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Everything posted by ShadowScythe

  1. Light Switch #2 is incredibly jealous and clingy and lot more flirty as well. Yes...I went ahead and seduced it, please don't judge me. But yeah, I voted Muggy too. Muggy is awesome.
  2. I loved this dlc. There was a tonne of exploration and fun gameplay. I also loved the references to Dead Money and the foreshadowing to Lonesome Road. The humour did sometimes get a little overbearing (the hand penises gag was a bit much) but in general I laughed quite a lot (especially at Muggy, that guy is awesome I want to take him back to the Mojave and introduce him to Yes Man) and I really enjoyed the ending slideshow with all the results of my choices and questing. But daaamn, they've done such a great job building up to Lonesome Road, I just hope Ulysses won't be the letdown that the Burned Man was.
  3. :D That looked pretty sweet. I heard that Saints Row 2 had a terrible PC port, is there a decent modding community for it though?
  4. I've heard a few people have this issue. You should post this on the bethesda forums as you'll get a better response there.
  5. Haven't played Call of Juarez, but wow a lot of game review sites have been panning games (compared to the usual 8-9.5 scale I mean) lately...I doubt they've all been that terrible...
  6. I guess Squeenix was too busy with doing prerendered cinematics for Human Revolution, Hitman and Tomb Raider to bother with DS3. I think they should've made it clear that multiplayer was just local co-op for people who couldn't be in the same room early on in the prerelease hype. It seems like that was the big issue with the game for critics and DS fans and it should've been clarified at least with the critics early on before they started demanding features that were never intended for the game (I guess the same issue of expectations was probably the main reason for Alpha Protocol's critical panning)
  7. They were expecting 1 mill...damn that's really poor sales...
  8. Ah that clears it up, thanks!
  9. I can't tell, but is there actually a difference between Battlefield and the MW games?
  10. After a series of technical issues I've finally gotten Witcher 2 to work again. Sadly despite my save files still existing the game refuses the acknowledge their existence- so I've gotta start from scratch (thankfully I wasn't too far into Act 1). I'm really despising the game's performance issues so far. I mean it makes Gamebryo and the buggiest Obsidian games seem like funny quirks in comparison. I don't recall an Obsidian/Bethesda game that didn't run until I reinstalled it 5 times and then refused to load my existing save files. Still...I managed to continue playing Witcher 1 in spite of the boring first act and it turned out to be a really fun game despite its flaws- so hopefully this will be the same.
  11. ^ I don't under-...I'm not...what.
  12. Griefers will always find a way regardless of how strict the rules are :D
  13. But does Diablo 3 have a story based around those characters with proper backstory and everything?
  14. MonkeyLungs would you play an RTS with an over the shoulder camera? No ofc not. The combat in DS3 has been designed with a top down camera in mind so an over the shoulder camera would just be inconvenient when you suddenly get flanked from behind by enemies you couldn't see because of the way they were positioned. Changing the camera to over the shoulder would also require changing the entire combat encounter design and why redo the entire game for a camera shift? Especially when the real problem with the camera is that it's not zoomed out enough in co-op.
  15. Hacking their systems (with a somehow perfectly compatible laptop) and sending a virus that spreads through all of them via some interconnected network.
  16. ^Yeah that seems like the most logical conclusion- maybe a possible galaxy exploding deus ex machina and then there will be a paragon/renegade choice as to whom you spare (kinda like with the council in ME1)
  17. I doubt Bioware could actually pull that off without it being incredibly cheap and anticlimactic.
  18. Great interview, I'm glad he also feels voiced protagonists aren't that important to roleplaying. Hopefully that won't become the norm.
  19. Red Engine is pretty and all but I can't stand all the performance issues it gives me (seriously, Gamebryo had less issues than Witcher 2 for me)- Onyx looks pretty AND it's just so damn smooth and well optimised, I'll take Onyx.
  20. Oh boy, Radiant marriages. Will the dialogue feel as randomised and mad-libbed as oblivion. "Will you take this lady to be your wife?" "I saw a mudcrab the other day."
  21. ^^Good to know, I guess as long as the game is selling well enough for Square to want to continue supporting it we should get better features patched in.
  22. FNV was the sequel to a game that was already very critically (mainstream at least) and commercially successful and it was based on an engine that had all the resources and tools set up for them. No need to develop an engine from scratch. That's not really a risky project compared to Alpha Protocol (a new IP) or Dungeon Siege 3 (based on an IP from a while back which a mainstream console audience would've forgotten/not even known about- also built on a custom engine with the aim to be bug free and have minimal loading)
  23. ^ Ah good point on Just Cause...I didn't realise the original was (relatively) poorly received critically. How did it fare sales wise? However for that to work, Alpha Protocol 2 would have to come out several years later so that people who hated it forgot about it and be seen as pretty much a reboot and a complete overhaul. Not that it's a bad thing- if they kept the core writing and depth Choice and Consequences (and Heck) then changing everything else would be fine.
  24. Wasn't NWN2 patched in a better camera as well?
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