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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Its quite strange and hilarious at the same time, Vatniks on Codex are saying this whole thing is just psyops to give the Ukrainians a false sense of confidence But I do think its legitimate, I dont like Prigozhin or trust him but this event and outcome is beneficial to Ukraine because it confirms the real fractures within the Russian military
  2. It does seem to be legitimate anger from Prigozhin but I doubt he will be able to implement any kind of military coup, there are literally tens of thousands of loyal Russian forces within the country and Wagner numbers maybe 30k or so? But its nice to hear the truth from Prigozhin about the false narrative for the invasion. I wonder if his comments on this will have any public influence within Russia? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/prigozhin-says-putin-s-reason-for-invading-ukraine-was-a-lie/ar-AA1cWydW#:~:text=W agner Group boss Yevgeny Prigozhin on Friday,fed to him by the Kremlin's top brass.
  3. Geez, no need for racism. Remember words can impact the dignity of people
  4. Wormie I should we become space pirates, what do you think
  5. But the referendum was a joke and a farce. Lets not pretend it was even remotely credible And thats normal for how the Ruskies do referendums, like the annexation of the 4 x Donbas regions
  6. Here is another Starfields interview, it discusses some real features and mechanics. For those that dont want to watch the video here is a summary of the main points the game will include ( these aren't my summary points because its a 40 minute video and I havent watched it ) As predicted it will be a modders paradise and Wormie we dont have to worry, there will be Romance options Starfield direct took a lot of time to make Was pleased to be able to highlight so many people on the team There is a faction for being a space pirate There is a large font option Steam deck compatibility will be something they talk about later down the road When players compare character builds they will be unique and varied 10% of planets have life on them If you start to add to many things to a planet it starts to feel gamey The exploration is different than they than they have done before There are a lot of biomes with different temperatures / radiation etc. The players suit helps with these Some planets have multiple biomes some just have one If you survey everything on a planet that information is worth a lot of credits Will need to play the game to see if there are special creatures like how fallout has deathclaws and elder scrolls has dragons There will not be land vehicles or the ability to ride wildlife. Your boost pack will have skills There will be low gravity planets Companions are optional You can spend traits and skills for a more solo centric character Companions relationships can change Four companions have full questlines and romance options Music is one of the first things they start with along with concept art Said the music Inon Zur made for Starfield could be his favourite Music gives the feeling of what the world is like There is one small radio station for a certain location Has never had plans to be an in game radio host All ships are upgradeable wether you buy or steal it If you do steal a ship you have to spend credits to register it You dont start the game being able to afford ship building as it is more of a long term thing in the game The modules you attach to the ship effect the internal area of the ship as you walk around inside of it There is lore in the game to explain how travel works Very happy with current version of the creation engine. Loves the lighting model, volumetric fog, physics, happy with quest system Never looked at taking features, graphics away for frame rate sake as they want consistency over a performance mod Best feeling game to control they have had There will be one-off type sidequests and thats ok Will be a modders paradise Outpost is a deep system like ship building that requires a lot of resources. Going to need to develop character skills. Like ship building it is meant for longer term playing Outposts can be connected between planets. Outposts can be an income generator Worked really hard on Starfield. They put everything they learned from previous games into it. They love it and hope everyone else feels the same Xbox has been very supportive Will not answer if there are black holes Vosco (the robot) cant wear a hat like codsworth / mr handy Asked about why they don't make smaller projects and he pointed to fallout shelter and some unannounced mobile game but said as a player he likes big worlds
  7. Here is a really interesting video, the 175 biggest maps of all time across all games. I shudder to think how long it must have taken the guy to get this information. Daggerfall is 5 and 6 and its the biggest RPG map on the list
  8. These types of comments dont help with good relations even if they valid. Its the same as Saudi Arabia and public criticism Biden must practice more quiet diplomacy
  9. https://www.reuters.com/world/china/blinken-wrap-up-rare-visit-china-may-meet-xi-jinping-2023-06-18/ The US and China had an important meeting to improve relations. This matters to the stability of the overall global economy and also as Russia continues to be isolated from Western economies Its interesting how the Chinese respect the US and wanted to create the right impression for Blinken, to quote " Chinese President Xi Jinping welcomed "progress" after shaking hands with Blinken at the Great Hall of the People, a grand venue usually reserved for greeting heads of state "
  10. But this is about the reconstruction costs once the war is over, not military aid? And its exactly what I expect. It will be a combination of loans and private sector investment
  11. https://www.gamingbible.com/news/starfield-map-could-be-biggest-thing-ever-seen-863802-20230612 I wonder? Here is some further information about the map and planet exploration The planets will be procedurally generated and then there will be specific activities and encounters
  12. https://www.gamingbible.com/news/starfield-new-atlantis-biggest-city-bethesda-ever-made-821858-20230612 The main city in Starfield, Atlantis, is the biggest city Bethesda ever created With the 1000 planets and cities like this Starfield is going to be a Modders paradise
  13. But what if he made a podcast saying ShadySands is the cleverest and most handsome person in the US, would you watch it then?
