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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. With a broken finger on my left hand and my right hand crushed since before I can't even do one, but I used two dumbbells and only managed 12. Now I actually feel like I might have a heartattack any second x.x
  2. Depends on what you consider "bad". It might be OK-ish technically but it's lacking a whole lot of features steam has, whether those are relevant to you is for you to decide. The main issue (imho) is their way of doing business (just outright trying to buy customers by exclusivity rather than competing on features, or price) and the fact that they are customer unfriendly on purpose (by not allowing reviews or letting publishers pick whether they want reviews, for starters), basically all the progress that was made on information being readily availably to customers they intend to roll back so publishers can keep releasing broken products with as little repercussions as possible. Because, face it, for most consumers there are two sources of information on a new game: platform reviews (Steam, Gog and the MS Store, all have them) and gaming "journalists". Seeing how the latter are about as reliable as leaving an alcoholic to guard a liquor store (the biggest trainwrecks from AAA publishers still get scores in the 60s and 70s...) they just try to get rid of the former. There's also their refund policy, which apparently has improved, so I'm not sure if it's still a train-wreck but they made it as annoying as possible to get one so people, well, just wouldn't, really. For the more "dedicated" gaming clientèle nothing really changes as we tend to rely on peer reviews and/or YouTubers anyway, but catering to publishers by actively being user-hostile doesn't particularly sit well with me. Also, they are still not GDPR compliant as far as I can tell. I'll admit to not having looked really hard to see if they've changed that.
  3. No, they consider the damages to be too much for the cars worth since they don't acknowledge the upgrades I've done on it with suspension and such, they've offered to get me a "new" car, but they won't pay enough to get me a car in as good a condition as I have. The amount of money they consider the car to be worth is around 1500$ but to get another one I need about twice that. I have to see if I can wrest some repair money out of them and get the rest of my own, but I suspect that they won't pay up. I have about 3000$ saved up that I was going to use to pay for a licence for lorries, but it looks like I have to give that up or trick a bank with a loan or something. I'm going to see if I can strongarm the car dealership/repairshop into giving me money aswell since they parked the car out on their parking lot over the weekend which is next to the only McDonalds in town, right between McD and the bars and such in the inner city. All kinds of turds waddle around there in the middle of the night. I'm glad I've got steelrimmed winter tyres on it so that I can actually tow it onto a trailer without totally ruining the rims, and a really nice trucker from work is going to take the company car trailer and lorry and drive it to his garage.
  4. You sound absolutely nothing alike.
  5. Hit a badger a little while ago, handed in my car to let the insurance company fix it, which they did. Got my car vandalized while at their parking. Keyed, dented, broken off wipers, antennae, lists, slashed tyres, the connection for my heater, connection for trailerlights and it goes on. I'm in a bit of a murderous mood.
  6. Haha! Sounds very familiar We have a couple of departures that's supposed to leave their previous pickup location at the same time as they leave my workplace.
  7. It's a CONSPIR4CY, I tell ya!
  8. I just realized that, aside from DEViANCE which stopped being active back in the mid 2000s, I have no idea if those groups are still around. If you review the PROFETs CODEX you will find certain ways to get your CPY.
  9. Yeah, you'll have to turn it off altogether from what I recall. I have the same issues.
  10. The thing that is really keeping me away from playing online is the dice. Honestly, I really want to feel those dice in my hand as I throw them, just clicking a button is awful.
  11. Yeah, they started at 1400€... I'll be honest with you, I don't think we really have any SPCA equivalent here, we have a couple of organizations that involve themselves in lawmaking, and terroristorganisations similar to PETA.
  12. Yeah, it's ludicrous really. Checked 15 ads right now, one mixbreed puppy was at 500€, and someone was trying to quickly get rid of 2 pups because of allergies and asthma for 850€...
  13. Pfft, massively missed opportunity. With that attention to detail, this game is going to massively fail.
  14. 250€? Wow, that'd be every dog here, I don't think I've ever seen one being sold for less than twice that.
  15. I didn't have that problem. ... I bought an internal BluRay burner.
  16. Well, today is Fettisdagen, so I have been eating semlas. And went to the hospital to get my finger checked (Healing fine, I've got some nervedamage though).
  17. Hmm... Probably not, but as soon as there is a cochlear implant that can give me full hearing again, I'm signing up. Or cybernetic organs. Or limbs. But I'm kind of hesitant to something that is hooked up to the internet, that is just begging for trouble. Imagine pissing of 8chan if you have a brainchip, you know you're going to be hacked, and they are going to hook everything so that your wikipedia searches are redirected to encyclopedia dramatica instead...
  18. I'd love to have one, but shipping might be more than a new one
  19. I'm on the same train of thought, I'm having a hard time to seriously believe that people would think this. That said, I am a cynic, so I do believe there are people that stupid out there.
  20. My favourite liquid for universal use.
  21. Just now realized that I have the ingredients for making a grasshopper. So, yeah, I'll be having that.
  22. I've had a Swedish hunter try to convince me that wolves aren't a natural part of our flora and fauna since there hadn't been any wolves around since the 19'th century. Basically; We hunted them to extinction, therefor they aren't natural...
  23. It's not so much dented as cracked and misaligned, and my OCD can't handle it. Got a time for a damage inspection on wednesday, atleast my insurance covers it and I don't have to pay a penny Also, you can see the red paint from the donor car, and that REALLY irks me, since it reminds me of being pushed of the road last year.
  24. Managed to run over a badger on my way home from some friends, not terribly pleased, I might need to get myself a new front spoiler, but it's hard to tell when it's dark outside. But alteast I managed to swirve and get him underneath the car instead of hitting him with my wheels and completely wrecking my shockabsorbers.
  25. Aslong as I have no injuries lifting some 45pounds isn't anything special, and if I were lazy I can just move aside one of my monitors and I can have at the filters and inside of the case.
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