obsidian are giving away a pig companion pet as a thank you to their backers: Islamophobia. Star Wars hype reaches fever pitch: I don't condone the mass genocide of all the endangered Maori clones that the rebel alliance thoughtlessly slaughter. Good morning everybody: It is not a good morning for me, none is, and how dare you force your diurnal normative privilege on me, I identify as a vampire nightkin. Goodnight everybody: How dare you! Everybody knows that I am both afraid of the dark and an insomniac, I find your post offensive and triggering. Had a very fine meal today: PEOPLE ARE STARVING YOU EXPLETIVE! Popped in the local for a quick pint: Alcoholism is no laughing matter, i'm triggered. I'm quite good at this. I think a determined team of trolls could really wreak havoc on Twitter by highlighting and manipulating this new form of censorship. However I hope that legitimate means of internet freedom of speech remains open for individuals whom are oppressed by their governments, or involved in freedom fighting/bringing to light state secrets such as Mr Snowden.
  25. I hear InExile are expanding with the aid of the good people of New Orleans, opening a developing college or somesuch, help in the regeneration of the area. Can't vouch for the veracity of the rumour but if true it speaks well of Mr Fargo's commitment to gaming.
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