  14. Its an interesting question about the Versailles Treaty , lets say the Ruskies agree to terms. Its simpler than WW1 because all they have to do it leave Ukraine, stop the active invasion and end the annexation of the 4 x Donbas regions. But Crimea can stay Russian, that would be my compromise from Ukraine Because Russia is not going to lose like Germany did, no one is going to invade Russia, so the peace agreements should be simpler
  15. https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/art...point-african-plan-to-end-russia-ukraine-war/ Here is the African leaders 10 point peace plan, in summary Both leaders must listen to one another; The war must be settled through negotiations and diplomatic means; There must be a de-escalation of conflict on both sides; The sovereignty of countries in terms of the UN Charter and internationally recognised principles should be recognised; There needs to be a guarantee of security for all the countries involved. This issue has been raised by all sides; The movement of grains across the Black Sea must be opened up to remove blockages so that commodities can reach markets; Humanitarian efforts must be set up for those affected by the war; Prisoners of war must be released and children returned to Ukraine; There must be reconstruction of the destruction caused by the war; and Further engagements should be held to encourage more dialogue through the Africa Peace Mission. It has some good and reasonable ideas but I cant see Putin agreeing to it because his political and ideological future is aligned to this war. If Putin drops dead tomorrow Russia will continue but the war needs some sort of victory for Putin's nationalistic aspirations to be sustainable But he wont agree to the following without a semblance of military progress which the Ruskies haven't achieved yet The sovereignty of countries in terms of the UN Charter and internationally recognised principles should be recognised; Prisoners of war must be released and children returned to Ukraine There must be reconstruction of the destruction caused by the war
  16. Im about 20 hours into DFU ( there doesnt seem to be a way to track RL game time ) and Im still loving it I have taken a certain approach to the game which includes join as many factions as possible and do all the quests I can until I get bored then I will focus more on the main quest. ( but I did initiate the Lady Brisienna main quest ) I have explored and completed 2 dungeons so far and both were for faction quests, Im getting better at understanding dungeon design and I am using the map effectively to find secret doors and other things Im a Dark Elf Battlemage which is a nice mix of magic and combat and I have just reached level 3. I really enjoy creating spells, DFU extends magic services at guilds and makes it worthwhile I also appreciate the constant lack of gold I have, I still havent bought a horse or cart as I decided to invest early on in spells and weapons for effective dungeon exploration. My spells list includes cure poison, diseases and paralyzation light open door levitation recall various combat spells But I will be buying a horse and cart as my next major shopping list items. DFU is a really complex and absolutely entertaining game and the DREAM graphic updates really enhance the visual and aesthetic experience. Here are some screenshots and consider the original jagged graphics and how this game was released in 1996 ( I quickly used my phone so excuse the yellow light at the top , thats not normally visible )
  17. I agree and the general consensus in SA is the security people didnt submit or register the proper paperwork for all those weapons So I dont blame the Polish response because our credibility is also in question after the Russian ship incident which has been classified As I said several times, when its comes to many of our foreign affairs decisions we are our own worst enemy
  18. That makes sense, the longer podcasts I have watched is only during load shedding because my fiber works and so does my phone and laptop (load shedding is normally 2 hour windows 2-3 times\day) But I dont generally watch any podcast longer than 20 minutes in RL, I prefer to spend my free time socializing, doing leisure activities or gaming
  19. True, in any Democracy people tend to blame the elected government for domestic problems. Even if they not responsible
  20. I was watching some polling data on Smerconish for the 2024 US elections and 65% of people polled think Biden winning would be an absolute disaster for the US and 56% think the same about Trump Has there ever been a US election with the current candidates being so unpopular? Personally Im disappointed that the Dems cant come up with an alternative to Biden but thats mostly because of his age, I dont think he has done such a bad job considering global factors like the virus and the war in Ukraine that has influenced certain realities, like inflation, in the US. I would definitely prefer Biden again to Trump
  21. ad "Mein Kampf". I doubt I would like it, even if I haven't read it Gorthfuscious you being naughty this weekend but you right, there are book I wouldnt read and dont need to but I will criticize the content But I am talking about generally
  22. I agree with your sentiment that you cant criticize or handwave something like a book or a podcast if you havent bothered to watch it or read it. Thats obvious but the reality is its also unreasonable to expect people to watch a 3 hour podcast. So what I try to do is only post 20 minute videos\podcasts or summarize where in the clip people should watch. What I would suggest is make bullet points of the key takeaways from a 3 hour podcast from Rogan because I find he makes interesting points and like Jordan Peterson I agree with some of the things he says and disagree with others But also this forum is mostly liberals\Dems and even if Rogan says something valid its unlikely most people will acknowledge it which is a reality of current US culture wars where both sides refuse to concede the other side is correct even when they are And Im not being rude, its just an honest observation
  23. I watched most of the Q&A with the African leaders and Zelensky and I thought they did a good job at explaining what the peace mission is about considering the circumstances They came across as very empathetic to what is happening in Ukraine but I dont think this mission is going to achieve much but its well meaning with good intentions and at least Africa is trying because this war has a direct economic impact to several African countries
  24. Our president has been to Kiev now and they went to Bucha to see the massacre of civilians And then he is off to St Pietersburg to see Putin, so he wasnt really delayed in Poland. But the SA journalists are still stuck on the plane and they really upset. I feel sorry for them but they getting Burger King for free so its not all bad
  25. I was just listening to something on the local SA media about this, people are saying Poland grounded the plane because they worried it may have weapons and military equipment bound for Russia like the allegations of the Russian ship I find it hard to believe anyone would seriously think that the plane carrying our president would also be smuggling weapons to Russia It sounds ridiculous considering the furore the ship incident caused
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