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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. obyknven


  2. obyknven


    Just example how Western Neocolonialism looks like in Africa. http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/06/nigeria-the-cost-of-oil/100082/ Nigeria is very rich country with huge amount of recurses (gas, oil, uran ) and huge populace (more than in Russia), but in difference with Russia they can't protect yourself from First worlds predators. For fix this situation we give to them nuclear weapon soon (as we do for Iran and North Korea), and everything must be changed in near future. http://allafrica.com/stories/201206290630.html
  3. Russian hacker the best. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-21954636
  4. The English term comics derives from the humorous (or "comic") work which predominated in early American newspaper comic strips. It's cheap, non-serious, childish Makulatur. The phrase bandes dessinées is derived from the original description of the art form as "drawn strips". The term contains no indication of subject matter, unlike the American terms "comics" and "funnies". La bande dessinee it's some sort of art in difference with comics. Only someone who known nothing about BD can name this art as 'Euriopean comics'.
  5. Facepalm.jpg. European BD is not comics. http://youtu.be/63pzbvhzGdc
  6. >Russia >Funny
  7. USA "professional" soldiers try to kill civilians someone. Just brilliant. http://youtu.be/da8h3wRa9To
  8. Best example of U.S. technological "superiority". USA dont have supersonic cruise rockets. All last U.S supersonic projects are failed and canceled (RATTLRS, LRASM, HyFly, DARPA Falcon Project etc). X-51 Failed one test by another and can be canceled in any time Meanwhile Russia share this technology to India and Iran. http://youtu.be/4AW1XHUcAsQ For yourself Russia create Hypersonic rockets with 5 Mach speed ( actually prototypes with 15 Mach speed exists, but they are not needed to penetrate weak U.S. Sam defense ) http://www.mainpump.com/news/specialty/5225.htm Just imagine - India, Syria, China, Russia, France and Iran have supersonic cruise missiles, meanwhile "hi-tech" U.S. can only in subsonic rockets.
  9. China is new western Scarecrow? It's funny, because all Chinese neighbors don't worried about they.
  10. Supermacism & Racism. WASPs> Jews> Other West Europeans (French, Spanish etc) > Germans > Blacks > Asians > East European untermenches > Native American's. Hypocrisy. When Nazi Germans kill Jews - this is Bad. When Nazi Jews kill Arabs - this is good. & Oppression. Black slavery is bad, but non racist slavery is good. Immigrate from Third world into Europe and do want job? Ok, go work as prostitute. Do not want? GTFO Untermench, we trafficked you not for your better life. Or meiby do you want better education for your children? GTFO again, your children go into special shool for Third world untermenches. Etc. Instead of fight against Racism, Supermacism, Opression and Slavery your culture create "sacred cows" (Jews, Blacks, LGBT etc) and create system of taboo (antisemitism, antiblack racism, Homophobie). When taboo stop to work, new taboo created (pedophilee for example). Actually your goverment don't worried about Jews or Blacks, or LGBT. It's just tool for control society, divide & rule and hate growning. On other side this is good imitation of work your government. Instead of do something real to better life of people, they protect rights (or suppress) LGBT (because this intime spere can't be regulated by government these laws change nothing). Summary: Western culture have huge amounts of ****, and even can't recognise this (Western cultural supermacism and Eurocentrism again).
  11. http://youtu.be/yWgwPXVFFws The exercise PACAFs Pacific Vision on sept 25/08 revealed the United States air superiority is just a fantasy. The exercise was consisted of face the Red Team one hundred Su-27SM, four Su-30 and two Su-35 against Blue Team one hundred F-35, one hundred eighty seven F-22 and four hundred F/A-18E/F. The exercise showed the blue team higher in number of aircraft is double inferior when hundreds of Blue Forces aircraft were lost in the first 20 minutes downed by the Red Forces., on the other hand only 12 aircraft was downed in the Red Team. Pacific Vision effect the production of the F-22 was canceled and the F-35 project not longer receives investment all since 2008 http://youtu.be/27qdB1D0s9M
  12. http://youtu.be/KaoYz90giTk http://youtu.be/aYEgXvJ6CGc
  13. Do not want become boring Europeans.http://youtu.be/YiTrcnsgmVQ Our western friends can't into sarcasm. This fake trailer created from very stupid rusophobic propaganda movie. Real russian army commercial looks like this: http://youtu.be/YAVK4gRB4A0
  14. U.S. Nuclear weapon degradation http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/new-nukes?page=1 Why B-2 bomber program are rejected http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=ru&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fddr-luftwaffe.blogspot.ru%2F2008%2F01%2Fpreschener-mig-29-schiet-b-2-spirit.html in Deutsch http://ddr-luftwaffe.blogspot.ru/2008/01/preschener-mig-29-schiet-b-2-spirit.html MIG-29 moar http://rense.com/general18/russiasells.htm http://www.fas.org/spp/aircraft/part06.htm http://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/17/magazine/will-the-stealth-bomber-work.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm
  15. Facepalm.jpg. Before posting nonsense try read "Capital" by Marx (or works by Lenin about this). True socialism is where no State exists. That would be Communism. Socialism is the stage before Communism, where the state still exists. Socialism and Communism are synonyms.
  16. "Mighty" NATO navy. British http://defensetech.org/2012/01/31/britain-sending-air-defense-ship-to-falklands/ http://defensetech.org/2011/11/23/uk-frigate-carried-only-four-aa-missiles-to-libya/ U.S. http://www.exile.ru/articles/detail.php?ARTICLE_ID=6779 http://exiledonline.com/the-war-nerd-this-is-how-the-carriers-will-die/all/1/ http://www.wnd.com/2000/12/2254/
  17. Facepalm.jpg. Before posting nonsense try read "Capital" by Marx (or works by Lenin about this). True socialism is where no State exists.
  18. Lol, do you talkiing about this "expert"? http://www.network54.com/Forum/211833/thread/1149454550/last-1149668270/Leopard+2+(+the+best+tank+in+the+world) You don't understand simple truth. IRL one tank have 50% possibility kill other tank. But this means certain death for tank crew in real battle, it's have bad influence to morale. Because this specification of own and enemy weapon is "corrected" - own weapon are strengthened, enemy weapon are weakened . It's propaganda for brainwash own soldiers. Real numbers are kept secret. Other reason to do this - when you produce weapon not for real combat (Cold War era examples - Leopard-2, A-10 etc), but for stealing money from budget (Abrams, F-22, F-35). Media create myth about "best in universe" tank for hide of unpleasant truth. http://youtu.be/E5Rk_erL98E Tank hit by mine. After this tank have numerous hits by RPGs.
  19. Actually even RPG-7 can hit Abrams. For example on August 28 (2003), a M1A1 in Baghdad was hit by RPG-7. http://rense.com/general44/what.htm But for brainwashed Americans this is unbelievable, they think this tank has been penetrated by Alien weapon. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_r_1_08.htm Analysis of Vulnerability http://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbtvt.narod.ru%2Fspec%2Firaq%2Fabrams_2003_demage.htm
  20. The circus left while the clowns stayed
  21. US military technological mad skillz "supremacy". T-90 cost: $2.77 – 4.25 million USD in 2011, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-90 M1 Abrams cost: 6.2 million USD http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/budget/fy1999/dot-e/army/99m1a2.html http://youtu.be/kAofuApy5sc
  22. Do not want become boring Europeans. http://youtu.be/YiTrcnsgmVQ
  23. Just examples how training must looks like. http://youtu.be/x1tmfINjY1U http://youtu.be/5HJerittwhs
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