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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Lol. Whut? "Horde" it's not about numbers, its just name. Our name. Too long to explain, read better this.
  2. Lol. You are kidding me? We are f****ng evil empire, we want rule the world, our forces are invincible, our territory are biggest on world, our scientists send humanity into space, and you trying buy us as primitive tribal's by glass McDonald's? "Restaurants" like McDonald's in Russia have status eatery for homeless people. Dozens of new supermarkets owned by global companies losing a competitive struggle in Russia against local supermarkets. In Russia Trade Unions is part of oppression system and workers have no rights. Almost all Russian economics have speculative character, for Russians is absolutely normal do nothing and have huge profit. Obviously our capitalism is more capitalism, then your capitalism. Use Your lectures about capitalism for someone else.
  3. Just modern Russian propaganda. Orkism - enslave everything and have fun from this: Russian Cosmism and Nihilism - Become Übermensches and exterminate filthy humanity.
  4. At last my friend, congratulations Trust me things can only get better in Russia now that you are Capitalist state. You are going to see both the power and beauty of a proper economy. I am excited for you, but please don't stop exporting all those gorgeous Russian strippers...I'll miss them lots You are don't understand. Yes Russia now become yet another capitalistic predator, but I'm afraid it's not god news for you. Russia are not puppet state, as your country is. It's good news only for someone who want use fight of capitalistic monsters for own purpose, as Bolsheviks do in 1917, but you obviously not from this party.
  5. Import of immigrants is purely right-wing politics, nothing leftist in this. Russia is pure capitalistic state now and huge amount of immigrants after USSR dissolving appeared here too. http://youtu.be/fxN6pZcAa-s
  6. Actually i hate European-style cities. Too urbanized, too overpopulated, too tight. Meanwhile my hometown looks like wood with comparison to them, and you not too often encounter citizens on the streets, it's looks like life after zombie apocalypse and i like this. Russian proverb - “Fewer people - more oxygen".
  7. Wonderful example of Stockholm (really colonial) syndrome. They can rioting against oppression and unequality, but instead of this try work harder? They think white master award them? But instead of this he kicked them from Sweden and import new naive idiots. Losers choose their own destiny.
  8. For example this. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=529118850477809&set=a.529118763811151.1073741858.212020558854308&type=1&theater
  9. I don't talk about "failed socialism" in Scandinavia. I say socialism in Scandinavia is never been, it's just propagandistic myth. They are just yet another opportunists, who crying crocodile tears about proletariat, but IRL protects interests of capital.
  10. Just wrong. You need studying zoology harder. Wolf packs have temporary character, wolfs anytime can leave pack, it's freewill unite. And they avoid kill each other in Wild Nature. About Alpha males Pic related. About dolphin sex slaves it's just projection of human behavior to animal, this is not so different with Fables about animals. In other words its nothing more than fantasy of journalists. Ok, by your logic be opiated by Europeans, and raped/exterminated by Japans its better fate.
  11. A week of nightly riots has left Sweden reeling. But these riots show true nature of Scandinavian model of "socialism". In past week Lefty youths with oppressed emigrants fight against police and Swedish neo-nazi ( and Russian neo-nazi too, they send own fighters to participate in this, almost all Russian ultra-right movements funded from "socialistic" Scandinavia ) . After this any talks about socialism (it's obvious substitution of concepts, socialism = communism by Marx, bourgeois governments just use mask of "socialism" for hide own true nature, but ignorance of people is high and many don't recognize lie ) in Scandinavia become laughable. Media blah-blah-blah about evil youths. http://youtu.be/JmiW66mmTtg
  12. Try to find analog of slavery and exploitation in Nature. Wild animals being captured often choice death instead of life in in captivity. Meanwhile for humanity such perverted existence considered as "normal" and "natural". This is obvious lie. Imagine society of "gods". Examples you can find in sci-fi literature: Elder Things by Lovecraft http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elder_Thing Mankind from Prisoners of Power by s Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoners_of_Power Maoism is petit bourgeois movement. Actually they play positive role in China, converting retarded feudal society into industrial, but they are not communists.
  13. Ulrike Meinhof’s (one of "criminal" or "gang leaders" as you say) 1967 column ‘Napalm and Pudding’ about the police raid on Kommune 1’s “assassination attempt” (throwing blancmange-type pudding at Hubert Humphrey) “It is thus not a criminal act to drop napalm on women, children, and old people; protesting against this act is a crime. It is not a criminal act to destroy the harvests necessary for the lives and the survival of millions; protesting against this is a crime. It is not a criminal act to destroy energy plants, leper colonies, schools, and dikes; protesting against this is a crime. Terror tactics and torture are not criminal acts; protesting against them is […] It is considered rude to pelt politicians with pudding and cream cheese but quite acceptable to host politicians who are having villages eradicated and cities bombed […] Yes to napalm, no to pudding.” In other Meinhof's text "From Protest to Resistance" she explain who is real criminal and why only radical methods works against them http://socialiststories.net/liberate/From%20Protest%20to%20Resistance%20-%20Ulrike%20Meinhof.pdf The following interview is from Konkret (a monthly magazine for left theory, discussion and culture), June 1992. The participants in this talk are: Karl-Heinz Dellwo, Knut Folkerts and Lutz Taufer, captured members of the RAF - prisoners since 1975 (Knut Folkerts since 1977), Rosita Timm, member of the Green Party in Hamburg and involved in the movement to free the political prisoners, Thomas Ebermann, former member of the Green Party, and Hermann L. Gremliza, publisher of Konkret. Very good interview, where explained real situation in the word, predicted modern crises of capitalism and made explanation about temporary stop of active operations by RAF. http://www.germanguerilla.com/red-army-faction/documents/92-06-interview.html
  14. Just fascinating level of ignorance i find here. People continue posting about opportunistic USSR, even after my fat hints. “Everybody talks about the weather. We don't.” This 1968 poster was a response by the German Socialist Student Union to an ad campaign for weatherproof trains. The students were suggesting that like the figures pictured above, they had more important concerns than everyday things like the weather. The next year, journalist and future Red Army Faction terrorist Ulrike Meinhof would use the slogan to argue that radicals should talk about everyday life, since “the personal is political.” This thread about "New Left", RAF, FARC, Black Panthers, PKK, Che Guevara and their fight against bourgeois pigs.
  15. "In the name of X"? Pointless. People ultimatively kill eachother because they are stupid, greedy f***. Religion has got nothing to do with it. Welcome to wonderful world of Christianity: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Biblical_Studies/New_Testament_Commentaries/The_Gospel_of_Matthew/Chapter_10
  16. This tread need a more obvious hint.
  17. You don't understand what communism is. http://www.gaitherstewart.com/2012/12/03/opeds-super-etatism-and-socialism-towards-a-statement-of-the-problem/
  18. Your pic not about communism too.
  19. Your pic not related with communism. Obviously this thread not for you.
  20. This tread about true communism. Pseudo-left opportunists are not invited.
  21. http://youtu.be/pz7jOry30f4
  22. Ask Karelians about ethnic cleansing performed by Finns firstly. Anyway civilians from Finnish zone of occupation don't feel difference between Finns and Germans. Nothing changing in Finland from WW2, denazification never been here.
  23. Don't forget importing their "families". They need their "families" to survive these harsh cold climates. Oh Finland!
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