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BruceVC last won the day on December 8 2024

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    Cape Town, South Africa


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  1. Oh, okay I understand what you meant But the USA is not Nazi Germany for several reasons. The main difference is Trump only has 4 years and then he is gone
  2. Yes, I agree and thats why I keep saying the US and world will be fine after Trumps term is over. Democracy will survive But its also parody and not meant to be taken seriously
  3. You making very serious allegations, have you taken this to your local media? Dont sit on this information, you have a civic responsibility as a global citizen to let people know why the US has stopped funding the WHO !!!! Trump needs to educate himself on which countries are part of BRICS
  4. No I dont support the withdraw because I believe in the WHO as an important UN institution that provides healthcare services to third world and impoverished countries So if you look at @Elerond link the US provides 14.5% of funding so if you remove that it will impact the overall services the WHO provides which I dont want But that can easily be mitigated by other wealthy countries in the world This shouldnt become a problem when the likes of China are basically contributing nothing And thats where BRICS comes in because its a bloc that can easily full the US shortfall
  5. Okay we going around in circles now, it wont be a problem if other countries full the funding shortfall It wont be an issue at all
  6. But why cant BRICS do it? Why cant they make a decision together to fund the US shortfall Again if BRICS believes in a multi-polar world this is one way of demonstrating that belief I dont understand why think BRICS cant do this, China will be the main contributor but other BRICS members can contribute
  7. I dont think the US decision should become the "issue " it has become and it has become an issue because this specific executive order has been mentioned several times in our media The WHO can get this funding from other countries and as @Elerond mentioned BRICS are hardly providing any funding and they can definitely full the gap if the WHO matters. I didnt realize BRICS members contributed so little You say you believe in a true multi-polar world, this is how you do it
  8. The point is if the US pulls funding from the likes of the WHO there is no reason many other wealthy countries cant full the gap And BRICS is the obvious choice because it has second wealthiest country in the world and it claims to stand for the Global South and a new world order that is not as influenced by the West\USA And that objective can only be realized by action and the not the standard rhetoric and platitudes This is a perfect opportunity for BRICS to demonstrate its commitment to it own objectives
  9. The point is if the US pulls funding from the likes of the WHO there is no reason many other wealthy countries cant full the gap And BRICS is the obvious choice because it has second wealthiest country in the world and it claims to stand for the Global South and a new world order that is not as influenced by the West\USA And that objective can only be realized by action and not the standard rhetoric and platitudes This is a perfect opportunity for BRICS to demonstrate its commitment to it own objectives
  10. https://www.cfr.org/article/2024-election-numbers " More than 155 million Americans voted in 2024: 156,302,318 to be exact. That’s the second largest total voter turnout in U.S. history in absolute terms. It is also just the second time that more than 140 million people voted in a presidential election. In relative terms, voter turnout nationally in 2024 was 63.9 percent. That is below the 66.6 percent voter turnout recorded in 2020, which was the highest voter turnout rate in a U.S. presidential election since 1900. " Trump won the popular vote and 7 swing states and this applies to registered voters but if you not a registered voter you cant vote and that applied to 89 million Americans who are known as voter-eligible https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2024-11-15/how-many-people-didnt-vote-in-the-2024-election " And while votes are still being counted, preliminary election data shows about 155 million ballots were cast. This would mean an estimated 89 million Americans, or about 36% of the country’s voting-eligible population, did not vote in the 2024 general election." But out of the registered voters Trump won, I fail to understand how anyone can say he didnt win through the Democratic process of voting? If someone doesnt want to register to vote then they obviously wont be included in this data but that doesn't change how he won the election in a Democratic way?
  11. I thought some humour would be appreciated in this thread, you guys must find the sentiment hilarious
  12. There is endless criticism about US imperialism and its " insidious " control of UN and other institutions Its exaggerated and selective but its consistent from those detractors of the US So this is a good opportunity for other countries to take up the slack when the US pulls back its funding Why cant BRICS countries supplement the WHO? They want to create a new world order and help the global south Its not like China or India cant afford it? Trumps policies could be the perfect time to see real global change around this type of support for the likes of WHO We shouldnt rely just on the US for this type of funding ?
  13. There are too many executive orders for me to focus on or understand how they will be implemented and this is one of them https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/designating-cartels-and-other-organizations-as-foreign-terrorist-organizations-and-specially-designated-global-terrorists/ I dont know if it means Trump will bomb cartels within Mexico, I doubt it considering how that will harm the Mexico relationship?
  14. I have raised this many times through the years, the lack of outrage and interest when it comes to African conflicts and conflicts like Ukraine or Israel\Palestine But my criticism is not about global inconsistency, its more about the lack of interest from Africa because these conflicts have the most impact to Africa and its transformation. I dont expect the EU to care more about Sudan than Ukraine considering the obvious geographical and historical reality And South Africa and our foreign policy efforts and energy is an example of this inconsistency I am being generous if I say we have 5% of the same interest in African conflicts than what we do around Israel and Gaza and yet the latter is a conflict that isnt even in Africa and makes no difference to any of our domestic problems. But every African conflict undermines the objective of a united and functional AU and increases both legal and illegal migration to places like South Africa So you would assume that would be our foreign policy focus because African conflicts have a direct impact to South Africa's continental geopolitical aspirations Then last year when you see a UNSC resolution around declaring a ceasefire in Sudan only Russia vetoed it at the UNSC because they involved in the Sudan war And yet no outrage or much media or public attention about this but we always hear when the US vetoes UNSC resolutions on Israel and our government will generally comment But a Russian veto on an African conflict like Sudan, deafening silence
  15. The current border is an unmitigated failure around illegal migration and if one of the steps you can take is making it more secure than deploying the military or National Guard makes sense just from a manpower perspective The real question is how much of a difference will it make and what will the cost be as time goes on Can you really secure a massive geographical area like the Mexican border? But lets wait and see
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