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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. The last thing you want is Huawei 5G kit, and if you do ignore all the security concerns dont complain when you wake up on day and you notice your laptop default language is Mandarin Let Zora keep learning Mandarin, he is fine with Huawei equipment
  2. Almost, the snapper is caught in the morning
  3. https://snohetta.com/project/428-under-europes-first-underwater-restaurant I was reading up on this restaurant, it looks incredible and has a menu that is based on only the available fresh food at the time
  4. But it is happening and its been justified because its part of the reconciliation bill and that does have important components like healthcare and education which means this controversial tax can be justified .....but I doubt you can stop it happening? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/whats-in-and-whats-out-of-democrats-dollar2-trillion-budget-reconciliation-plan/ar-AAMadUb
  5. GD I have some good news, this proposed new Capital Gains tax has been bothering me the whole day and I wasnt sure why because lots of things concern me about it. But anyway I did some research and from the link below its not actually only billionaires being taxed. But the real targeted group is actually better, anyone who earns $100 million a year but for 3 years in a row. But you have to earn $8 million /month or if one makes US$ 1 billion in annual https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/89077/u-s-president-biden-unveils-unrealized-capital-gains-tax-for-billionaires The people that make $100 million a year is a very successful group and Im not what sure exactly who they would be but they can afford this, the CEO of banks like Goldman and JPMorgan earn about $30 million. So even though its unfair and I am very concerned with the future and how this may change but I would like to believe progressive Democrats will respect the tax benefits and not do this again But what I still dont understand is how they are going to calculate taxable amounts based on a projection of assets, shares and commodities like gold. Do you understand what they mean because you cant predict the value of these assets because their value is directly impacted by supply and demand and factors you cant control ? Maybe its about the value now but the main point being it will be a selective tax of some wealthy people ...its wrong but not as bad as I thought
  6. I was almost utterly shocked when you mentioned you havent played the Witcher series but then I remembered you suffer from vertigo or sometimes similar so you cant play these games and enjoy them? I didnt read the books either but in the games I remember she has certain inherent powers that are about her interesting origin. Shes an amazing character and I enjoyed being able to play her for a while in W3, you get to play her quest and you learn about her But maybe someone else can confirm about her force shield but I do remember she has abilities like Geralt but different ?
  7. Hurlshot thanks for being honest about why you support this latest attempt to create additional revenue for the Biden presidency and the normal way the Democrats spend large amounts of money like the various bills like infrastructure I need to ask you some questions because I need to understand why people who arent going to be affected personally if this becomes as problematic as Dark suggested support this initiative. Dark raises real additional problem that I never considered because I have concerns about this entire new tax I know you are not an economist but you do seem to be supporting the idea which translates to most Americans will also be fine with it because it seems to only about the targeting of billionaires which I assume is why most people aren't too concerned because most billionaires Im sure can afford it. Is that why you do support it despite the risk because lets be honest not many people feel for billionaires and I get that even if I say this tax I feel is unique in the world and that should concern all of us some levels ? But are you not concerned that this tax can be used to now tax people who are not billionaires ? And I can absolutely see the likes of Warren and Sanders being fine with that. For example their are lots of people in the US who are not billionaires but they have hundreds of millions of dollars of accumulated wealth and have multiple properties so why not target them? They can afford it And finally you mention a reality that their are Americans who cannot afford a home loan and this initiative can be justified but how would this hybrid tax change their reality? Because government gains the tax revenue and how does this change the problem of any loan being approved which normally get denied because its calculated the applicant cannot the actual payments ?
  8. He is more famous than I realised , I think I played one RE game so I am not someone who has deep experience in that gaming world but I do know how influential that series was in the horror, action genre Then Evil 2 should be an incredible game ....I assume you use controller ?
  9. Nice review, I have this game on Steam and the last time I played it was 25 March 2019 and I got as far as exploring the house and quit for some reason. I think the controls werent working as expected but I must give it another go because its rated as a true horror and the Japanese developer is famous so it is a good game for horror And I played other games like it since then and I enjoyed them
  10. To be fair this is reasonable concern but its not liberals who would make these arguments Because the reality of the dichotomy in the USA is its not either normal liberals or conservatives that are responsible because of course you can have different views on SJ topics or policies and still agree on things If I had to summarize what is the cause is the reality of some people who decided to make assumptions about what it means if you believe one side or another and then your opinion doesnt matter anymore because " the other side is automatically wrong " And the whole point of debate is not about making any assumptions of someone else's views. Because that is not a debate but rather what a monologue is
  11. Nice and of course Russia would have the best recipe for stroganoff ....the country of origin should be the best I feel like making that for dinner this week, its easy to make and I appreciate any recipe that is not strict but allows versatility which still works. I often use this website for excellent recipes and ideas and you see how many stroganoff recipes are possible https://www.allrecipes.com/recipes/17123/main-dish/beef/beef-stroganoff/
  12. No doubt the best trailer I have seen this year and because I loved the first season this is just additional confirmation of what is coming ....we are so fortunate with such great series available
