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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Men also tend to not follow social distancing guidelines as well as women do it should be said
  2. I noticed that aswell when I went to the grocery store in Gothenburg aswell, it was packed in there, and no masks either. In my hometown it's much more orderly, people avoided each other and actually waited a bit away until people had picked what they were supposed to and then moved in after, it was actually nice to see.
  3. It is, but it does get kind of hard to get your hands on the joystick again if you let it go for a moment. The members area displays makes much more sense aswell.
  4. I love Elite in VR. Even my eye tracker improved that game a crazy amount!
  5. To be fair, it'd be really counterproductive to lose track of one 5th of the human population.
  6. Looks familiar...
  7. I'm pretty certain that there isn't anything supernatural at all, but I do come very near something that I can liken to a religious experience when I hear a masterfully composed music and song. I've never heard that about "Misere mei", but I can definetly see... uh, hear? Music as an important part of religion, a well performed song with the added acoustics of a church is powerful stuff.
  8. I do like me some Gregorian and ERA occasionally, and I'm very much an atheist.
  9. My boss' timing is impeccable, just got a message saying that it was a warehouse next to us, so that's good (For me).
  10. Dunno, there aren't any direct images of it, but noone was there atleast. https://www.gp.se/nyheter/storbrand-sprider-rök-över-göteborg-1.26702101 Here are some Street view images, the first one is pretty recent, one year ago, but the other one is a few years before and has an unobstructed view of the facilities. I don't know if the street view links will work properly, but turn the camera due west. https://www.google.com/maps/@57.738846,11.9932293,3a,75y,284.02h,67.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sVwj2nAJZSEH5N0wquFDZog!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 https://www.google.com/maps/@57.7388311,11.9931374,3a,75y,284.02h,67.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s77Or6pHJke4DRjIFgHqogQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 And a little bit further down the street; https://www.google.com/maps/@57.740652,11.9937902,3a,75y,274.94h,76.81t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYCtvI8lUDrs9zjx8pmRnMQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 I'm highly amused that you can jump backwards and forwards in time by just switching side of the road. Hahaha! That's the wrong place I would burn
  11. I honestly would like to know this. Then again, Sabaton has an album about Charles XII, but it's a bit to specific to be called "Swedish history", we have had a presence before 1697 and after 1718.. @Hurlshot Is it?
  12. Read the news. "Big fire at Hisingen". Several trucks started burning and ignited a nearby warehouse. "Hmm.. those images are awfully familiar, I drove there to the meeting." ... *Checks google streetview to compare images from the scene to where I drove* ... Kurwa.
  13. It's easier?
  14. I saw someone in the comments point out that the chorus is 20 seconds long!
  15. Had my last day as a yard jockey/traffic officer/route planner/yard tractor manager/gate guard/surveillance tech, on tuesday I'm starting the lorry driver training on full-time, while working. My replacement (Whom I trained to be a yard jockey less than a year ago) felt it hit home and actually started to get real nervous when I gave her my private number so she can reach me if she needs any help, she's now the senior at that place. And I just now realized that all the current jockeys are kids I actually taught. That's... a very weird though immensly satisfying feeling. At the same time I'm really quite sad, I kind of realize how much I'll miss 'em, same with the one really excellent boss I have. My new bosses are going to be the ones I've written lengthy letters to complaining about all the **** they do wrong/don't do at all - that'll be fun. As an added thing, we've got three birthdays this weekend in that group, so I bought some ice cream cake that we ate, and even with the birthdays, me and one other older jockey that is leaving at the same time, drops the average age by quite a bit. Atleast we were over 30 before, now we've got two people barely over 40, and the rest are 27 and down.
  16. I get some really lovely Rhapsody vibes from these guys, I love it!
  17. Way ahead of his time
  18. 1000 yards? Fancypants! Creedmoor when you can get yourself some 6.5 Swede!
  19. I'd rather take my chances with Corona, I honestly think the odds off survival are better
  20. I love that Tie Fighter! Some amazing details on those minis overall!
  21. Haha, no, now you've got my attention Oh, yeah, or even suggesting it! Not really, though from what I've read the massive hormone treatments and similar renders you a muscle monster to the point where the only difference between a female and male base subject would be that one would have male genitalia and one would have female genitalia.
  22. Haha! I can imagine, nerds are very sensitive about some thing, I would know considering how I think about modern Fallouts I wanted to do a similar thing and do an Adepta Sororitas Kitty chapter.
  23. https://www.deviantart.com/melkathi/art/Teddymarines-547408369
  24. It's not necessarily any "evil commies" that are going to use it, but the future Hitlers that are going to use it to stop dissent.
  25. It's news to me aswell, so thank you for that GD, and it's a nightmare read aswell, but I am not surprised one bit. And just as you say, many countries are going to rely on Huawei for their 5G networks, so they'll already have a foot in the door. Add in that we do have several authoritarian leaning parties here, and I don't doubt that the economic troubles that comes following the current pandemic could get them even bigger poll numbers, they'd have alot to gain in having a system like this available to them.
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