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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Jimi Hendrix, Alice Cooper, Ronnie James Dio... Fallout... Wing Commander... Philip K **** I think? Mike Pondsmith.. Cord, DeSoto and Nash Motors.. yeah, I think I'm out.
  2. Me too! I've never dared look... I figured as much, but I considered myself funny ^^
  3. Sweden. The ass-end of nowhere, on the right hand side.
  4. That's a pretty ****ty deal really, I mean the uncertainty in that is a low blow. Admittedly I'm not sure how well Swedens help package will work out but from what they've said it does sound like it'll help. Many hotels has been renting out rooms at a reduced rate to people that want to isolate themselves, and some has offered bed to the healthcare system.
  5. A month or onetime payment? How long'll that last you?
  6. So will you recieve any aid from your government?
  7. I'm not as considerate as you admittedly, I'm sticking firm with my lube/hand sanitizer prank, because we don't work with people here, so the impact will be negligable since hand sanitizer doesn't work on grease anyway. Despite people trying it xD
  8. Long time no see Calax, welcome back
  9. Riiight.. We do have the same science as everyone else, it's just that Sweden hasn't closed down everything because the public health agency said that it was no point, they did say the same in Denmark for instance but for political motivations they closed down anyway. If anything, the Swedish public health agency might have to much power in making decisions accoring to some people. Very much this, our system is based on educating people and volountary actions, but for instance; the reason we went from allowing groups of 500 to groups of 50, was because some places skirted the law by only inviting 499 people. When this was found out politicians and public health officials went "Well, **** you then, no more than 50 people". If other recommendations aren't being followed they will start implementing more stringent actions.
  10. I don't know what I hope for to be honest...
  11. We're stable as of this moment, but we don't really know how many infected we have generally speaking either, since we don't have any widespread testing at all.
  12. Haha! Why not throw in lemonparty in that? Nah, I'd have to physically restrain him for that, we can't trick him with those! He's a muslim, and he hates gay and trans people, so when he expressed interest in a transgendered girl on a tv-show we were half-watching while working we decided amongst ourselves to "corrupt" him.
  13. I think I remember reading that the EU is looking into tracking people via cellphones to "help understand" how the virus spreads.
  14. https://www.gp.se/nyheter/göteborg/restaurangen-rycker-ut-för-att-hjälpa-sjukvården-1.25673616 https://www.gp.se/nyheter/göteborg/sahlgrenskas-personal-tackade-haider-1.26008062 Articles are in Swedish unfortunately, but the gist; The owner of the restaurant Yalla Habibi in Gothenburg delivers free meals for ER and ambulance workers eat for free at his restaurant to help a bit during the crisis. Regular customers go there and pay double to help pay for ER peoples meals.
  15. I like the idea behind it, but knowing that Swedes read something on the order of 90% crime novels I'd not want to take part of the exchange myself.
  16. Well, considering how much we've been "corrupting" him at work, that is actually highly likely xD Just a couple of weeks ago we taught him about katoeys... He was very upset.
  17. Worst beholder cosplay ever.
  18. Sooo... what you're saying is Xena and Hercules has made me what I am today?
  19. Heh, that hand sanitizer reminds me, I've bought 500ml of anal lube and scavanged two used bottles of handsanitizer. My coworker that is nicking "free" hand sanitizer from work is going to get an unpleasant surprise.
  20. Yeah, I'm pretty safe aswell, the company is jointly owned by two governments and we ship alot of medical equipment, not to mention that online shops ship through us. We don't deal in foodstuffs though. On the downside alot of drivers are staying home sick, so my education just keeps getting pushed forward. Oh yeah, someone sadistic as all hell is playing The Sims global edition with our lives.
  21. It really upsets me that they haven't even heard of them, I mean the oldest one of them is 26, but the others are 22 years old.. it's been 3-4 years since they finished their gymnasial education. I didn't expect any indepth knowledge to be honest, but at the very least recognition..
  22. I'm real thirsty now
  23. That's no true slav. Squat gave it away. Her squat is weak western spy squat.
  24. Apropos of nothing, my coworkers made me a wee bit depressed today when noone knew about Pandora. Or Homer, never heard of the Odyssey, except the Assassins Creed game, nor Hippocrates. I'm not surprised they knew about Pythagoras, nor that they didn't know of Eratosthenes. But c'mon, Pandora?! Hippocrates?! ;_;
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