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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. I understand. This is one of those debates where we can agree to disagree, until the next one
  2. Sorry I got distracted yesterday and didnt respond. I want to be clear on your point so I dont make an unnecessary response Are you saying the Western media response to monkeypox is racist or the actual government response in Western countries is racist?
  3. From an African perspective and specifically SA it wouldnt have made a difference. During the time before anti-retroviral drugs HIV was causing real carnage and our government at the time, 2005-2009, had an ostensibly ill-conceived and misinformed policy that somehow healthy eating can prevent HIV or rather the development of AIDS The US anti-retroviral drugs are also supplied inexpensively to SA and they are free for people with a certain CD4 counts below 350. https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/countries/southafrica/what/antiretroviral-treatment.htm
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/kansas-2022-primary-election-results-024200093.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall A interesting vote in Kansas around abortion and its going to be pro-choice that wins, to quote It was the first popular vote on abortion rights in nearly 50 years -- and the first since the demise of Roe v. Wade. In reversing Roe in June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that abortion should be left to individual states. A "yes" vote to approve the Kansas amendment would have effectively overridden a 2019 state Supreme Court ruling and would have cleared the way for GOP super-majorities in the Kansas legislature to enact more stringent abortion restrictions. I wonder how much the overturning of R vs W could change the political fortunes of some of the failed policies of the Democrats? Will this matter in the midterms? It will be the Republicans fault if this does change things because they were set for a resounding victory, exciting times
  5. She is brave, I wouldnt have gone to Taiwan now. Wait to Putins War is over and the global inflation has subsided then make these types of political statements
  6. You being honest and I appreciate that I do care about other countries and I want them to be stable and prosperous and the citizens happy because then there will be much less illegal immigration. But its governments of every country in the world that are responsible for this, its not the responsibility of other countries unless self-interests are threatened like Putins War and the destabilization of Ukraine. This has a direct impact to the stability of the EU so the EU and the West will care
  7. Elerond !!! Stop being racist to Danish people, @Gorth Elerond is suggesting we name a virus after your country, aren't you outraged
  8. Yes, there is a vociferous and global "anti-drone " view in the world which is well meaning by some and then based on badly informed and naïve views from others. On this forum we have had some anti-drone views. The global anti-drone view was common until other countries outside the US started using drones and then suddenly drones were okay Here is a link that summarizes this anti-drone view https://www.listland.com/10-reasons-the-u-s-should-stop-using-drones-in-warfare/#:~:text=Drones should be banned because they disguise human,they often use them on their own people.
  9. Impressive, it was a very strategic killing. If its true its good to know this can be used in the future
  10. https://news.yahoo.com/us-carries-operation-al-qaeda-215802129.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall Justice to 9/11 and AQ victims, the current leader of AQ has been killed in Afghanistan by a strategic US drone strike @Gfted1 we have been vindicated again about the usefulness of drones
  11. A couple of things you not aware of about this outrage about the name monkeypox Firstly I should have been clearer, my first paragraph wasnt framed correctly. You right it doesnt make sense. I will go into more detail. When monkeypox was first seen in " white, rich " countries (as you frame it ) the initial photos of what it looks like were only of black people. So in SA there was the normal race card and knee -jerk reaction from some black people and other commentators of other races who said things like " this disease isnt even an African disease, its a white disease that Europeans\Americans are experiencing. These photos are clearly racist and biased and suggesting that only black people can get it and the monkey name is racist " These responses as usual were not based on any facts or understanding of this disease because firstly the only reason the photos were of black people is because it was initially only found in Africa so thats why most of the photos are of black people. But as we all know and more importantly any disease can effect any race. So the photos should have been irrelevant because thats not the point of how the disease spreads and its symptoms Secondly Africa has got its own media houses, WHO Africa and Africa CDC. The reality that none of them highlighted this disease, now they are, is not the fault of the media houses in " white, rich " countries. Again to repeat the point, the Western media is not responsible to update Africa about diseases that are spreading within Western countries And finally who are these people that should care? Governments will focus on developments within there country and its the WHO that is considered authoritative when it comes to global pandemics. And they are doing that now with monkeypox But as Zora said there are several uniquely African diseases that are not normally seen outside Africa. Africa WHO and CDC are responsible to inform Africa about this and we dont hear any outrage about this from people outside of Africa when people dont know about these diseases like most of us in SA had never heard of monkeypox or its origins But if malaria became mainstream in the US I can guarantee you the US media would highlight this So in summary the suggestion that monkeypox is a racist name is uninformed and ignores the history of this disease and how its spreading throughout the world
  12. But people have a right to protest peacefully. Are you suggesting we start shutting down or penalizing protesters because we dont like the theme or message of the protest?
