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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. I dont know Pidesco she could be an extremist or gang leader....you can never be too cautious nowadays. You just dont know anymore
  2. Can you post the link, you keep forgetting
  3. Do you have links around why these mini-celebrities were arrested, I am always interested when freedom of speech in Western countries is infringed on But as long as the hotties from Juice Media aren't arrested Im happy
  4. What do you mean by Western hegemony? In the 19th century and before hegemony was defined by territory and size of empire because having lots of colonies gave you advantages like access to minerals and cheap labor Those days are long gone and countries dont need that kind of control to be economically or militarily powerful. So the view that the West use to own 90% of things I dont understand how that changes the influence of the West which is economic influence only Because firstly the West is not monolithic and consists of different countries and they dont have the same goals or geopolitical aspirations and then major global events and policies are influenced through the UN unless Western stability is directly threatened like with Putin's War which means you would understandably see a Western response And then what emerging markets do you think will surpass Western economic influence and in what way? And the reason I ask is economic hegemony is organic and it cant change through ideology, it requires successful and sustainable policies
  5. Gorthfusious, arent you worried you going to arrested? You often criticize the Oz government ... I like you and I dont want you to end up in jail
  6. Yes I agree about Taiwan, its so far removed from significant US\Western interests it doesnt seem like its worth a conventional or serious trade war with China. Taiwan is complicated But Ukraine is different because this is about drawing a line to end Putins constant militancy, hegemony and warmongering. Also the invasion destabilizes the EU and Putin has made this about the West and blamed the US\NATO specifically. So I consider the support for Ukraine different to support for the Taiwan But end of the day Putin created this proxy war and the West will finish it
  7. What do you mean by too complicated? Can you give an example
  8. Im not sure if you being serious but I will respond as if you are What freedoms does the US try to impose on countries? Human rights and the freedoms of Democracy is not unique to the US, its universal and its followed and enforced by the likes of the UN and its various charters. The US did not create property rights or the right to vote in a free and fair election, these rights evolved over hundreds of years. Many countries adhere to these types of principles Lets take Qatar and the accusations of human rights abuses. This is about things like working conditions and the fact initially the foreign laborers didnt have contracts. Now these are considered conditions of labor laws, its not the US telling Qatar they needed to change the working conditions. Its the reality of international law that is practised in most countries. Its like saying " the US is demanding that child labor doesnt exist" ....its not just the US, its the UN and human rights charters that believe this
  9. Brilliant and cute dog and dolphin video
  10. I think Gfted1 is joking Because its not the West that decides what is human rights or Democracy, these are created and enshrined in legal documents and Constitutions and maintained by institutions like the UN . And there are several countries that ignore human rights and dont care what the West says like China
  11. Might doesn't make right or the strongest military powers in the world would take anything they wanted from any country Thats why we have the UN and international law and why most countries respect sovereignty The world would be a much worse and unstable place if " might makes right " was practised
  12. You raise a good point and knowing Russian logic and doublespeak thats probably how they will spin it
  13. Then Iran must act immediately because the Ukrainians have shot down drones and they have identified the Iranian components and clear design. So I wonder what " indifferent " means to the Iranians It was on Sky or CNN?
  14. Im just teasing obviously Its going to be a good WC and the best teams must win through skill and ponts, the normal way. They have resolved the alcohol concern, they are going to have designated drinking areas https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/qatar-world-cup-alcohol-allowed-festival-venue I have been to Qatar twice and its a very well run country and the human rights concerns are a small part of all the positives the country offers
  15. Malc would you support us cancelling the WC and just letting Ukraine win?
  16. Really, in 1989? That is so interesting considering the USSR was about to collapse, I dont suppose you can find that link? Its classic and such a good reminder of the anti-Western propaganda war from the likes of Russia\Soviets
  17. https://news.yahoo.com/gas-prices-europe-drop-pre-180400194.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall Really good news for the EU about gas prices falling @Darkpriest Anything to add, didnt ZH predict the gas price crashing the EU economies?
  18. Geez Gorthfuscious, thats seriously cynical. So you dont believe anything politicians tell you? What about positive spin, do you believe that? For example when Oz was going through the lockdowns Im sure your politicians were saying " these lockdowns and economic shutdowns are necessary to save lives " but they ignored the economic impact that was coming when the lockdowns ended But they genuinely meant well and most governments acted to save lives, thats what I mean by positive spin?
  19. Do you have the link? I also dont believe they are sincere, the Iranian government is happy to kill, torture and arrest their own citizens for very little reason so why would they care about Ukrainian citizens? Unless they worried about the international optics and increased sanctions?
  20. It did make a difference, being isolated on the international arena is not great and the sports sanctions was another reminder of the illegitimacy with the Apartheid system and government policies
  21. Malc dont you think sports events should follow sanctions? Look at SA during Apartheid, we were banned from most sports events. It sends an important message and helps to change behavior of governments
  22. I thought those labs were creating mutant soldiers? But they clearly creating birds as well https://www.thedailybeast.com/russia-says-its-losing-because-ukraine-has-experimental-mutant-troops-created-in-secret-biolabss
  23. Its okay Malc, I won't miss any sleep about Assad's war machine being bombed and the less Iranian drones the better
  24. Lexx Im very concerned about this, very concerned Where do you stay in Germany and what are your plans to protest? I imagine there are federal\chancellery buildings near you, thats a good place to start? It look likes its being blocked on the local level but trust me you dont want the Chinese starting to own any public sector assets. They doing this in parts of Africa and its always a disaster for local people
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