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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. I dont consider much of the Codex Conservative views to be even remotely similar to mine. I am active an Codex for gaming news and interesting advice on older games like Wizardry, I generally avoid political debates or any SJ unless its really significant so for example I openly supported pro-choice and LGBT rights and that alone has some people dislike me immediately for being a ' typical, leadbelly liberal " or some absolute irritating, bigot from South Africa saying " Im probably an English **** and typical cowardly race traitor and its obvious from CPT because everyone hates us " .....and this is because I pointed out in detail that SA is not a failed state and black people have not destroyed everything. And I explained that the new SA is a Constitutional Democracy and irrespective if we succeed in our economic goals nothing will ever be compare to saying Apartheid was better ....and thats true. So I am clarifying that my Codex interaction on politics is about some topics and I have met people who are Conservatives but they engage in a constructive way and dont try to insult me and these members post their views based on "facts " so its aleast something I can read in a normal way Most of the political comments are extremely derogatory and generalizations about things I know arent true. I only engage on the political forums on things I am concerned about like defunding of police and most people think BLM protests are often violent and that concerns them like me, but then our similar views end because most people on these debates will say all black people are criminals and are incapable of doing anything right so I dont share much with them But I wanted to understand what was the reason that they felt Kyle was innocent because I am not following all the details. So this is what one of the guys said and without soundly judgmental he is clearly educated and does have real knowledge on certain topics and its important to me people can make points about Kyles innocence based on actual real events and not emotional generalizations ....and I am not saying its true but he spent time posting details so I would at least know his view from the right
  2. Its a good news story about the reality of much of the US that I have experienced. The US is not some failed state where there is only failure from its elected political parties, the current discourse and the way some people reflect on the political intolerance tends to embellish the more positive things that work in the US But this town is not unusual for me in the sense I know their are many examples of places in the US where recent immigrants who have come from truly terrible benighted places like Yemen are grateful and happy to be living in the USA I am not sure talking about Islamophobia is necessary when it comes to any Muslim who has immigrated to the USA in the last 5 years because as I mentioned to Gromnir the US is not really seen as country that is Islamophobic by many Muslim countries at all? No one who is a Muslim or a black person is going to apply to immigrate to the USA if they believed that ? And sometimes well meaning and liberals and some on the left will say " the US becoming a racist country because of what Trump said " and it never helps when some BLM activists are claiming the USA is a country " that was created and its wealth was built on slavery and oppression " and then they are expecting US citizens to admit this Of course the US has people in it that are bigots and believe inaccurate and offensive things But this type of story is a good reminder of the reality of what works in the USA and this should be a positive ? But it made me laugh the part about the LGBT flag being taken down.....the communities are from Poland and Yemen. Poland is not well known for LGBT and in Yemen homosexuality is the death sentence like most ME countries So immigrants are getting use to these things in a country like USA and once its explained that LGBT is how you born in 95 % of the cases and you cant change who you are attracted and why should you ? Many people think its a choice but I can promise you its not
  3. After Trump won I spent about 3 months understanding what were the reasons many Americans voted for him. His victory was a complete surprise and the data and polling was also inaccurate which is very rare Now I was able to not overreact to the Trump victory and I realized the data was wrong because the normal analysis of US voting patterns had been corrupted or clearly misunderstand and that meant to me I had now spend time with Trump supporters to learn why they voted for him I now understand most of the reasons Trump was supported and if you interested I can share them and some you know but I really think most Democrats still dont realize that Trump was supported because he represented certain real and irrational realities and concerns that many Conservatives have about the US and Trump also cleverly did raise issues that I would personally be concerned about so he represented different things. But you use to vote Republican so its more important you understand why people voted for him who have similar views to as an ex-Republican I want to avoid Trump running in 2024 because if things continue on the current path Trump will win and even thought I respect the will of the people I am at all excited about another of Trump And what I mean by current path is not Biden fault because he gets blamed for certain things that arent his fault and his successes are forgotten like playing a huge role in changing the impact of the pandemic which mattered and required a different approach But when the Democrats cant agree on their massive bills like infrastructure and the current issue with inflation to be stabilized these reflect badly on him overall. So inflation in the US is not Bidens fault but a result of several things like supply chain problems and the economy coming back and shortages of certain goods but the reality of oil price also adds to it But most people will blame Biden and Democrats for these problems as thats how citizens are in any country? I wanted to avoid the Kyle case but its very symbolic for many on the right who believe he has been unfairly prosecuted when he was defending himself as he felt his life was in danger. He may very well be found not guilty ? I asked on Codex about why he was in a state he didnt live in on one of the normal political threads about Kyle that is supported by people who definitely think he is innocent and this case is nothing but left and liberal overreach. But I have come to understand that you ignore the insults and extreme ignorance of some people on Codex and I chat to people who respect my view about the principle of debate and asking questions is because you dont know something. So I get interesting responses from people who are Trump supporters but they share perceived facts about kyle and why he actually did nothing wrong ...I dont know if its true or not but its data and not rhetoric and its makes an interesting case.
