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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. you should read up on Uwe Boll. according to rumors he had been laundering money, and his movie business was just a coverup, so of course he'd pick the cheapest license available, duh. btw, care to link the sales figures for DS? all I can find is some general statements about the game doing quite poorly...
  2. that last quote isn't me. other than that: of course a lot of people have "heard" about Dungeon Siege... thanks to J.Statham
  3. Both games had some good writing not sure if serious
  4. what, all 3 and a half players? we already know that, they're all here
  5. I love everything about NWN2, so I could be biased
  6. isn't that what's happening now in here? hardcore DS fans raging about DS3 not being a piece of crap that's exactly why it's going to turn out a turd did you see their demo at E3?
  7. BS their art department is very good, and encounter/level design in most games reaches genius levels at times. can't comment on the engines, since this is the first game to use an in-house engine. so what's left... character development is usually good, they have good designers working on their leveling systems. what else... I guess one could say their games lack polish, but that's understandable at least, though not excusable of course. what do you mean by "mediocre or worse"? what crusade? the only people who really enjoyed FO3 were those who had never played the originals.
  8. if you mean Dark Alliance, then you shouldn't have mentioned it at all. most people here think Shadoews of Amn when they see "Baldur's Gate"
  9. pretty much, it's kind of sad actually, Tomb Raider made all these other copycats possible, and now there's more hype around some douchebag with an AK74, than Lara
  10. ha! check out Activision's CEO backing down from their earlier statement about CoD Elite
  11. without D.Perry it's not Shiny anymore, their list of shipped games does not impress
  12. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure they did
  13. would be cool if you could use both mouse and pad depending on the situation... ah, a man can dream
  14. is my name Philosoraptor or something? less features could very well mean a better game. that's why these choices are good. multiple characters of the same class: to keep the combat varied. I guess it's cool to go in with four mages, but that's what magicka is for. in a good video game this gives an opportunity to design better combat encounters persistent characters: wut? level independent of host's level: figure it out on your own, Sherlock movement independent of other characters: because this game is designed to be played on one machine, the online play was thrown as a complementary feature
  15. yeah, battlezone was pretty good, didn't play part 2
  16. that's the only thing I'd miss from your list, everything else makes sense to me from the design standpoint
  17. man, the new Lara Croft game looks damn good
  18. you should make it, why wait for somebody ele to do it, since you know exactly how it should look and play, right? and you should consider teaming up with Renevant and P R O G Z
  19. that should be directed at SquareEnix, since they're the ones who want to release multiplatform games and hold the rights to the Dungeon Siege IP. go bug them on their forums
  20. the camera and controls will be fixed by the community right after release anyway
  21. well, that's what I've been saying. it's dead and good riddance, if "you" can't understand why they picked this project, well that's too bad, but don't come whining here
  22. I kept trying to sidestep, and to dodge to the side instead of forward/backward, it's kind of strange no to have this possibility... I'd rather have A and D for movement and mouse for camera control
  23. what's this game they're showing at GTTV?
  24. The Old Republic looks like crap is that the Aurora engine
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