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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Just for lulz breaking of your racial stereotypes 45 years old ~ 40 Mother with daugther 42 52 http://youtu.be/wFXnt3cG_L8
  2. http://www.upscalehype.com/2012/12/adam-lambert-wearing-ktz-church-embroidered-long-hoodie-and-gloves-at-vh1-divas-2012/ Western parody to clothes of Orthodox monk. For understanding how stupid this looks like you must understand Russian language and what these symbols mean.
  3. Yeah, Finnish unisex trap-style is better than this! U mad, bro?
  4. Moar examples of Russian cloths. Your reaction is expectable. Different cultural background. Your society divided to many groups (gays, immigrants, hipsters, yappi etc) with own dress code and privileges /limitations. Only your elite can be corrupted, sexy, amoral and wear such clothes, it's their privileges . Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi. Meanwhile we live too long in classless state, we see Gotterdamerung of aristocracy, our minds are free from caste limitations. In our land all people can be corrupted, sexy and amoral, it's main reason to blaming Russian society as corrupt by West. We all are descendants of the slavs, but pretend have privileges of the elite. Such breaking of aristocratic rules make butthurt to Western enchained minds
  5. Celebrities fashion style. In ex-USSR such kind of clothes wear common people too. Proud father with daugther. Just a girl These pic's are old, but this style yet actual in high fashion. From summer 2013 collection. At least this is fashion of Egyptian Pharaohs, some sort of classics, fashion of live gods. Russian's kill own gods in 1917, after this common Russians don't have mental limitations to use any style of elite for yourself.
  6. Also quite popular this Periodically ressurected fashion to such clothes
  7. Scienist mode on. Google somewhere about difference between scientific and religious thinking. Science is not Religion, and your faith is not needed, science work anyway. This article is absolutely useless, autor is humanitarian untermench. Scienist mode off.
  8. Russian common men'street style looks like Uncommon men's style Typical russian women's style Our style look's simplificied (less cloths) and more sexy/functional in comparision with eouropean street fashion.
  9. Ok, target group of any propaganda is not smart and not educated people, meybe this art recycling is ok for them. But in modern games we have same situation. Gears of Wars characters.. looks copypasted. even characters from different games maked by different developers looks copypasted Compare this with character design from old games. All characters have different shape, unique animations and fight style. All these characters from one game, this is looks just incredible for modern devs
  10. obyknven


    This thread about actual fashion for life and fun. What’s the most popular fashion style in your country ? P.S. This pic just for fun, we never wear such ridiculous clothes
  11. Diffirence between historical fencing and AHF ballet dancers http://youtu.be/GGxZSn-4TU0
  12. Too mainstream for me Other typical pattern is use image of barbarian or animal for enemy P.S. Other troll images from russain shoolwars (Main difference between X and Y) even dont want to comment. Too fat.
  13. Vietnamese octopus also And even Iranian octopus As you wish
  14. Feeling nostalgic?
  15. Cthulhu Fhtagn! 1877 year 1938 2009 Hmm, why people don't try invent someting new and just copypast ancient propagand/art? Ok, maybe artists just want easy moneys, but why people consume such outdated products? Such situations in cinema, videogames, music, car's etc, copypasta everywhere.
  16. http://youtu.be/4YUZSHB-BQU Or worse. Some people lost eye because this police firings But this is not too hardcore for pigs. Periodically they just kill protesters by guns. http://youtu.be/-73D3l_zphY
  17. Oh.. it's no problem.. it's OK.. ..WHEN YOU POSSESS SUCH LEET PHOTOSHOP SKILLZ AS I!! The rest of you perverts can thank me later.
  18. We support Assad because long wars is profitable)))). Actualy this war is shame of US foreighn politics. Gaddafy waste moneys on social projects (irrigation of Sahara, social support for Lybians and other peaceful ****) instead of buy our weapons. All known how this guy die. After this our arms sells increased, everyone want be armed and prepared to war. Even Saudi wants buy our weapons now, they have fear being backstabbed by American "ally", as Gaddafy has been backstabbed by European "friends". Thanks so much NATO, your agressive politics make us richer. If West really want stop war in Syria, they must pay reparations to us. We stop support Assad if these reparations become extremely more profitable than arm sales to Assad regime. But westlings too greedy for this, and this war will never end. What a shame!
  19. http://www.jackthompson.org/ He is most white knigth evar. I just wondering how many trusted followers of this saint men i find on this forum. Hallelujah brothers!
  20. Nudity Provides Health Benefits for Your Body and Brain. Because this games with half-naked (or naked) characters promoting healthy lifestyle. Games with half-naked girls promoting Feminism and Matriarchy also.
  21. Explain please, why sexualization ( or big breast size ) of the character so bad? Really i don't understand. What's The Problem Here? In order to understand why people object to it I need to ask you a question. How would you feel if every male character in your party only had a loin cloth to cover there pe***s and there was this massive bulging shape which would indicate a huge pe***s*? Wouldn't you think this was unrealistic and doesn't represent men properly? Honestly would you really be fine with if this is how men are portrayed? But girls really wear such clothes, sexy fantasy girls looks realistic.
  22. Explain please, why sexualization ( or big breast size ) of the character so bad? Really i don't understand. What's The Problem Here?
  23. Just remainder how sexy old-school DnD are. It's not boring Medieval historical reconstruction, its Fantasy, imagination, not limited by taboo of conformist society. Dragon's Crown have most true old-school RPG style in video games ever. http://youtu.be/MVmq2dNzOG4 Maybe some religious daddies have butthurt from this style, or conservative retrogrades find this game not realistic, but it's not problem of RPG/Fantasy fans. Go be boring/religious somewhere else.
  24. Kill it with fire!!!!
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