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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. that's the best thing about it can't wait for ArmA3 Arkham City is a sandbox game? looks kick-ass
  2. that's pretty much what ArmA2 multiplayer is about. you build your base, then you take a vehicle and go to town. there are Apaches and stuff if you want to fly, Abramses and Humvees etc.
  3. Starhawk plays like ArmA2 I'd never think devs had though that concept to be worth duplicating. I don't remember Battlezone being very popular
  4. I'm not judging anybody, nor am I splitting them into categories. expecting DSIII to be exactly like the first game wasn't very wise to begin with. so what's the point of even talking about it here? so it's not like the first game, big deal, it's better, that's what counts. and the thing about "not being able to see my char's paper doll, boo hoo" and all that jazz - is just pathetic I can understand how some people could like the original more (even though I personally think it's a steaming pile of crap), but it's no excuse for insulting the devs for taking the franchise in another direction. don't play it, keep playing the other two. who cares?
  5. I bet Miranda will be a boss
  6. the cars are also armored i seems
  7. "Mass Effect is really all about the galactic war, blah blah blah"... gimme a break ahaha, man, this guy is full of crap
  8. so, I guess you thought you had downloaded the full game? what's wrong with you? haven't you read anything?
  9. ME3 is due in an hour I think, 1 PM PST if I'm not mistaken
  10. so, Mass Effect 3 in less than 2 hours?
  11. it's better than in Witcher or DA2
  12. this DS stuff is so boring...
  13. you people are awful
  14. I don't know, these guys use cover, put up shields, don't hesitate to knock your turrets down, flank you. I'd say the AI is pretty impressive judging by the demo
  15. there was a shop? the demo is pretty short, and your char can't die, so no point in saving the game. most Steam demos don't have saves anyway, deal with it
  16. only 8 minutes, oh
  17. yep. GTTV hosted a demo showcase, 20 or so minutes of gameplay
  18. I meant it wasn't intuitive. stuff like Momentum, a good interface means I don't have to read the help file to understand how it works and what it does.
  19. it's not that I don't like to play with a gamepad, but a PC game without a proper M+K control scheme is a bid odd you can get used to DS3's controls, but it's still very hard. and combat is unforgiving, a single mistake can mean a reload. it's tough as it is, no need to make it even more difficult. I don't know how well it plays with a gamepad though. overall it's left a very good impression on me. the voice acting is meh, but other than that I liked the demo. I like that the game promotes exploration, again, the combat is very good (reminds me of Risen, but the enemies are a lot faster and tend to surround you if you're not paying attention). and there's tons of loot, I found almost 50 different pieces of equipment for my char alone. the game looks good. the interface is nice and easy to navigate. the skills/proficiencies system is neat, though I couldn't really understand what stats do for the character. the writing is top notch as usual, lots of lore, though I don't like the plot's premise, too cliche for my taste, but it's a hack'n'slash after all. I'm definitely buying the game as soon as I get in contact with my usual retailer.
  20. they didn't show BG&E. most of the presented games were shooters. they did show Reckoning, Skyrim and Deus Ex. and Mass Effect 3. and there's also an Eve Online FPS spin-off, that they plan to make a part of Eve Online somehow (it's PS3 exclusive though) - Dust 514
  21. suddenly it went all Valkyirie Profile
  22. oooh, RAGE coming up
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