  4. True but being relevant in politics is not the same as being relevant in the ruling elected government which may or may not be majority in Congress So in other words what Flynn is saying should not be a major concern because its rhetoric and would require fundamental changes to the US Constitution to somehow have the USA becoming " one religion " ....Im not even sure how you would do this legally? And this is not the first time Flynn has made absurd and controversial comments and nothing came of them either So there is no need to be overly concerned
  5. Great decision, after the lockdowns I have really come to appreciate spending time with real friends and spending time with family We tend to take things like " seeing friends " for granted and so well done for doing this
  6. I didnt realize Flynn was still relevant in the US government? He is the same as any other citizen now who use to be in government and that applies to comments made by any other type of religious extremist If he was in government now I would be concerned
  7. Gromnir dont be too concerned with the utterances of any religious extremists, Flynn is just pandering to Christian extremists\conservatives You have no idea the number of Islamic extremist speeches I can post where they discuss " destruction of the West " and how the " great devil is the US and its Zionist allies " Its pure rhetoric and grandstanding. The US like most successful Democracies recognizes freedom of religion and until that changes you must just ignore people like Flynn and not be worried
  8. I thought this already happened years ago with all the free coffee at your work or old work ?
  9. Looks great, I know we have all discussed this before but I love my hot sauces. I normally have at least 6-10 different types in my fridge and cupboard and I am always prepared to try something new And I am always loyal to favorites like Tabasco and Louisiana really does seem to have the best variety of hot sauces in the US and you get most of the sauces below in SA https://shop.louisiana-brand.com/collections/hot-sauces
  10. You right, its not fair to say children. Its teenagers they use
  11. We could ask @HoonDing but I am worried he will give us a creepy and weird answer
  12. Yeah, he has definitely been quiet about that one ( I wonder why Gfted1 ? )
  13. Thats good news, nice one I meant to tell you , do you know all the years I have been chatting to you on this forum I never knew you were married. I cant recall you ever mentioning it? We learn new things all the time about people, thats why I appreciate forums Let me know if you want me to chat to email\chat to your brother in law about the dangers of believing in conspiracy theories...sometimes the views of an outsider can be more convincing ?
  14. But why dont they have adults as characters or at least a combination? As I mentioned I know its not some kind of weird reason and its very normal but why use children ?
  15. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-fw-de-klerk-dead-25433597 Big news for SA, FW De Klerk passed away yesterday. He was the last white president in Apartheid and he played a critical role in ensuring the relatively peaceful end to this failed and immoral system Without De Klerk we wouldnt have had our 1994 election as he represented the National Party who were running the country at the time and had implemented Apartheid in 1948 and you always need people on both sides of any conflict that are prepared to compromise and negotiate if you want to find a peaceful solution So he really mattered even though some people misunderstand what he actually did and why he did it. Was he controversial? Definitely ...but I am very grateful for what he did to contribute towards the new SA De Klerk RIP
  16. Their are several things you can criticize Biden for but I find this whole big deal about him farting to be crass and almost childish He is nearly 80 and he is the president of the most influential and important country in the world and I would just assume his detractors can do better than making a big deal about flatulence?
  17. Gorthfuscious you know the people he killed were white, so its not about racism or white supremacy the reasons for the shooting Its criminal but not necessarily about race. Also he worked in Wisconsin and apparently had some sort of business interest
  18. Dammit, okay. Because in that Elder video you posted the reviewer mentioned he has played all DS type games and he mentions Darksiders so I thought I was lucky
  19. Armistice\Remembrance day is always remembered actively by my UK family because in the UK its about the sacrifice and deaths of millions of people in the UK who died in various wars since WW1. Most of the men in my UK family attend the memorial day today and wear poppies for November. We have several grandparents and great grandparents who died in WW1&WW2 In SA we keep forgetting to attend any memorial days, if they even held and I am not sure they are, but its understandable because its not really remembered in the same way so I dont feel guilty
  20. I tend to agree, he is a very bad example to make a stand for the some on the right He sets a very low bar and he does represent " a derpy punk "
  21. I realize this latest immigration crisis is just Internet armchair politics to you and the word " troll " you think is appropriate But its about peoples lives and futures and its about resources. So no Putin is not a " troll , thats not a real word we use in geopolitics and in any RL political crisis
  22. Yes and you also have always raised how openworld, like W3, can be effectively implemented without being an " empty " experience like Mamie was concerned about I didnt realize Darksiders is considered a Dark Souls type of game ? Because I thought I had never played a Dark Souls type of game but I have played Darksiders 2 and I thought it was great ...do you think Darksiders is similar to DS?
  23. This is an interesting story Poland and the EU are 100% correct to not allow themselves to be blackmailed by Lukashenko with Russia backing, Putin plays a role as Lukashenko wouldn't still be in power as another example of a dictator and failed socialist experiment without support from Russia....but this is a Belarus primarily created issue The arrangement with Turkey is not the same as this egregious blackmail, that agreement everyone understands and supports and Turkey is getting paid to host illegal immigrants for processing and they are not just guaranteed to get citizenship in the EU. This Belarus facade is just abuse of immigrants and playing geopolitics with peoples lives And of course part of the way it is covered on certain international news channels is " what is the EU going to do about it....this is a human rights issue " and as usual the actual cause is ignored. This is a Belarus\Russia created issue, why dont human rights lawyers focus on them as a solution? For example why doesnt Russia allow these illegal immigrants into their country? Problem solved And finally as I have raised for years now when you have mass, illegal immigration to countries like the US, EU, SA and Australia you will notice the general solution from liberals and human rights lawyers is always the same and completely counterproductive...they dont want to address the source of the problem which is failed and ineffective governments that immigrants come from. No they expect countries that dont have failed leadership to absorb these citizens Its not sustainable and for many people its unacceptable and this is never going to acceptable
  24. I had no idea what you talking about initially but congratulations to you and other members on this significant day for the US Marines And thanks for your military service and commitment to making the world a better place, its appreciated like all legitimate military service. If I was living in Denver I would insist on taking you out for free drinks and dinner
  25. Very good gameplay video, this game is looking incredible I think the openworld definitely works and the guy explained how its been implemented and how exploration matters and rewards you. And some of those monsters are artistically just stunning I love that dragon in the swamp and its AI ...very clever
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