  13. How did you find Estonia, did your in-laws take you to any " famous " and cultural places that would be considered significant to their history. In SA you always arrange some interesting event for first time visitors who would not know about SA so its more about a interesting but fun way of showing any visitor something that they didnt know about. But people are all different when it comes to their countries and I have no idea how people from the Baltic states normally would be comfortable with this type of highlighting of things that matter to them? Well done for not being honest about that tasteless sauce because the truth can offend people especially if they are use to something being perfect as it is. I have learnt about sometimes how some food from other countries is loved by local people and I will always try recommendation. But I eat most food with pepper and extra heat and I always can have a hot sauce but I have created my own issue and expectation where I must have my food hot to generally appreciate it and I fine with that because a chilli eater will generally need to eat hot food to appreciate taste But I sometimes stop eating most hot sauces for 2 weeks or so and then I can eat most normal food without feeling it needs to make it taste " normal ". So what I always do when I order unusual food is ensure their is pepper in case the issue is it has no taste and then I have add pepper but I dont want to offend anyone who may think this is a reflection on their recommended dish. And you can add pepper without anyone noticing
  14. Tomorrow is a public holiday in SA because its our official municipal election day, yay for any public holidays
  15. I know this video is more light lighted but their response to eating Surströmming is exactly why they shouldnt be reviewing this type of food Because its well known that the smell is horrendous but the odour is because its exactly what famenting fish would smell like after 6 months of being in a can, here is the scientific reason it smells so bad The fermentation happens through autolysis and starts from a lactic acid enzyme in the spine of the fish. Together with bacteria, pungent smelling acids are formed, such as propionic acid, butyric acid and acetic acid. Hydrogen sulfide is also produced. The salt raises the osmotic pressure of the brine above the zone where bacteria responsible for rotting can thrive and prevents decomposition of proteins into oligopeptides and amino acids.[citation needed] Instead, the osmotic conditions enable Halanaerobium bacteria to thrive and decompose the fish glycogen into organic acids, making it sour (acidic).[7] But the taste is not going to be like the smell, its like not eating a very strong blue cheese ....you would be denying yourself the experience based on a spurious sense of how we normally rate food
  16. The secret to enjoying this type of meal is to always assume the chefs understand flavor and how the ingredients work together because often the meal may appear to not be normal to what we would cook or order And remember how much you enjoyed ordering unusual food in Mexico?
  17. I am glad you were joking about not recognising that fine dining and the local interpretation of food exists in all EU countries and is driven by dedicated local chefs. But its more common in countries like France, Germany and Austria But food like Surströmming is more a local speciality and not all Nordic people eat it but I would definitely try it but that to me is not an example of Nordic fine dining. Its the same as German sausages or UK fish and chips And I also never know when you joking or being serious because you have even accused me a being a fascist ....but I assume you joking
  18. You definitely not alone it that view, I am just surprised that you thought your observation would be unique or somehow unreasonable ....is it because you have only been noticing how most liberals ostensibly have no issue with left wing propaganda and hyperbole on SM and we only seem to see the banning of what some people on the right say ? Just get my opinion in future, I will respond on actual overall usage outcomes and I dont consider myself left or right but more in the middle so you always trust me to be objective ....well thats how I see myself The moment FB accepted responsibility to somehow monitor and reduce " toxic usage " it created the impossible objective of being consistent with what anyone on the left or right says that others would consider inaccurate. And I have been very hurt and offended by what some people have said about " whiteness " and topics like critical race theory Because Kanie you know white people have feelings to and no ones wants revisionist history or selective outrage about a so called "fact " that the US is an example of systemic racism ....and I dont agree with that at all. For example I dont think I have ever met one active forum member who is a racist? We had a member called WOD who identified with white nationalists and not white supremacist ideology and he was the closest to a racist but I dont consider him a normal racist like a kkk member And its not because I am sensitive to these topics in a knee jerk reaction sense its because I will only accept statements like this if they are based on the actual data and reality. SA and the Apartheid system is a clear example of systemic racism but the US is an example of people being racist And you cannot address bigotry like this by suggesting that the problem is systemic....it doesnt make sense and just alienates people who feel alienated by this type of generalization
  19. Yeah, we all know how the Democrats can act when they have a congressional advantage....billionaires taxed today, " mom and pop stalls taxed tomorrow "
  20. Its egregious and we all should be outraged, its just another attempt to tax people with resources and how do you know the value of basically any investment in the future. You cannot say with certainty so now you get taxed on some " projection of the value of an asset " like you said I really think all you guys in the US should be concerned with this, its illogical and unfair
  21. Sure and if being infamous is your objective in life , not famous, then she has a claim to fame. Personally I only admire overall positive role models in RL and in history But Anita will always be remembered for all the unnecessary conflict and anxiety she helped contribute towards in the gaming industry. And because most of us arent sexual bigots we would only focus on her inaccurate generalizations of "white, male gamers " ....I would argue its normal to be aware of GG and to be annoyed by it for most gamers because as I mentioned we arent bigots ?
  22. Mamie good point about Anita Sarkeesian and her time of influence and divisiveness. But she is an example of a misplaced and ultimately false SJ campaign that had real consequence but failed because not all white, male gamers are bigots and sexists
  23. Im playing Quest for Glory 4, released in 1994, and after about 4 hours I started appreciating it and enjoying. This is a huge breakthrough for me because I only started " gaming properly " in 2007 or so and the first games I played were Morrowind and Gothic 3 so I became use to that level of graphics and gaming design And I have been battling to enjoy and play all the classic older RPG like Gold Box AD&D, Wizardry, Ultima and M&M But now I think I am close to enjoying those games because I dont just expect modern graphics and a game that is aesthetically pleasing ...I am using my imagination more and that is how most people enjoy these older games
  24. As usual I find myself agreeing with my favorite Oz hottie She should run for the PM role in your government...she would get my vote
  25. Comrade its been proven through the study of the human brain and peoples choices that most people make these choices because they enjoy them. So in other words the reason most of us game is because we enjoy it and again the the race card and sexist card plays no part in the reason unless you can present links that analytically show me " how most white gamers are sexist " ?
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