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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. They haven't released any games with RTX or DLSS yet.
  2. No, but giving systems to cars where they never have to pay attention will make things worse. Humans are flexible, computers are not, add in cybervulnerability aswell since they will probably have to be connected to the internet and you have a recipe for disaster. I wholeheartedly agree about people though.
  3. I don't know about Keyrock, but all of the lorrydrivers that I've spoken to on that subject has been vehemently against it. They want people to actually pay attention in traffic. The auto-driving systems that are around today people cheat with so that they can fiddle with phones or watch movies in the car. As soon as there is something unexpected that comes up that a driver could handle but computers can't they usually end up in a ditch.
  4. I've probably posted this before, but for anyone looking to get inspired for some pathfinder kingmaker
  5. The lorry and trailer was the best to me.
  6. Ah. I had forgotten the second round was this week. When these ****heads make Farage look like a genuine freedom fighter, you know it's time to pay your tab and GTFO. For anyone who wants to read up on what this means: An EU copyright bill could force YouTube-style filtering across the Web (quick, click before EUSSR copyright commissars force Obsid to pay royalties to Ars!)
  7. It's AMDs workstation card, not for gaming.
  8. What shady said, if you've got krugerands to blow, and don't care about price/performance value, just buy the most expensive 2080 ti you can find.
  9. Ohh, or why not Battle Chess, party against party? ... I think we're onto a winning concept here!
  10. I hope it's alright
  11. Wish I could give you more, but I've got a heavy workday behind me and worse ahead of me.
  12. Haha! Yeah, diverting attention is not going to happen SD is very much in the clouds when it comes to economics, their financial minister has trouble distinguishing between millions and billions, so... In actuality their politics is right leaning, not only talking about their immigration views, but also their tax proposals. From digging around they want to give tax reductions to people earning 11k USD per month, nothing for people making less than 7k. (Average wage for cashiers in Sweden is at about 2500$) They want to keep privatizing healthcare, they don't want to impose any form of limit on how much private healthcare providers can take as winnings (Private healthcare providers are still state funded) They want to cut municipality fundings by 6 billion$ (~10% of the total budget), which rhymes badly with them wanting to improve care for the elderly and better schools... That's just a few picks from why SD isn't in any way for the average people. The media just goes on and on and on about SDs anti immigration policies because it's easilly attacked. If they'd done their actual jobs and shone a light on their other ideas people might have been better informed. So if they were to drop their anti immigration policies, SD would essentially be the Moderate Party, with clueless politicians. The fall of the social democrats is no surprise really. The past years they haven't had a majority so they haven't gotten many of their ideas through, which leads to them looking like they won't keep their word and people losing faith in them. No wonder really.
  13. huh. swedish elections is a bit different than we expected. kinda disappointing. HA! Good Fun! I actually consider this a supreme form of election, atleast we would know that the people that are up for election really want to be there, and not just for the easy money. It would also motivate politicians to keep investing in healthcare and social security. Kind of hard to work when your arm has been cut off.
  14. The results of the Swedish elections for those that want a break from the Trump News thread. https://www.aftonbladet.se/a/0EyBX0
  15. Voted yesterday, I'm glad to see that the Nazi's didn't do as well as I feared they would.
  16. ****, I have to grab a truckload of beer and have a marathon.
  17. Hold on to your hat, it's a brave new world...
  18. Nah, because Baldur's Gate came out before Bioware took a turn for the worse and we're all edgelords here who would never admit to linking a BioWare game made after the first Mass Effect (if even that). Pretty much this, yeah Also, if anyone really does take offence to some gibing, it would just give me a reason to avoid that person. Best case we could do some headbutting on the finer points of how Biowares quality has gone down the drain.
  19. https://www.hardocp.com/article/2018/08/28/nvidia_controls_aib_launch_driver_distribution/ It would seem that nVidia is continuing their trend of shady practices by forcing reviewers to only write the things that suit nVidia.
  20. 6 hour days would be better. To be fair, in my case I'd prefer 8 hour workdays than the **** my employer cooks up.
  21. I guess I should be thankful for them, they wouldn't allow me to leave the area before they took care of the device. Was four hours of of my twelve hours of work. Even got some sleep.
  22. Yeah, the police say someone made a geocache, cylindrical, metal container, some passerby saw it hanging from a road sign, called the police who blew it up. I was on my way to work when I saw emergency vehicle lights and then a big dark grey truck blew past. I thought it was the bombsquads vehicle, but now I know.
  23. I now know what the bombsquads emergency vehicle looks like here.
  24. /Jealous
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