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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Gorthfuscious why do you Nordic people hate each other so much you want to go on "mass bow and arrow shooting sprees " ? I was under the impression the era of Nordic Viking wars was over
  2. Its not just good, its excellent and the story changes in a dark and completely unexcepted way .....so it goes from being a "preachy " religious theme to something different and horror based
  3. Its in my Steam library so its only a matter of time
  4. It was not genocide that the CCP is doing in Xinjiang and towards the Uyghurs ....that is an inaccurate criticism towards the CCP. Genocide has a specific definition and what the CCP is doing is not about the annihilation of the entire Uyghur ethnic group ...they are involved in a bizarre and controversial attempt to "reeducate " the entire Uyghur group. Their entire approach, like "banning " Ramadan in Xinjiang, lacks any long term logic and is insensitive and cruel https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/china-uigher-minority-ramadan/ Also why do you assume things need to change? Who said that....Im very happy with things as they are but I support initiatives to make our societies better like ending extreme poverty and ensure everyone has access to quality education But what would you suggest should change because I may be unaware of what you mean?
  5. Good post Gothfuscious and much of what you say resonates with me and especially when you get older and you have the advantage of lived experience and being able to see what works and what doesnt work And sometimes very successful government and societal systems I can definitely admire and wish in SA we could achieve the same, like the Nordic countries which I really believe overall offer effective and sustainable governmental systems that offer an excellent quality of life to their citizens But sadly I have also realized that most countries wont be able to implement what the Nordic countries have for several reasons and you have touched on one of them. The Nordic countries work because most citizens do support, accept and contribute towards the system. Its not all about " me and addressing my own definition of inequality" .....its more about the greater societal good and how if everyone accepts the high taxes and prudent government influence then it becomes better for everyone Also you need to have relatively low levels of corruption and real accountability and governance in both the public and private sector to ensure success in the Nordic models of government
  6. This should be a huge concern to all of us, Crypto has become the default currency of the dark web and basically all illicit activity on the Internet and it makes it much harder for global law enforcement agencies to track this behavior and prosecute people because the money trail is almost impossible to understand using normal financial auditing But its also unfair to blame Crypto for the abuse of its creation, in other words its criminals that abuse the Internet and Crypto and even if it vanished you would still have the likes of the Dark Web which is not all about illegal behavior and does have some real legitimate purpose
  7. Their are very few things I like about how the CCP runs their country but I do admire some of the economic advantages a one party state provides....of course I would never change our government systems to become like China but you can still respect the Chinese efficiency if you are looking at economic metrics like productivity But because China has become so proficient at " legitimately " keeping their own currency competitive when they started clamping down on Crypto because of tax evasion and other systemic problems with Crypto it was another reason to be wary of this new type of investment So sometimes we can really learn from why the CCP do certain things as these policies would also benefit our societies ?
  8. I have decided to complete the Cult of Kosmos quest in AC Odyssey before I stop playing, Im on level 50 and I am literally a highly skilled killing machine that can almost walk openly into forts and defeat 6-8 enemies at a time using a combination of abilities effectively . And the high level Kosmos leaders have always irritated me with their arrogance and I want to see them die at the end of my sword But after this I have decided to play Disco Elysium, I have heard excellent things this game. One of my bothers has heavily endorsed it and has been pressurizing me to play it Who has played this game and what do people think about it?
  9. What do you think we should do to fix the failed systems of Constitutional Democracies because I can only imagine how much anxiety this must be causing you and I am one those people who believes in solutions I know, why doesnt the USA become a one party state like China with no rights of citizens to vote, no freedom of speech and no free media. Comrade I think you and I should espouse this type of political ideology...it could be the solution to our problems
  10. I like the way the " baddies " in Far Cry games always have such unique and interesting personalities ...I love Pagans eccentricities In FC4
  11. How was Far Cry 6, I completed 4 a couple of months ago and it was very entertaining
  12. What begins? I always find it inaccurate to have an informed opinion of the true political views of citizens in any Constitutional Democracy when the opinion is based on people who participate in that political system and ignores people who simply dont vote ...ever. So in other words these articles dont represent the " truth " about the political reality of the US because only 55% or so of all US citizens vote The US and what it stands for is much more complex and nuanced than the current political theater and what we see from the lack of political agreement and compromise that exists at the moment So dont get depressed, these things matter and also dont matter
  13. @majestic What happened, you seemed to like him and support his policies like how the vaccine rollout was handled in the beginning
  14. I hear you, I am not saying you cant make money from Crypto But it has much more risk compared to normal investments for several reasons because the history and proven understanding of positive return is nebulous and lastly where is your recourse if the value of a particular Crypto drops? Who takes responsibility if no one really is accountable for the fluctuation of price ?