  13. No thats not accurate, monkeypox origin is Africa and its been around since the 1960's and it is well known to epidemiologists and virologists who study viruses There are lots of diseases that none of us know about because they haven't been experienced in our country so when monkeypox started being seen in Europe and US the Western media would naturally report on it because its a real disease After Corona and the fact we live in a globally connected world I would think that any argument that a diseases is unique to an area is moot when that disease starts spreading The most important point is not creating outrage about a name that is 70 years old but rather how do we treat it and how infectious is it
  14. My journeys continue in the " saga of the Sword Coast " Im deep in the Cloakwood Forest and having Imoen and detect traps is a huge benefit around avoiding spider web traps I also had an epic final battle around my Vienxay mod NPC quest which culminates in the Cloakwood Forest where you confront her former mistress, Luna, a powerful Shadowmage and her apprentices. Very hard to defeat Luna with all her summoning spells and apprentices so I had to be strategic I used Silence 15 Radius on her to stop her casting more spells after the initial spells and then used my Wand of Fear to confuse her summoned elementals and then I ran away and she chased me but her apprentices stayed behind because they were using shadow magic But once I separated Luna from the group I was able to kill her and then I returned to kill the rest I am about to enter the Cloakwood Mines, exciting times
  15. As I sometimes mention never underestimate the lengths the race card gets played in our societies. The reason some black people say its racist is because the word monkey is used in some countries as a derogatory word to describe black people. But its not in all countries which makes the argument weak and unconvincing. Im not sure how that would have anything to do with how all human beings can get any disease or virus irrespective of race Do you know whats really racist, the Spanish Flu !!!! Spainish people should be outraged https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/08/01/1113908154/critics-say-monkeypox-is-a-racist-name-but-its-not-going-away-anytime-soon
  16. Is Serbia an enemy of the West? Russia is but Serbia will have to decide its future on its foreign policy decisions and what happens in Kosovo will influence that I dont want to see another Bosnia\Kosovo V2.0
  17. GOG is a Polish company and they vociferously opposed to Putins War so its understandable But I doubt Steam and Epic would block Russian transactions
  18. It looks like Serbia is provoking NATO, Im worried we may see another Bosnia\Kosovo V2.0 ? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/tensions-between-kosovo-and-serbia-why-nato-is-prepared-to-intervene/ar-AA10bEzN
  19. I agree but I enjoy the ways missions are designed by Rockstar. They not suppose to be overly complicated But its the activities and side distractions, like visiting strip clubs, that make a difference And also there are always Easter Eggs in there games that make exploration fun and worthwhile Here are some links that highlight this, I didnt find most of these things in either game https://www.thegamer.com/20-crazy-gta-v-easter-eggs-and-myths-you-have-to-see/ https://www.pcgamesn.com/red-dead-redemption-2/rdr2-easter-eggs-secrets
  20. I hope you wrong. Its been mentioned they stopped any new, major updates on RDR2 Online and they focusing on GTA6 so sometimes it goes the other way and the SP experience gets more development attention Also as far as remember GTA5 online is the same as RDR2 Online, you just need to pay for the original game but access is free. I havent ever paid for anything in the 1000 hours or so I spent on RDR2 Online?
  21. Im confidant Rockstar will deliver on another successful and entertaining GTA I dont think wokeness will change there formulae, some people on Codex are very angry though but I heard some hilarious comments like " the new Latina character will constantly complain about immigration and there will be numerous missions to kill ICE agents and destroy ICE detention centers "
  22. Why would I admire someone who failed to implement necessary and inevitable political change in a failed minority controlled country ? But I do admire the effectiveness and training of the Rhodesian security forces against the Soviet and Red China onslaught.
  23. Castration has been used in almost all the empires of mankind for thousands of years, particularly amongst Arab slave traders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castration But in the year 2022 and playing the " yes but Colonialism did it " card when Russian soldiers are doing it now doesnt change the reality that its just another example of the barbarity of the whole Russian military offensive So we should be shouting about it, sorry to disappoint you again. Most of us arent going to handwave Russian war crimes due to whataboutism
  24. I suppose I support the right of women to travel to other states to have abortions so you make a good point here. And you right, the states do have different laws in different ways But Democrats won in 2020 in Pennsylvania so this is another good reason to vote them out, you right Elerond
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