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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. This remind of FF X-2 ... Most reviewers gone around giving high scores, one step up and pretty much said what the game actually was and he was right. Not that stoped FF fangirls go around defending it. You know "Something Awful" said: Now we can just replace "Squaresoft" with any name and that statement would be right, the level of fanatism around games is absurd. I expect one day some fanboy straps some explosives to his body, heads into a publisher bulding and blow himself up.
  2. Did I said anything about the story? No, the story was fine ... heck I survived the Cowled Wizards and the elven Queen of Tethyr Forest so I could live with "Darth", the Ep II Jedi Order and the Mandalorians. Four times would be a little too much for me, I did make two full runs and replayed the Temple Summit to see the other ending. As a RPG is lacking but then again that does not make it a bad game, just its not have good RPG mechanics. As for the music, it was exceptional, it part of the musical themes of Star Wars unlike other Star Wars games that are just mixes of known themes.
  3. Diference is in BG2 you could not just wait, you needed to be keep you mind the combat are react. It was easy to be killed, expecialy against enemies mixed groups ... remenber the halflings on the sphere? In KotOR there is not much depth in combat, true at start in Taris you can be killed and Dantooine still have tough combat but it starts to became easier and easier to a point were we stop caring, the enemy uses the same force powers, is unable to act in a group with only the "boss" fights require some extra atention but not much.
  4. First you dont just click and wait, in BG series that was set in AD&D 2nd edition rules were there are no combat feats but without buffs and heals you be screwed all the time, in many situations magical support was the way to win. As in NwN that I did not played that much you need to use feats and/or spells to survive, I get my ass handed to me in HotU if I made a mistake in combat. KotOR have no depth in combat most of the time, using a feat or spell ... sorry, Farce ... I mean Force power is not going to have much of a impact, with a few excepts enemies are easy. Oh and in Diablo ... sorry you need to keep clicking to attack, a anoying feature of combat system (Sacred also have it) with I dislike.
  5. Xbox players dont complain much, with GTA:SA people were crying murder with the slowdown.
  6. Its pretty stupid to use a RPG system on a adventure game. KotOR games are not RPGs, a RPG that is "press a buttom and wait" is not a RPG, its a adventure game with combat.
  7. Its simple ... In japan they are used to consoles so the idea of releasing a game with bad performance and bugs is unthinkable. In the western world we grow up with PCs, we are used to performance hits due to outdated hardware and bugs due that for years we installed patches. The Xbox is a western console, most developers for the Xbox are (or were) PC developers and so they are used to performance hits and buggy releases. Xbox owners are most from the western nations, they did not moved from the PS2 to the Xbox but from the PC to the Xbox so they dont complain much.
  8. It was replaced with making a buck. Years ago we had people working on games because they wanted to make a good game, when it started to be profitable the suits moved in and it became all about money. You know why we got D&D 3.5? Because WotC wanted to sell the same books again.
  9. Hades you know until they turn the d20 in a complete joke of what is meant to be (99+ levels, getting all the feats, etc ...) you know the KotOR fans will not give it a rest ... they are not roleplayers. If OE that is have staff that worked in RPGs did not care you think anyone else will?
  10. Not to say Microsoft does NOT allow Live service to patch games (smart move since the publicherss would release even more buggy games since they could "patch then" leading people away from the Xbox due to low technical quality of their games) ...
  11. Well considering that EA was playing havok with Origin development its hardly a suprise, take the engine for example that EA intended to be licensed for other games and was not much good in terms of framerate and optimization, I run it years after release with something far more powerful when it was released and it performed poorly. He made sure IX was to end the Avatar series in terms of story, with was not bad because we Wing Commander fans end up with WC:P that have a ending like WC1 and 2.
  12. Hardly a suprise, games undergo changes as the development continues and things get cut. Fable anounced their development specs, it wa bad idea because not only features get cut during the natural evolution of development ( they dont work as expected, they are unbalanced, serve no purpose, etc...) but they were buidling a new engine, as people that work with a proven engine know how it handles things a new engine is always a shoot in the dark. In the end Fable is not exactly a bad RPG but its not the "rpg to end all rpgs" as advertised.
  13. Well a galaxy have to obey the same lawys that govern the universe, if the force is a universal law in Star Wars univese then its everywere ... only way was being some sort of "device" that prevents the force to exist there. The Vorg are not extra-galatical in origin so as far we know the force exist in all of Star Wars universe except on some expecific cases.
  14. Go read the last of the NJO novel to know why the Vorg are like that and let me put this, there is one that was using the force all along. As for being one the wost ... well keep in mind EU have been a mixed bag and for many years we had "superweapon of the week" no its not strange they made the Vorg like that.
  15. My "job" is to remind people that someone else IP have to be respected, I really dont care when its their IP were they can do as they please, its their world and if I dont like it I leave ... done with Forgotten Realms and that is why you dont see me posting on NwN2 area. I still somewhat care for Star Wars, its hard with Lucas and EU doing things I dont like it but I still care ... the day I stop its the day you dont find me posting over Star Wars.