  15. Nah, I dont trust anything that has no intrinsic value. You can make money on Crypto but its not worth the risk compared to normal investment options
  16. I finished AC Odyssey yesterday, well the main quest known as " Odyssey", its a good game and a worthy successor to the successful AC franchise Its the normal Ubisoft design with the standard repetition on numerous gaming mechanics, like how you clear forts, but their is so much to do you can avoid getting bored .....most of the time. But I have to also recognize its an impressively long game if you partake in side-quests like hunting and naval exploration, I spent about 120 hours on it and I still havent finished the " kill the Kosmos cult " other main quest Finally Ubisoft I find always recreates the historical setting so accurately I basically feel Greek...in fact I am sure I could apply for Greek citizenship with all my additional knowledge of their ancient history So kudos to Ubisoft for creating such reasonable immersion and realism of Ancient Greece It gets a solid 65\100 on the globally respected " BruceVC gaming rating system " and I will be playing Valhalla in the future, I can wait 2 years or so
  17. I just watched a really good horror series on Netflix, highly recommend...Midnight Mass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midnight_Mass_(miniseries)
  18. Now I know the real reason you want to learn Russia, you should have just said that. I can empathize with all endeavors in the interests of romance
  19. Sorry but for some reason I assumed you lived outside Chicago but your signature has always said Chicago But you have confirmed my point even more now from a lived experience and I understand what you mean by the reality of crime in Chicago and how its influences you. Because correct me if I am wrong but lets say their is a gang related shooting where 20 civilians are killed in crossfire this occurs in certain areas in Chicago where gangs operate and not in most suburbs or where you live?
  20. Okay that really could be a big plus to move their .....and its one that can directly impact any outcome about changes to your investment and how you would manage your revenue stream Question, do you still owe anything on a home loan or similar on your Tennessee property?
  21. This is such an interesting post because it raises the real considerations and systemic complexities of moving between states in the USA Many of these points you mention are ostensibly US considerations and I doubt are so prevalent and trenchant in most countries and they can change or influence which US state you decide to live in and must be because of the Federal nature of your states where each state can have very different laws and social realities that create the reason you must choose Take SA, any move between our provinces is very rarely about anything but the direct financial incentive. We have lifestyle differences because living in any coastal region just offers more choices for family fun and outdoor healthy activities. And of course we all understand property prices in cities differ but taxes, laws and climate is not much different So then you must have a view on what are the real differences if you move to Wisconsin, how do you personally feel about the state to live in outside of your relationship. So I looked at the weather patterns in Wisconsin and they do seem to have long periods of rain and cold weather ....is this the same in Tennessee and would this matter to you?
  22. This may be for retirement but look at the metrics they used and they almost apply to normal factors that anyone would consider when looking at what state to live in @rjshae shame you guys are on 40th....I feel bad because everyone likes you but your cold weather cant be ignored ? @Gromnir and @Hurlsnot I thought California would be higher...37 !!! @Gfted1 Interesting, you on 38? I think this low score is due to factors like the view people have on crime in a city Chicago, so for example would you move to Chicago to live ? But I was most surprised how high both Tennessee and Wisconsin are on the list, Tennessee is 3. That is higher than I ever thought. I would have assumed 9-12 And Wisconsin was a huge surprise, its on 14 but because of the cold weather I would have thought 35-37
  23. https://www.bankrate.com/retirement/best-and-worst-states-for-retirement/ I was looking at some state information between Tennessee and Wisconsin and Tennessee is considered the better place to live
  24. Sorry to hear, what are the next steps?
  25. This relationship is going exceptionally well and its rare to also find someone where things like conversation are easy and then she also likes animals ....and we both know that does matter to you I do think its going faster than I thought but you guys are with fine with that so no need to be overly cautious And then she clearly feels very comfortable with you and wanted to see how you would process her divorce with all its details. Not everyone would mention every detail but she feels she can with you and you are someone who understands the vicissitudes of life and marriage so that would have been another positive trait she thinks of you Hence she felt she could ask the " serious relationship"......and well done for recovering and saying the right words the next day. You can ignore the male brain caution because that is not necessary under these circumstances and I really think you are doing the right thing because she is sharing personal things with you and that matters Your cousin sounds really sweet, what a brilliant idea to match make and she got it right. Great story and well done for how things are going, you not someone who just dates women on a whim so if you think how well this is going this is something to believe in and pursue. Oh it sounds like the daughter likes you, try to keep the same good relationship because they do matter in then long term Next update keep all the details and the same length as you can never have enough feedback when you update us Do you know what is amazing, think back to that post when you told us you going off the radar and you understandably depressed. Would you ever thought that several weeks\months later you would be so happy....life can be full of such unexpected surprises and sometimes you cannot predict when they will happen
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