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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Here is a really interesting interview on this topic and its highlights from an Egyptian the criticism towards the documentary. Piers Morgan does a good job at discussing both sides and the Egyptian guest criticizes both Hollywood and the Afrocentrism issues about the documentary I agree with several things he mentions like who built the pyramids
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/16/world/europe/russia-ukraine-peace-ramaphosa-africa.html#:~:text=President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa%2C as well,Lynsey Chutel May 16%2C 2023%2C 12%3A47 p.m. ET There is an African peace mission that both Putin and Zelensky have agreed to that includes 6 African leaders that will be travelling to Moscow and Kiev What do you guys think, can Africa find a peaceful solution to this conflict? I think its well meaning and appreciated but it wont achieve much for several reasons but primarily because Putins political future is tied into achieving some sort of victory and right now Russia hasnt achieved any sense of a victory? But lets see but I am not confident
  3. To tell you the truth its not spinelessness but more misplaced and confused historical ties to the USSR and how the Soviets helped liberation movements in Africa The fact that was over 30 years ago and the Cold War is long over and Ukraine was part of the USSR makes the argument unconvincing but thats a big part of the support for Russia
  4. https://ewn.co.za/2023/05/15/anc-says-russian-party-warned-that-if-sa-arrests-putin-it-s-a-war-declaration#:~:text=JOHANNESBURG%20%2D%20The%20African%20National%20Congress,be%20a%20declaration%20of%20war The Ruskies have said they will declare war on SA if Putin is arrested in August at the BRICS meeting because of the ICC warrant BRICS friendship strong But I doubt Putin will come to SA, he will attend virtually. His travel paranoia will hopefully continue so SA is not put in this invidious position
  5. This is 9 months old but I wanted to share it, excellent choreography and really well done
  6. I completed Mafia 3 after about 100 hours, it gets a solid 58/100 on the highly respected " BruceVC game rating system" I made an earlier post about what I liked about it. Its fun, its not fantastic but its fun But I have decided to play Warlock of Firetop Mountain next, I have bought the " full " version of this game and not the direct Fighting Fantasy book adaptation because there are 2 versions https://store.steampowered.com/app/324740/The_Warlock_of_Firetop_Mountain/ Im really excited, this was the first fantasy CYOA book I ever played in 1984 and I remember back then how the concepts of dice and choice blew me away. After this I got into D&D and Games Workshop but that was a few years later so this book is literally the beginning of my journey and love of the fantasy genre I read some reviews and feedback on this game and they included the original art and design so it should be a great and nostalgic experience
  7. The SA story about supplying weapons to Russia has reached the expected levels of confusion which is fairly common in SA especially around our foreign policy, to summarize the Russian ship docked in at Navy base despite the fact it was a cargo ship and should have docked at a normal port despite the fact it docked 6 months ago and due to public pressure an internal defense department inquiry was launched back then but we still dont have the outcome of that....6 months later an independent inquiry has been created led by a retired judge to get to the bottom of this. Its possible if weapons were sold to Russia most people in government didn't authorize it, this has happened before. During the Corona era our military bought millions of unauthorized vaccines from Cuba that were not on the list of acceptable vaccines from our health department the US ambassador didn't apologize for the allegation, he apologized for breaking diplomatic protocol And in summary why cant SA sell weapons to Russia, there are 2 main reasons our own internal arms regulations say we cant provide weapons to any country involved in a war. We got criticized domestically for selling weapons to Saudi Arabia that were used in Yemen (I dont personally agree with this but this is our arms sales regulations ) SA has said on numerous occasions that we are neutral and want to play a part in mediation and " finding peace" in Ukraine. Obviously you cant provide weapons to Russia and claim you are neutral Here is link that summarizes these events https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2023-05-12-explainer-what-we-know-about-the-explosive-russian-ship-scandal-so-far/
  8. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/...illion-military-aid-package-ukraine-rcna84319 Further information about the $3 billion Germany military aid package for Ukraine, well done Germany I said this before and I will repeat it , I wish my government was unequivocal with its support for Ukraine and also was on the right side of history And also its always appreciated to see the general and continued support from the EU
  9. But but ...what about the invasion of Ukraine and the killing and tortue of Ukrainians by Russia Damn I love this whataboutism, thanks to everyone who taught me it. Its such a good way to handwave these developments
