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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. The hurdy-gurdy?
  2. I wept a little bit while watching Titanic. She wouldn't let me leave early..
  3. Knitting makes my brain grind to a complete halt, I just can't get my hand around it. I also have problems with things like braiding.
  4. I really don't get why people are going on about that. It's buisiness as usual in the corporate world. Nothing new or noteworthy.
  5. had an old john deere "sowing" machine when we were young. were one o' those grain drill and seedbox thingamajobs covered with as much rust as bright green paint. never thought o' it as a particular gay contraption, though we do agree basic tailoring skills should be known by the average adult regardless o' gender. HA! Good Fun! It was mandatory when I was in school to have sewing lessons, wether you liked it or not. (Slöjd) Once I'd finished those and went to shop class I lasted for about one month before I went back to sewing. Couldn't stand the teacher in shop class, he was waaaay to fond of young boys... That said, I don't have a sewing machine, but I do have a sewing kit.
  6. My condolences Hurlshot
  7. Always handy in a selfdefence situation.
  8. I had julbord.
  9. New Mexico, I think?
  10. From what I remember, the largest consumers of that kind of porn are straight men. Something about feeling more powerful or something.
  11. Came out 10$ ahead in the poker games tonight, but I didn't win the trophy. Oh well, better luck next time.
  12. I would be horrified, if it wasn't for my very open friend already discussing doing this very thing when I was about 16-17. I'm more horrified now that I realise that was literally half my lifetime ago... ;_; Got a christmas gift from my workplace, two movie tickets. Again. I preferred the bowls, mugs and earpieces we recieved my first year. Atleast I get something extra to throw in the poker pot tonight.
  13. Oh yes, that recipe will be used. Got some friends that love things like megadeath, so that will be awesome. Also have some coworkers that I really want to prank. :D
  14. I've got those LED's on my motherboard aswell, but the leds has died and I can't get AURA to do anything with it. I probably should've taken the opportunity to have it RMAd when I changed the graphics card, but I really don't care about those flashing lights.
  15. HAHAHAHA! I'm dying, hahaha! I love it! Thank you so much, I haven't laughed to tears for ages! XD
  16. Atleast that takes time from him practicing the cat-organ.
  17. By peppermint liqueur you mean mint-flavoured vodka, not an ethanol-with-syrup thing, right? Would be too sweet, while if it's vodka, I'm definitely trying this some time soon. Anyway, my recent discovery: good old White Russian is also delicious if milk is hot and is just as good for sore throat as traditional hot milk-and-honey, just much, much tastier. Not really to be honest, I tried both Minttu and liqueur and both work great, if you use the liqueur though you have to cut down on the sugar while making the hot chocolate.
  18. Goddammit. Was looking forward to that now that I have a completely free weekend.
  19. I'm a bit late, but anyway, alot of tech youtubers, such as Linus and Jayz2cents, has been randomly showing RTX Titan boxes in the background of their videos. So much for the RTX 2080Ti being the "new" titan.
  20. I'm pretty certain that it means that you can't send a patient to get help fighting their cancer with beetroot juice and garlic for their HIV infections.
  21. There is a dowser that lives nearby me that charges people 100€/h to dowse for water. It's pretty much impossible to not find water where I live, but people around here swear by him. I'll bite if you throw in a Circle of Protection from Positive Energy aswell. I want my yard to be well balanced and not give an upper hand to any deity.
  22. If Cyberpunk releases anywhere near that date I'm going to throw such a hissyfit.
  23. No, by then we will have moved to Alpha Centauri.
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