  16. It means someone is sleeping on the job.
  17. I go over this AGAIN with the hopes it sinks in ... Millenia the Jedi Order found the dark side and there was battle of Jedi that wanted to study it and the Jedi that wanted such knowledge to remain closed. In the end the Jedi that wanted the Dark side lost and they escaped and they found the Sith race, now the Sith were a primitive culture and when seeing the Jedi they worship then as gods, as time passed those Jedi inbreed with the Sith and created a unique culture anc technology. Now the Sith empire lasted 1000 years, when Marka Ragnos was burried a Republic scout ship reached Korriban and the Sith became aware the Republic and the Jedi were no legends, so after some internal conflict they decided to attack and even if they managed to reach deep into the Republic space they were defected and the Republic counter attack simply wiped then out. The Sith Empire was no more, it was never rebuild (Kun tried and failed at that). The Sith survived due to powerful Sith Lords that remained in ghost form and guided others to Sith knowledge, allowing the Sith to resurface from time to time with the cultural background being somewhat intact, that lasted until Darth Bane that created the rule-of-two and the whole "Darth" title. The Sith are not much of a problem except their ability to corrupt, they lack the military might and the numbers to really be a problem to the Republic or the Jedi unless they are allowed to operate and the Jedi active seek then out and destroy then, Kun was too much of a example of what they can do if left unchecked. So there is no "true Sith", the race is dead, their knowledge is on what left of the Sith Empire worlds (and Korriban was pretty much the only that was not bomb to hell) and the Sith culture is a mix of the Jedi that studied the Dark Side and the original Sith culture.
  18. Bah, the day I take notes from 2 dimensional "characters" is the day the universe ends. Then again it already states what I know, women are no diferent that us, they want a walking steriotype and not a real human being and I dont want that kind of people around me.
  19. I decided to be mean because gods knows I hate ignorance. You know that I am "casual" Star Wars fan, I dont buy the novels (I only read the RtoJ novel), I read a few comics, played some computer games (good ones, not the crap shoved out the door of the last years even if I play some of then) so I am not exactly a autority when it comes to EU and whats canon or not. However I can dig up that information, its not much hard since Star Wars based forums and web pages are common. Back when I playing D&D I was a member of Wizards forums so I read the Star Wars d20 area of then and one thing I spoted was a line over the "New Jedi Order" novels with the Borg, I mean Vorg (you know what I mean .... sorry I do take sides) with some people like what was done and other hate what it was done, before the prequels created "the" split of prequels/originals we had the Vorg doing that. Why do I meantion then? Because WE DONT NEED NO MORE DAMN OVERPOWERFULL ALIENS THAT NOBODY KNEW BEFORE AND THEN VANISH WITHOUT LEAVING A TRACE! Holy *beep* ... "True Sith" ... what the *beep* is the "Truth Sith", you mean the god damn race that was a buch of primitive morons that decided to worship the LOSING side of the internal Jedi fight. Yes THEY GOD DAMN LOST .... what the *beep* is so damn "uber" about a bunch of former Jedi ? Are we going to call the Spanish "uber" because they did the *beep* same thing with the Incas? So lets see ... the race is DEAD, the LOSERS that they worshiped are dead too and ... what do we have then ... Oh, I know N-O-T-H-I-N-G with is exactly what some people have instead of a brain. Those are the Sith, they can wait for the "true Sith" all they want because the Republic taken care of then about 1000 before they were born, its not going to happen again folks, that as long someone on LucasArts tries to maintain the universe consistence with is something I do wonder ... Doing around pulling a Borg is not going to work, Star Wars already have then and they are called Vorg and only show up a lot later, during the New Republic time. ... Is because of crap like that I avoid fan fiction, it tends to be crap with uber character against uber foes with glaring plot holes, lack of research and bad writting. Perhaps I sould go over about "The Force" that takes a beating, being EU autors or Lucas trying to explain it or use it as some kind of plot device, lets say seeing BG2 all over again mixed with PS:T elements ... sorry but I dont fall for the same tricks again ... same goes with fallout ending system ... this is neither PS:T, BG or Fallout (its Star Wars, did LucasArts mentioned it ?) and I expected a little more but then again I sould be used to "one trick pony", they make something and use again and again and again. KotOR 3 sould not be made, better actually make a Star Wars RPG on the same lines of SW:KotOR and forget this nosense ... what is crao, remains crap,droping gold dust on it just makes with crap with gold dust on it.
  20. Keep in mind this all BS. BioWare stated on many occasions they were NOT working on a sequel, there is a lot of trash data on SW:KotOR but that is not proof of anything expect they changed the storyline, something quite common. If BioWare intended a sequel they would have done things diferently, starting by NOT end up at lv20 at the end of the game.
  21. That is the ending ? (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) Did anyone at LucasArts actualy READ something about Star Wars or they just shove down the door products wit "Star Wars" on the title ... nevermind, I no longer even care ...
  22. Modded Xboxes cannot use Live , also it voids their warrenty (like that means anything). I doubt that is the case, if its is ... well its another reason to get something not build by Microsoft.
  23. Its unfortunatly common, QA is usually handled by the publisher and today many publishers are sloppy ... expecialy traditional PC developers now working with console titles. Not that we dont see bugs and issues on tradictional console developers titles but they are more used to the testing circle and the fact they cannot patch the game, they tend to iron out everything they could. As for engine problems ... well I blame trying to make something run on hardware that cannot handle it, take GTA:SA that have frame rate issues because its simply too big a game world and they eliminated loading areas, it serious hit the performance. Also there is the fact the SW:KotOR hybrid engine was not much optimized from the start (Xbox players complained about frame rate) and OE was given that engine to work with, add the small development (1 year and half iis not much time) and the result is not pretty.
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