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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Thats one of the few legitimate issues I had with ELEX 1, the Romance options were not very compelling....all the women looked the same and Nasty had a dirty mouth which I found very unappealing Whats so hard about creating attractive women like in Bioware games ?
  2. Dark dont you believe in the principles of all Constitutional Democracy's like the US? For example dont you believe in things like a free media, freedom of speech, independent courts, free and fair elections and your government being accountable? Would you prefer that Poland was an autocratic state like Russia?
  3. That looks delicious, its made me hungry for a cheesy pizza. I normally order double cheese with my pizza
  4. https://www.pcgamer.com/elden-ring-system-requirements/ After reading your warning I checked the link above and read the minimum memory as 128GB instead of 12GB ....I nearly fainted because I before I moved to Cpt in 2019 I upgraded my gaming machine and I have 64GB But my initial shock was real
  5. Interesting, what conclusion do you draw from this? You could say the increased deaths is because of the more deadly variants and people not being vaccinated because we have seen more dangerous variants at the time vaccines were more available if you think of Delta ? And do you have the link for this study ?
  6. I hear you and I understand you will engage how you want whether its intellectually or emotionally because both matter and both will be part of our views on these topics And it wont be all the time from my side, its just you have demonstrated an interest in these topics already so I was hoping you will want to engage. For example you have commented on what you define as white, male privlidege in Oz you asked about CRT you had an opinion on Whoopi Goldberg you have a view on structural racism in our modern societies you shared that link about the Oz SAS soldier So thats what I mean when I said you enjoy these debates but its probably better to say you have an interest and I have learnt things from you already. For example I didnt know what CIS male means or what triggered really means and I researched it after reading your posts so its been been informative already But as I said to Gothfuscious the most important thing about these debates is a genuine interest in the topics. And most people dont particularly want to engage on these topics in too much detail and thats also fine Lets chat in the future about this
  7. You must share your experiences, I plan as usual to wait a few months before playing Elden Ring
  8. Risen gets the most criticism but I enjoyed the pirate themes and exploring the islands. Also the Voodoo magic was an interesting component for magic users which is typically the class or path I choose in these types of RPG
  9. Gothic 3 is still my favorite Gothic of the series, I have even played it twice and this is not the general consensus of Gothic fans who mostly say 2 is the best But I think my view is influenced by the fact its the first game I ever played when I got back into gaming in 2007 after not gaming for 12 years or so But ELEX 1 is my favorite game by far from PB and I have played them all and enjoyed them all including Risen
  10. It reeks of hyperbole and fake news so its good to question this type of thing. I am more than happy to assess anything you worried may be false. Just let me know
  11. Funny you mention BG3 but thats my most anticipated game for 2022 but latest update from Larian is full release is probably only next year and Im waiting for the full release before playing it But ELEX 2 should be out this year and thats another " day 1 purchase " for sure But Wormie speaking of games we cant wait to play....Elden Ring is out in a week or so. Are you planning to play it straight away ?
  12. Why would you think that, I made a post a while ago about how much I was looking forward to playing DY2 and very few people were excited about it so its good when I read a post that someone is playing it and enjoying it because its bodes well for my experience I wouldnt pretend to like games and be excited about it, you have to just trust me on that Melkie
  13. Great decision to play DY2, Im glad you enjoying it and I have heard mostly good things about it I am going to play it in the next 3-4 months once the first patch\update is available
  14. Small groups of people ranted and raved in SA so much about Ivermectin it was allowed to be prescribed to treat Corvid despite having NO real benefit for treating Covid. But we have a thriving black market so it was available anyway even if our health authorities had banned its usage for the virus https://mg.co.za/coronavirus-essentials/2021-11-09-how-south-africas-ivermectin-use-slips-through-the-cracks/
  15. https://www.hrw.org/news/2016/12/01/russia/syria-war-crimes-month-bombing-aleppo There are many examples of civilian deaths in Aleppo due to the Russian bombing campaign including the targeting of hospitals which I doubt would be classified as legitimate military targets? But saying all that I am not opposed to the actual intervention of Russia in the Syrian conflict because someone had to intervene and it wasnt going to be Western countries after the original UNSC veto by China and Russia back in 2011 to even condemn Assads brutality around refusing to make any Democrat changes to his government and be more inclusive. Exactly like Gaddafi his response to the protestors of the Arab Spring was to unleash the full might of his security forces and wipe them out But I am opposed to how Russia conducted themselves militarily along with the Syrian forces, I think I posted this link before. Aleppo use to be a city of 2 million people. Take a look at these photos https://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2016/sep/29/devastation-in-aleppo-syria-in-pictures
  16. I have no idea what you saying? But something else, when people say " the Russian intervention into Syria " the legitimate issue is not the intervention into Syria. This is legal because they were invited by Assad. Its the same as the numerous military bases the US has throughout the ME and the French military presence in Africa, its fine if you invited What people are talking about is what Russia did within Syria and that includes Aleppo
  17. I dont understand what point you making? Aleppo is a city in Syria and thousands of civilians were killed in Aleppo by Russia. Zora said the Russia intervention was legal, I am asking if the killing of civilians is legal because they inextricably connected? Thats not whatsaboutism....thats about the intervention in Syria, they directly connected?