  10. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/south-africa-rand-dollar-arm-sales-russia-ukraine-sanctions-brics-2023-5 Another SA potential inconsistency around our foreign policy statements and actions. Last year December a Russian ship was seen docking at night and certain goods were seen being loaded into the ship SA civilians filmed this and at the time many questions were asked about what was the ship doing at night and what was being loaded on the ship The US made a convincing allegation yesterday that weapons were being loaded and SA is implicated in selling weapons to Russia Several points from my side but this event is very concerning government started an investigation apparently but that was 6 months ago, whats taking so long SA has claimed since the war started that SA is " neutral and non-aligned " and believes in peace. If this allegation is true then government has been lying to South Africans and we are definitely not neutral We dont know who from government was involved and who authorised it, it could just be a few people in our military institutions and not necessarily the president The president has authorised an independent inquiry with a retired judge so that should get to bottom of this ostensibly disgraceful behavior If it is true its a serious indictment on the Russian capacity around ammunitions and weapons if they need military aid from the likes of SA
  11. Wormie we can fix that cringe Romance dialogue with some nice friendly Loverslab mods
  12. Wooooormie stop unfairly criticizing Bethesda writing, you know Romance is optional. We shouldnt think that represents the overall quality of this anticipated game because that's what a lot of people are doing now. They saying things like " look at the pillow talk in Starfield...ha-ha. This game is going to be an epic failure, I told you "
  13. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65550427 A really informative interview about the Ukrainian planned offensive from Zelensky
  14. https://www.businessinsider.com/japan-closer-nato-ukraine-war-another-putin-own-goal-2023-5 Even Japan now wants to join NATO, another example of Putin's failure with the invasion to "prevent " NATO expansion
  15. I only read this post now and its very informative Firstly Im glad the Iranian government arent trying to enforce the hijab wearing anymore. Thats a huge victory and it was what started the initial protests and it matters But what do you mean by " They still use nerve agents on our schools(women) to test it out for Russians. Can you believe this? 'Here is a school full of beautiful 16 year old Iranian school girls...let's use them as guinea pigs for our Russian overlords!!! " What is going on at the schools and what do you mean by "use them as guinea pigs " , is this for language or wearing the hijab?
  16. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/may/9/pentagon-ukraine-used-us-made-patriot-down-russian/ Further confirmation of the US Patriot system shooting down the Ruskie hypersonic missile
  17. Its not an argument, its just whataboutism. You should know by now how this works
  18. Big day for Putin today, 9 May and Victory Day. Here is a link summarizing the days theater and grandstanding https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/09/europe/russia-victory-day-parade-moscow-intl/index.html To quote my best parts " "A true war has been unleashed against our motherland,” Putin said on Tuesday, claiming falsely that the West had provoked the war in Ukraine. “We have repelled international terrorism and to fit we will defend the residents of Donbas and secure our own safety. Russia has no unfriendly nations in the West or in the East. “As the majority of people on this planet we want to see the future peaceful, free and stable. We believe any ideology of supremacy due to its nature is repulsive, criminal and deadly,” he added" I love the " we want to see the future peaceful, free and stable. We believe any ideology of supremacy due to its nature is repulsive, criminal and deadly " And here is a hilarious Putin Bingo meme, so true as usual
  19. Yes the DLC do add some nice variety, I have completed some of them before I complete the main quest. I enjoyed the Southern general Satanist\witchcraft one And yes the truck missions are slow and annoying, I agree
  20. Malc Im surprised and disappointed that you complaining about lack of fast travel It doesnt take longer than 4-7 minutes to drive between districts. Take this time to appreciate the city, crash into some cars or have some fun killing pedestrians ...its easy to avoid the cops in a relatively fast car? Dont end up being one of these lazy gamers who cant spend 5 minutes traveling to a region And there is mod for fast travel if you REALLY cant handle driving https://videogamemods.com/mafia/mods/mafia-3-teleport-between-districts/
  21. https://eurasiantimes.com/india-russia-ties-nose-dive-after-suspending-s-400-shipments/?amp Trouble in paradise with the new BRICS led global economy, dedollarization at its finest
  22. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-says-it-downed-hypersonic-russian-missile-with-us-air-defence-system-2023-05-06/ Updated link on this, the US Patriot system was only delivered last month I love the part " The Kinzhal, which means "dagger" in Russian, is one of six "next generation" weapons unveiled by President Vladimir Putin in 2018 when the Russian leader boasted that it cannot be shot down by any of the world's air defence systems "
  23. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65502234 Another exciting and important development in the history of the UK, today is the Coronation of King Charles I am going to watch highlights and several of my UK family are going to be watching live and they already on the streets. The British are the undisputed masters of pomp and pageantry so it should have some worthwhile moments for those that respect and enjoy these types of events
  24. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65493008 Yes I noticed this story as well, with the overall failure of Russia to provide adequate military equipment I wonder if it is true?
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