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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. The new one ? Did you find it boring, I havent watched it yet but Im very excited
  2. Gromnir you know I respect your intellectualism and life journey so if you want to ask me something about my posts just ask me. I am more than happy to engage in a debate if you want?
  3. You got me, you very astute I am objecting to certain statues being taken down because I fear losing my colonial wealth
  4. Thats another bonus, I like lore that is interesting and relevant to the game I remember in Amalur Reckoning, despite all the lore I found it forgettable
  5. Yes you can remove statues like Nathan Bedford Forrest, he founded the KKK, in the US because he only represents slavery and racism, I support that. And that includes that UK statue of someone who historically only contributed towards wealth creation due to slavery But Jefferson was the same as many people in that time, he kept slaves but he also played a huge part in the foundation of the USA which nowadays does not reflect slavery and oppression, the US is much more than that and plays a very positive role and influence in the idea of any Constitutional Democracy. So in other words you need to balance what a statue means directly with the historical significance of that persons contribution towards the country And you have also inadvertently raised another point, you right when you say " But then, who gets to decide what is right and what is wrong?" Who exactly gets to decide? I dont think some BLM activists with a selective view of history should be deciding
  6. I think its wrong that statues like this get removed for several reasons and I am opposed to it . It does surprise me how few US forum members are concerned with this culture of " remove statues " in the US and what irritates me is how many activists who demand this on the streets in the US dont have an understanding or appreciation of their own history For example the primary reason to remove statues like this is because of slavery, in other words anyone associated with slavery their statue must be removed because somehow " this is going to address systemic racism in the USA " or something similar And what is a huge historical misunderstanding and normal lack of interest from most activists is " that only white people were involved in slavery and also only Europeans must pay redress for the crimes of slavery " But all the empires of man used slaves and slavery use to be practised by basically every civilization since the dawn of time. This includes The Ottoman empire enslaved many cultures including the Serbs and Hungarians, Turkey are the descendants of the Ottomans. Good luck getting Turkey to accept redress for this, they dont even acknowledge the genocide of the Armenians in WW1 The Arabs have always been historically prolific slave traders throughout the world and Africa Many early immigrants to the US came across as indentured slaves to wealthy English people, why dont white people in the US demand redress from the UK Native American tribes and South American tribes like the Incas and Mayans also enslaved people they defeated in battle Most of the great ancient sites, like the pyramids, were built by slaves And then in Africa during the Atlantic Slave trade their were some black tribes that were actively involved in selling other black tribes to European and Arab slave traders Slavery is an appalling crime and one we should all condemn. But this focus only on the US and specifically white people as the only ones who were involved in slavery is historically inaccurate and doesnt reflect the reality of this terrible practice I am not American obviously but I would be supporting Trump in this regard, unfortunately I doubt Trump knows or cares about the history of slavery himself so this is just theater for him but point he is making I agree with
  7. Sounds like you had a great time with her, nice one I dont think you should be worried about her reaction, I would say its because she was a little surprised you are prepared to move the relationship forward so quickly. This is a good thing of course, as it shows commitment, but you have only been together for less than 2 months or so and Im sure she wasnt expecting you to be prepared to move to Wisconsin so soon So do exactly what you doing, let things continue to progress at the pace they going and dont think of her hestinancy as a bad thing. You should also tell her you have always wanted to live in Wisconsin because you love cheese, the people from Wisconsin love that type of thing. Just before the pandemic I met a friendly honeymoon couple from Wisconsin at one of my regular bars and when I told them I loved all the diary products in their state they were very impressed In fact GD if you want to score big points tell her you have always wanted to try the famous 28 year old mature cheddar found only in Wisconsin and a move their will guarantee you can eat it ( I dream of one day eating this cheddar ) https://www.thedailymeal.com/28-year-old-cheddar-oldest-cheddar-america#:~:text=A man in Wisconsin discovered 28-year-old cheddar%2C making,is set to go on sale in October. https://www.wisconsincheesemart.com/collections/aged-cheddar?page=2
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Death_(2021_TV_series) This is a series you cannot miss, its based on a true story about a neurosurgeon who butchers patients through his own arrogance and incompetence His crimes occurred mostly in Texas and the show also highlights the structural problems and bureaucracy within the US healthcare system. Here is another link that discusses the veracity of this gripping series https://time.com/6080714/dr-death-true-story/
  9. I didnt know anything about Bloodborne so I looked it up and it does look good. So I concur with you, we need a PC port for sure
  10. But this is a good thing so us PC gamers can experience console games and I absolutely love the convenience of my controller in most ported games
  11. Yes I agree vaccines in any job that is public facing need to be mandated and that includes both private and public sector But I do think part of the push back from the police is not so much about vaccines but rather because she doesnt have their confidence anymore
  12. @Gfted1 https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/chicago-mayor-lightfoot-claims-police-union-trying-induce-insurrection-vaccine-mandates Gfted1 what is the real story in your opinion about your major? She seems to have really alienated the police in Chicago with her overreach around certain BLM objectives, like saying all the police are racist and supporting defunding, that I have always felt are unhelpful and antagonistic Or is the loss of confidence in her from the Chicago police not related to BLM outcomes and is it something else? I know you guys have high levels of gun related homicides related to gang violence but what do most people you know think about her and the job she is doing ?
