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Everything posted by Sympetrum

  1. A blunderbuss or one of Serafen's mortars and a melee weapon. This trick works with any ranged weapon as long as you're also wielding a melee weapon, but blunderbusses and mortars are the best, I think.
  2. Wow. Imagine being bothered by the very existence of women! In video games! Weird.
  3. Knocking out a Ranger's animal companion fuels the stacking damage buff of The Red Hand; I've tested this with the base No Rest for the Wicked, but not its upgrades. (Guilty Conscience possesses a new meaning if so!) From now on, I'll have Maia do some 'target practice' with Ishiza regularly — 20 Gouging Strikes every morning should be enough. Tested with Community Patch Bug Fixes Only.
  4. Sorry for the necro, but how did playing on the Steam Deck go (assuming you ever did)? Playing on RTwP has left me bummed out because it feels too hectic, especially after many hours on Turn-Based mode; has it ever felt this way for you? I guess I proper bindings and more play time will get me used to it?
  5. Effects that destroy the target's body, like Death Ring and Disintegration, could be the cause. In my case, I had a crew member who got charmed and was near death; being curious, I used Death Ring to see what would happen - he died, and went missing from my ship after the on-board battle.
  6. I think Wakoyo is just telling you that Burunga is a druid, so that you can prepare yourself before fighting her.
  7. The PL bonus comes from Nature Godlike's racial bonus, which triggers while a Body Inspiration is active. Dumping PER could be interesting; my previous Watchers have always had maxed PER, so doing the complete opposite would be entirely new to me. (I should've mentioned that I plan to play on Turn-Based Mode, thus the switching trick you mentioned will likely be of little use.)
  8. Hi, I'm thinking of playing a SC Beckoner some time in the future, though not solo; I have some questions about this build: How do you spread the attributes? As the build primarily relies on summons, do you dump the more offensive attributes like MIG and PER? From where do you get the Body Inspiration required to activate the PL buff? (The only reliable option I can think of — excluding assistance from other party members — is Bardatto's Luxury.) How do you achieve 35 INT? Do you just stack INT bonuses from gears, background, per-rest buffs, etc.?
  9. I don't have Deadfire installed at the moment, so if anyone could answer these questions for me, I'd be grateful: According to the wiki, Curse of Mortality from Sigil of Death applies Gaping Wound — does it apply the actual Gaping Wound injury; or does it instead apply a differentially implemented, but identically named debuff? If it is the latter, how would the malus to incoming heals function as the debuff reaches 5 stacks (if it can even attain 5 stacks)? Do incoming heals just end up damaging you, then? Is it possible for a non–Ghost Heart Ranger's pet to get gibbed or disintegrated? If so, does the Ranger just get screwed over with a permanent Bonded Grief?
  10. A few questions about poisons: When hitting enemies with a poisoned AoE weapon like Fire in the Hole, do they all get poisoned? Same question above, but with AoE abilities like Clear out; does the poison affect them all? Do poisons stack with themselves? If the answer to all three is in the affirmative, then a poisoned Fire in the Hole combined with Clear Out would not only deal pretty good damage, but also afflict all the enemies -- with multiple stacks of poison, too, if the packs are dense enough.
  11. For the purpose of interrupting an enemy, is Hand Mortar be better than Fire in the Hole? The latter can be enchanted with +1 bounce which -- assuming I'm correct -- inherits the interrupt-on-hit property of Clear Out; does the same rule apply to Hand Mortar's Blinding Smoke? Will all the Blinding Smokes produced by Hand Mortar interrupt enemies on hit just as the bounce from Fire in the Hole will?
  12. Hey, I want to ask: how did you build and play this SC Tactician? I've been reading about SC Fighters, and from what sparse information I've gathered, they're not that good. Even so, I want to know how to make them work well. I thought I should look more into Tacticians, because of their being able to recover Discipline by interrupting an enemy action; I thought then I'd be able to endlessly spam Clear Out or its upgrades, especially with Fire in the Hole. I'm likely wrong here, as interrupting an action isn't that easy, so I thought I'd ask you about it as well as how you built and played that character. (I have searched the forums many, many times and only found a pitiable number of posts mentioning SC Fighters—compared to other SC classes—in general, and even fewer mentioning SC Fighter subclasses in particular; yours is the only one mentioning SC Tactician.)
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