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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. it doesn't cool down anything. on the contrary, presence of Russian troops in the region could've cooled down some hot heads. if you still don't understand that Western Ukraine is mostly nationalistic and in some instances openly antagonistic towards ethnic Russians there's no point in even taking part in this discussion for you. currently nationalists are actually the people in charge of taking power in the country, apparently both the Deputy Prime Minister and some high-up schmuck in the MOD are members of the social nationalist party (they actually pay homage to Hitler). regardless of what political goals Russia actually pursues, the threat to Russians living in Ukraine is very real. also, just a sidenote: when I lived in PMR before the war I had a close friend my age. his family eventually moved to Odessa. yesterday I found out he was one of the 40 something people killed there. and his murderers will not be prosecuted any time soon. now, this doesn't make it personal for me, no. but it kind of reminds me of how close to home the event in Ukraine actually are. I am genuinely worried. and even though I don't like Putin's Russia, I'd take that over what's happening in Ukraine any day
  2. but it's true. most gamers are people in their 20s, i.e. ****tards, in vast majority. and girls do get harassed for playing video games (which is part of a much bigger problem, not going to go into that). so while someone could get upset over it because he wanted to join said group and now he can't, for the majority of people that thread shouldn't have been even a tiny blip on their radar
  3. why does she have to justify creation of a closed group before some people on the Internet, though? I, too, have a closed group of people playing Arma 3, for example. and we don't let strangers in because they tend to ruin games we run. how is this even an issue? and a bannable offence? EDIT: oh, so she was (a) banned for reporting any and all posts calling her out, which apparently is considered abusive according to COC; (b) banned by a volunteer moderator (i.e. possibly, a teenager with no grasp of common sense or ability to draw accurate conclusions on sensitive subjects) my conclusion: once again the Internet has blown something trivial out of proportions and unnecessarily empowered some random girl, giving her a platform.
  4. That's the first time I have read that blog and I think Gaider makes some excellent points and I agree with most of them actually, from what I've read, romance in Twilight follows all the patterns of an abusive relationship. so, whoever uses it as a template for his writing is, probably, a major douchebag. you really enjoy that kind of stuff? I'm beginning to see a pattern here
  5. [nerdrage intesifies] I should've been more clear: Chinese vampire with a katana
  6. there aren't any deathclaws on the East Coast, because there aren't any deserts there. every Fallout fan knows FO3 isn't canon
  7. the way I did it was to abuse the regular unarmed attack. the way it works you get a knockdown every third hit, and it doesn't matter if you landed the previous two, you only need to connect on that third one. so I would just time my attack right, when the boss approached I'd start mashing that left mouse button, and if I hit, he would go spinning in the air, I would then time it so that third hit would get him as soon as he stood up, effectively paralyzing him. takes very long but is pretty much fail-safe
  8. Wow one of the side quests had me fight with a Chinese katana wielding vampire. He wiped the floor with me. I eventually managed to cheese it but I realized I really needed to up my combat stats
  9. and 2/3 of that will be the marketing budget
  10. but but but, with seduction you can do it in the open without breaking Masquerade
  11. combat looks a lot like Dragon Age 2. it's not a compliment: laggy animations and no reaction to hits from enemies... meh, I'll pass
  12. the more I play the more I realize the biggest problem with this game is its engine. Source just wasn't meant for such games, unless you're a Valve engineer (another good example of this: E.Y.E.: DC) I am getting sick of being stuck in doors, paper clippings on the floor etc. makes walking about a nightmare... I wish this game was made in ToEE's engine: turn-based, with prerendered backgrounds and isometric. in other news, my Malk finally made it to the warehouse as per Mercurio's orders. I can see that there's no way out of here until I finish the job, guess now is as good a time as any to learn stealth. good thing I have ~10 spare XP to distribute in case I desperately need to boost a stat.
  13. feck... ok, if I survive the hotel I hope there's a line of dialogue that lets me stick it to the "sisters"
  14. great... I'm in the creepy hotel now, getting hit with various flying objects, I hope that's the last errand I have to run for them
  15. oh, so I assume since there isn't one, I'm stuck in this crapper for now
  16. from my experience Hacking and Lockpicking are very useful, so go with a class that has high dexterity and wit. don't go Nosferatu or Malkavian. nosferatu is so hideous you'll have a hard time walking around the city (80% of your activity in the game), and malkavian has all his dialogue options switched with lines of crazy talk in very hard to read font (same lines as with every other class, though, just camouflaged), can be very annoying. seduction and persuasion are useful (extra money and less hassle in some instances), but unless you go Toreador that has charisma coming out of his butt, I'm not sure investing in them is that useful. sneaking is cool, I have yet to take full advantage of it (dexterity again) but it has potential. and definitely invest into combat feats, you'll be fighting a lot in the first few quests. you'll get a pretty cool melee weapon early on too, so don't bother buying anything when you begin. ... what I have trouble with is leaving the damn Santa Monica area, I want to go to Downtown LA! but can't figure out how
  17. btw, I know that Jeanette and her sister are actually the same person. it's pretty obvious the first time you meet both of them in the Asylum
  18. Guys. It's called addiction. To one's own misery. Bio fans probably know they are being exploited. But it is their way of feeling loved
  19. I can't grasp the whole stealth thing in this game yet. Which is mostly due to me not seeing enemies when crouching. One of my abilities Was supposed to highlight their aura but it doesn't. I think I will go with a malkavian today and see how it plays out.
  20. Because your messages on this board led me to believe you didn't like good things
  21. so far the game has been very combat heavy and kind of confusing at times. I already see I made a bunch of bad calls during my char creation, I definitely should've grabbed hacking instead of flippin' research, because laptops are just everywhere and passwords are nowhere to be found. with firearms at 3/5 I can't hit a barn door at 50 feet, which is pretty disappointing, hopefully it'll get better. it's all very similar to Deus Ex: HR in terms of gameplay. only stealth kills don't work for me for some reason. maybe I shouldn't have gone with Toreador
  22. actually, I read a Let's Play of Bloodlines 10 years ago. so I used to know every secret and plot twist there was. I just forgot it all, but I don't care about teh spoilers, it's not about the story for me. it's about the adventure
  23. oh yeah? compared to that Audrey's arms are perfection
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