  18. And the killing of thousands of civilians by Russia by their bombing campaign in Aleppo is that also legal ? And just for future reference that is not the definition of whatsaboutism https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/whataboutism-origin-meaning, to quote from the actual definition. Its not where you make an irrelevant comparision. It can be true or irrelevant but its a deflection from the original argument Whataboutism gives a clue to its meaning in its name. It is not merely the changing of a subject ("What about the economy?") to deflect away from an earlier subject as a political strategy; it’s essentially a reversal of accusation, arguing that an opponent is guilty of an offense just as egregious or worse than what the original party was accused of doing, however unconnected the offenses may be.
  19. Zora just be honest, you are not concerned with the legality issue of Russia's numerous military intervention in places like Syria and UN endorsement . Elerond is 100% correct Then we can stop pretending we " outraged " when it comes to past military interventions by the US in places like Iraq and Kosovo which also ignored what the UN thought That works for me, it really does. Russia can invade Ukraine because the economic sanctions by the West will be suitable and comprehensive enough But lets at least try to be consistent when we justify a Ukrainian invasion and lets stop questioning any Western military actions in the future
  20. Thats very normal to not be 100% sure of these types of words because they not " normal " English words but you will find them in the Urban Dictionary and even then when they used their meanings will vary My cousin Paul just sent me some videos and photos of where he is in Brisbane City , he is at a place called Howard Smith Wharves . It looks really festive and people are just socializing and having a good time. I definitely want to go their when I come to Oz which is now only going to be next year because he is coming to SA this year and he has already booked his tickets and accommodation in September
  21. Absolutely I understand what you saying because what I am suggesting is where we would we engage and read what the other person is saying but it cant take too long per post. So for example when @Chairchucker asked " what is CRT about " and Gromnir sent him a 12 year old document that was 120 pages long that is unreasonable and unrealistic for anyone to go through So any links or posts we make shouldnt take longer than 10 minutes to read IMO, like the debate yesterday over the SF school board. It was started and over in 40 minutes and all links posted you could read in 2-3 minutes But more important than that is the actual interest in topics like wokeness and that would be a completely personal choice. So I understand your interests and what you want to spend time on and these types topics are not necessarily them
  22. Do you sometimes enjoy debates and discussions around topics related to wokeness, SJ and SJWism I do but only sometimes, I wouldnt want to have them all the time because I generally dont consider them as meaningful or relevant as debates around geopolitics or economic policy. Because if you enjoy them I would like to have them with you and be honest about what I personally think or believe? On this forum we dont really have many discussions around these topics and thats fine because obviously we all decide what we want to spend time discussing and its normal to not want to debate topic x if you dont have the inclination. Now I can easily have these types of debates endlessly on forums like Codex but these types of debates on Codex tend to be more Conservative and or right wing and its an echo chamber which defeats the point of a debate Let me know if you want to have these types of debates, an example of one type of debate I enjoy is the Whoopi Goldberg comments around the Holocaust. Thats an example of what I mean But if we are going to have these debates can I ask for 2 important " rules " its a debate so we going to have different opinions and thats expected and the intention is to convince the other person your point is correct. Like you pointed out how triggered is inappropriate its not personal so no one should get offended and we mustnt be offensive when we make our points Obviously I welcome all other Obsidian members comments so maybe @Gorth, @majestic, @Elerond. @Zoraptor, @Hurlshot @Gfted1 @Darkpriest @Amentep@Malcador and others can get involved if they want ? And if you dont want to have these debates thats also fine
  23. Thanks but please dont use the word woke, its very offensive in many cultures because it represents racism towards white people and white people being blamed for things that arent true. I think its important on this forum that we all try hard to respect each others personal views and not offend each other Im joking obviously, you can use any words you like when you debate with me. But on a serious note, after you mentioned that the word triggered is linked PTSD I didnt think it was true and I thought you were being a snowflake but I didnt say anything because I like you and I didnt want to offend you further because I like our debates Anyway I looked the word up to confirm and you right, it is linked to PTSD and thats the same definition for the word on dictionaries like Urban Dictionary where much most of the Internet slang and vernacular is defined https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Triggered I consider PTSD a very serious and real condition, I have had gone through it and its not something I would make light of. I thought triggered just meant you " respond to something immediately and emotionally " So thanks for pointing it out because I genuinely wont use it anymore unless its in the right context
  24. GD how is life in Wisconsin compared to Tennessee? Are the people any different, more friendly or less friendly And have you tried any of that famous Wisconsin 10+ year old mature cheddar cheese, you must try it and let me know what it is like...its one of my bucket list items before I die
  25. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/school-board-recall-election-san-francisco-three-members/
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