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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. I believe that's US only. Bah, lame. It's also rather expensive. Each TV episode is like 2 or 3 bucks. They need to create a better business model or rely on some advertising dollars. I'd pay extra per month for unlimited access to the TV shows, but I won't pay per episode. It seems like everything is super expensive on Live. When I first signed up I bought 1000 points for 15 bucks and that got me Worms 2 and a Transformers g1 picture pack. After working it out, it cost approx. 3 dollars for the picture pack. They brag about the microsoft points like they make everything easier and its better than real money, but its just there to obfuscate the actual cost of what you're buying. Also, paying 8 bucks a month in order to play my games online is retarded. Blizzard has had free multiplayer/matchmaking/ladder matches since the 90s for free, what makes Microsoft think it deserves money for it?
  2. I believe that's US only. Bah, lame.
  3. OK, question: I've seen people talk about downloading TV shows and such from XB Live, and even saw a screenshot advertising the download of Family Guy season 5, yet the only videos I can download are the Viva Pinata series and a clip from Ultimate Avengers. Where are like the Star Trek episodes and crap people talk about?
  4. I actually think WoW is pretty good. Most MMORPGs can't keep my attention for the full free month, while WoW I actually ended up paying for a month after the free one expired. The only MMORPG to keep my attention longer was City of Heroes, which I payed for 6 months, off and on over 3 years.
  5. Well if its against their rules, they may not have a right to delete the character, as its his property, but its their servers and they have a right not to let him use the character. If he didn't read the rules its his own damn fault. Honestly, I don't understand why anyone would buy a premade character. Basically he's paying someone else to play the game for him. Its stupid.
  6. I hear that a lot. lol It was lots of fun until the "Walk across the giant desert" part of the game. Then you obtain the item you just spent an hour walking across sand and then defeating a super hard boss for, only to have it taken from you by another bad guy pretty much immediately after obtaining it.
  7. If this is true, a CIA RPG would be very interesting. Definitely nothing we've seen before.
  8. I here that we'll still see the final book. I believe he was at least halfway finished writing it, and had everything else fleshed out in note form, plus he verbally went over what he wanted done with it with his wife, who I believe will be finishing it since she has been his proof reader since book 1.
  9. Transformers/Avengers I believe. I've heard its not too awesome.
  10. Thats what I've been playing all day. Playing as Sweden, colonized most of north america except for the little line France stole, and Florida, which Burgundy grabbed. Napoleon's Ambition added an auto send merchants to trade centers so thats very handy.
  11. Although.. it would be alot more unpredictable to actually kill Darkside once and for all, while letting Barda survive all singl and stuff again WWH is uninteresting and pubescent at best. After Civil War it's like all the good writers went on a big holiday and let the interns roam free. She-Hulk: You shot my cousin into space you bastards! Ironman: Well, that would normally be something to complain about, but normal cousins does not throw a hissyfit and kill 200 people because the wrong team won the superbowl. She-Hulk: I dont care, it was wrong and Im going to help Hulk kick all you asses! Ironman. Aw shucks, I knew we should just have shot Bruce in the face when he was taking a dump... Kind of... except the last part... that was all me Civil War is the best crossover-party Marvel has ever thrown. The whole ethical and moral aspect might not be on par with less PG comics, but i liked it alot. They did point out though that every time Hulk has endangered people has been because someone came and dug him out of hiding or attacked him just because he was there. The whole idea behind it is if they had just left him alone like he wanted, everyone would be fine, but they just won't leave him alone, so he's gonna kick everyone's ass.
  12. Darkseid will be the only survivor. You can't kill the only Superman villain thats actually somewhat of a threat. Though most people think Orion will be the survivor. And while I haven't read much of WW Hulk, Planet Hulk was cool. He finally found peace, happiness, and acceptance and was heralded as a force for good, when the ship used to send him away explodes destroying everything good in his life. He's Hulk, Hulk smash. It also brings up a good point, that the only time Hulk really causes a lot of Damage on earth, is when people **** with him. If people just left him alone like he wants, none of that crap would happen.
  13. There was Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich, which was a direct sequel to the original. It was good, but I wanted the original plan to come to fruition.
  14. At Comic Con some of the voice actors talked about the industry and said pretty much the only downside to the job is the pay isn't great unless you achieve Frank Welker or Robert Palmer status, and unless you land a major tv role you tend to only be employed for a couple days at a time and then you have to go job hunting again. But then again, if you achieve Frank Welker or Robert Palmer status, you're always getting job offers.
  15. Theres a front page? Ha, I actually forget that sometimes because I just have the forums bookmarked.
  16. Breath of Fire 5 (Dragon Quarter doesn't count) Suikoden 6 Baldur's Gate 3 Icewind Dale 3 Fallout 3 (Bethesda's abomination doesn't count) Fallout: Tactics 2 (Yes, I liked the first) Arcanum 2 Quest for Glory 6 Alpha Centauri 2 Master of Orion 3 (The Quicksilver abomination doesn't count) Master of Magic 2 (And don't tell me about Age of Wonders, it wasn't nearly as good) Marvel:Ultimate Alliance 2 Sim City 5 (Societies sounds like crap) Freedom Force 2, 3 (Originally planned as a trilogy based around the various ages of comics, first being golden age, 2nd being silver age and 3rd being modern age, I want the silver and modern age ones) KotOR 3 Evil Genius 2 Jade Empire 2
  17. I'm currently re-reading because I got book 11 for christmas and I had finished book 10 two years prior. Currently on book 7. They are actually better on the 2nd read through. Likely because you don't have any expectations.
  18. From what I've seen it seems like only the voice for the main character is bad. Almost all the supporting characters are good.
  19. At least at the end of book 9 there was some sort of payoff for all that nothing. Apparently book 11 is the payoff for all the nothing in book 10.
  20. What I've heard is that book 11 makes up for the 900 pages of nothing that was book 10.
  21. Been juggling Gun, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Dead Rising, Saints Row, and Sims 2, all while trying to finish Highlander(on the last season), Xena(last season), and Stargate: Atlantis. Been thinking of starting up a new game of NWN2, but not sure if I should wait until MotB is out or not.
  22. Have to disagree, second best film the year it was released. Wasted the weekend with these horrible movies TMNT Smoking Aces Shooter TMNT was awesome.
  23. Couple of first books are totally awesome, but he kinda lost it after that. Still, they are worth a read. Apparently he died in the middle of writing the last book for WoT, but his family said they have enough notes to complete it. It is the last book(12.). On his site after he was diagnosed with whatever disease it was he had that if he couldn't finish it before he passed on that his wife would finish it. She's apparently been a huge part of writing them from book one. Heh, I bet all those people around book 6 that said he would likely bite it before finishing the series are feeling bad now.
  24. Any way to just switch to another jersey or are you stuck with them?
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