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About SellSwordDev

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  1. Yeah...I don't know about this. I've always enjoyed a good character creation screen. It's one of the reasons why I love RPGs so much. Every personal detail adds an extra degree of flavour, making your experience more unique. Having a limit on playable races detracts from this somewhat. This isn't a problem if every system involved is deep enough, but just hearing "there will only be two available races" doesn't sound very appealing no matter how you slice it. While we're at it, not many games these days (at least in my opinion) have done this well. While not a role playing game, Skull & Bones has a measly amount of presets, with all of them looking mediocre at best. Still, if everything else surrounding this is good, then I'll be willing to sacrifice this part of the game.
  2. Indeed they are! Out of every channel that I'm subscribed to, I come back to his the most for this very reason.
  3. I've been putting off this game for ages. Might finally play it now. Shame that this is happening to the studio.
  4. Finished Tales From the Borderlands yesterday. What a ride!
  5. Man, I've been meaning to play Arcanum for the longest time. There's no excuse to be honest, other than a massive backlog of 20+ games.
  6. Started Weird West today. One hour in so far and I'm craving more.
  7. He's probably the only guy on YouTube who I look forward to watching. So many interesting stories. Can't wait to see who he brings along for the next interview.
  8. Haha, alright I'll raise you. The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind.
  9. Lol idk, reading the Star Wars film posters as "Episode 4: A New Hope" doesn't look right to me.
  10. Fallout 4 is great when you close your eyes and pretend it's got nothing to do with the IP. Starfield has the excuse of being a separate thing at least.
  11. Story of my life tbh.
  12. Strongly agree. Every vid has been both informative and interesting. Very happy to hear that about Obsidian too, not that it surprised me tbh
  13. I will never forgive Kai Leng for what he did to Thane. Dumb plot armour aside, he needed a fate worse than death for that.
  14. Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. That crap Gollum game persuaded to give this a try having already played Shadow of War. Only one hour into it so far but it's been a damn good time. I'm not even a LOTR fan either.
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