  13. Yes I agree that PC can be more problematic and games can sometimes be difficult to run. But PC games are generally more stable nowadays on release ( minus exceptions like Cyber which becomes more and more stable with each patch ) and also troubleshooting driver issues is much easier than the old days before Plug and Play and convenient things like Windows Updates What game did you experience those audio and graphic problems with and what OS do you use?
  14. Stop being sarcastic now Gfted1.....even if you right
  15. Well said Comrade, PC and Windows ARE the only gaming platform for serious gamers !!!! Have you ever looked into the number of Mods available for consoles, its shocking and terrible
  16. " polar vortexes " sounds like something in the games I play
  17. Thats a very good idea and thoughtful, Gromnir can move into your daughters room since thats available? Since you have decided you arent going to let illegal immigrants move in it makes sense and I know he has money so its not like he cant pay rent and help with expenses ?
  18. Greatest Toyota commercial ever, well done Australia
  19. Im about 20 hours into Disco Elysium and its been a fun experience so far....not great but fun I am appreciating the parody and metaphorical SJ themes and it is humorous. But its not a RPG or action game so I am finding it a little boring. I like adventure games but I like fantasy adventure games, like KQ and HQ, so maybe that is why I am getting a little bored ?
  20. Melkie, Melkie, Melkie...you dont understand Shiny loot lets you buy nice things and you can impressive hot women....surly that matters. Isnt the gratuitous killing justified in the interests of love, dont we all want to find true love
  21. Taiwan is a successful and well run economy and they do produce certain important products so yes this impact if they invaded and ruined by China, like HK, needs to be considered
  22. Of course the US wont go to war with China over Taiwan , this is an absurd suggestion We care about the sovereignty of Taiwan but not that much to risk a real war that would have a hugely negative impact to the importance and sustainability of globalisation that both the US and China are part of. But their will be additional criticism and economic sanctions against China and the CCP will continue to be seen as a problematic member of the international community Where you would see a possibility of Western military intervention is if China invaded Australia or something similar but thats not going to happen because despite all the recalcitrance from the CCP they seem to stick to undermining Democracies and " independant " regions within their own territory that they feel are historically theirs like Tibet, HK and Taiwan
  23. Good post, you raise important considerations I just would hate to see East European gaming companies believing "woke " components are more relevant than a game that is fun and compelling based on normal and expected fantasy RPG components
  24. In SA we have a new law that allows 12-17 young people to get a vaccine without their parents consent https://www.thesouthafrican.com/lifestyle/health-fitness/breaking-children-teenagers-12-17-age-group-vaccinated-vaccination-south-africa-when-consent-pfizer-risks-side-effects-latest-news/ I support vaccines but I have an issue where any government decides it knows whats best for any family when it comes to these types of decisions Its the same reason I understand parents objecting to anything like Critical Race Theory being taught at schools to their kids
  25. One of my nieces is 13 and attends an excellent public sector school. In the province they live they just had a Maths Challenge where schools let the best Math kids compete in tests. Their were initially 2500 kids who competed in a test and then the top 400 competed in another round And out of this 400 they awarded and recognised the top 100. 10 got gold, 20 got silver and the rest go bronze. My niece got bronze and we very proud of her, do you think this is wrong and all 2500 kids should have got bronze medals? How does this help anyone when our societies no longer want to recognize gifted kids or excellence when it comes to different subjects and skills?
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