If you are under 21, you are instantly forgiven.. otherwise... what the heck are you talking about?
The Hobbit/LoTR predate DnD by about 40 years
Your statement is reversed, DnD pulled from the LoTR setting
In Arcanum it was just as bad.
If you could open a merchants bedroom door and then their chest... you could steal from them.. then sell it back... then steal it again
At least KoTOR did it partially right.
While you could loot "almost" anyone... the fact it REALLY pissed off the sandpeople shows they at least thought of the idea I guess most people aren't going to say no when you're packing a lightsabre :D
Why are you so desperate to proove that it was Force that saved Vader?
I don't know where you get the desperate to prove anything part, I'm just having a discussion. Which is what I thought discussion boards were for... /shrug
I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
But since you really can't prove your point I guess the KoTOR is a better RPG side wins by default since Dues Ex is a First person shooter
Yes, as you've asserted several times with no actually valid examples or arguments being put forth.
Not very convincing.
LOL, if playing both games doesn't convince you, then nothing will.
For most people playing both games is all that is needed to see that DE is more of an RPG than KotOR.
"Because I say so" really isn't a winning argument
I've played Dues Ex.. and no, it's not more of an RPG than KoTOR.
It's definately more of a FPS than it though.
That's a shame, I'd much rather they be connected. Even if you can't use the characters from the first one, it would be nice to see an older Jedi Master Bastila somewhere.
They were more or less direct prequals and they had several characters that were in both sets (Vader, Obiwan, Yoda, Palpaltine, R2, 3P0, Chewbacca) and were tied together.
If KoTOR2 is set in any other timezone, this all becomes a null issue then?
Ok, let's apply this from a different angle.
9 out of 10 people agree that Episode 1 more or less.... umm... sucked...
If that is the case, does that suddenly make ANH, ESB and RotJ unwatchable? Because now the story has been tainted by midondriacloriadianwhatevers and a whiney baby-vader?
Inanimate items cannot use the Force.
Which is all I'm suggesting as to why Vader didn't lose an arm in ESB.
As for the "he lost it in RotJ", he was also weakened and at that time Luke had the upper hand, instead of desperately trying not to get his ass kicked in ESB (where he wasn't a full jedi when he took Vader on, as opposed to RotJ where he was)
Please ... Luke simply blasted a cover in the AT-AT, not drilled the actual armor and if were not to keen in trying to prove "lightsaber are kewl" you would mention that he thrown a granade inside that cover.
Did you actually "read" what I wrote?
I said it punched threw an atat's armor, I didn't say he destroyed it with his sabre.
The grenade is not relevent, it has nothing to do with what I was describing.
Tell that to DeusEX players ...
Explain to me, in detail if you don't mind, how Dues Ex The Invisible war can suddenly make Dues Ex an unplayable game.
Maybe it's not the weapon itself but ones command of the Force that makes it more or less powerful or affects ones ability to defend against it?
After all I read somewhere that only a Jedi(force user) can really learn how to use it.
Then its not a sequel.
Maybe successor would be a better term then?
As for other things you've said... I agree it needs to be more true to the rules set.
That's because it's based on the D20 rules.
Besides, they aren't all that powerful, look at episode 2, the most Obi-wan got were two scars. And in ESB Vader took a hit to the shoulder and didn't lose any extremeties.
So explain to us how a sequal can "ruin" a game that's been out and played by millions? All a sequal can ruin is said sequal and probably the chances of a third game.
You have to be at least semi-retarded to think otherwise.
I hope you realize you've made a semi-attack on anyone who doesn't instantly go "oooow it's KoTOR2" including those who wish to wait and see what is announced and those who are unsure.