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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Swedish Armed Forces chief, Sverker Göranson, said that his country wouldn’t last even two days against Russia, in an attempt to spur Sweden’s NATO entry. http://english.ruvr.ru/2013_02_05/Sweden-won-t-last-2-days-against-Russia-Swedish-Commander/ http://youtu.be/TkwgVCdRMUs
  2. http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2013/02/27/russia_denies_visa_for_leading_congressional_human_rights_advocate Lol. This 'Murican expected something different.
  3. http://youtu.be/33TcBXCVU6w
  4. Pretty crazy video. http://youtu.be/3LiT7N1ok8g Americans to train Polish troops. My eyes, this is terrible, especially when they constantly try kill own soldiers by friendly fire. Disorganized mob running around and shooting around in all directions.
  5. In other thread, please.
  6. Тебе кто сказал что я не русский? Сам откуда? Фигню бессмысленную суешь сюда. Не надо мне всякую чушь про нас рассказывать. Looks like google translated text or you just don't known Russian language so much ( for be Russian ). Anyway this thread not about your person (you can stat own tread with your photo/proof, if it's so important for you). MOAR about Russian cultural backgound Foreigners hate Russia so much from ancient times. It's began in early medieval times when Russians exterminate Khazar Khaganate and make numerous wars against Byzantium and Caliphate. Because this People of Ros appeared as enemy in Christianity, Islam and Judaism. In other words Russians are Gog & Magog from your scary myths. Actually Russians like this, they considered yourself as Tool of God, they must exterminate filthy humanity and clean Earth from sin (or bring end to Kali Yuga if you want other interpretation, later explain why this is correct ). Prediction of Orthodox saint Seraphim of Sarov ( XIX century ).
  7. Wrong. In summary his point "We try be nice with foreighners, but only dead/weak/sick/traitorous/enslaved Russians is good for them. If we anyway be evil for them, maybe we must become really evil empire?" Your post confirms the correctness of this guy. Anyway you are too serious. This artist made this pic with russian war trophies (using bodies of enemies as trophies is ancient slavic tradition) just for lulz. Fighter You are not Russian, obviously. Because this you can't say what normal behavior for Russians is. P.S. I think, explanation about Russian cultural background needed, but this theme is huge. I try do this later.
  8. Find funny Russian artist.
  9. Moar APC "Boomerang" APC " Kurganets-25"
  10. Some perspective Russian APC concepts incl. with hybrid engines. "Kurganets-lite" for airborne/marines and light(special) brigades. Only this photo of Kurganets-25 exist. Serial manufacturing of this APC has began.
  11. New APC (from private owned Russian firm). Varan 6x6 Tactical Vehicle The capabilities of the Varan 6x6 forward-fighting vehicle reflect its state-of-the-art design. Able to accommodate up to 10 personnel, the Varan's 400 horse power V6 Cummins engine gives it the power to cross the most difficult and hostile terrains, including deserts. Armoured to a full STANAG 4 level, its V-shaped hull is designed to disseminate the impact of mine blasts immediately.
  12. Arma 3 http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/02/26/rifle-report-arma-3-enters-playable-alpha-on-march-5th/#comment-1207566 Lol, western kids don't known about "Punisher". They think this is sci-fi.
  13. http://youtu.be/FXu2oRYafyo
  14. i will just leave it here. Lockheed Martin try copypaste Yak-141 as F-35, but fail. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakovlev_Yak-141 http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2136312-1,00.html
  16. Western stereotypical military stupidity. 26 january 2013. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/africa/130126/gao-airport-bridge-captured-mali-french-led-troops Victory! 11 february 2013. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/10/us-mali-rebels-idUSBRE91902V20130210 ok, French "wins" again, but now 21 february 2013 http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/21/us-mali-rebels-idUSBRE91K09D20130221 http://youtu.be/Af74TTL2B0M French warfare looks so lame!
  17. Find some western critical analysis of NATO military power. On Russian language we have many articles about this, but on English language this is unusual (too many censorship and taboo, western citizens must read only patriotic propaganda ). http://www.combatreform.org/heavytankshelicopters.htm In city fight Abrams tank very vulnerable. Maximum Abrams gun elevation angle is restricted to 20°. In other words tank can't shot on top floors of buildings. Infantry in safety there. Meanwhile Abrams tank from the top side (actually all tanks vulnerable from the top side, but after Chechen war Russians increase their tank top protection).
  18. A russian army unit was transferred to a poligon near lake Chebarkul which recently became famous as one of the meteorite's crash sites. Coincidentally this happens as the MoD suddenly conveys military exercise all over Russia. The unit is supposed to stay there "until further instructions". So, 4 a.m., 7 planes carrying 500 troops and combat vehicles rapidly leave central Russia, go to Chelyabinsk, virtually to the meteorite crash site, massive army exercise happening in the country and MoD says there is no connection to the recent events. Move along, nothing to see here. http://youtu.be/TRonNNpjDYM
  19. http://youtu.be/LLCF7vPanrY
  20. obyknven


  21. Solution is Matriarchat. But gamma-males fears this so much. Lol! Do want see what you talking about. Do you can give some photos of these "half-ogres"? Oh! We most definitely know how you do it in Russia! Those boys work hard and they play harder! Warning: Absolutely NSFW! http://youtu.be/ZPllpzxmM5k Always wondering why Scandinavian girls so manlike. P.S. Chris Colfer from Glee on first photo.
  22. To many myths there. Lol, MIG-21s piloted by Arabs. Arabs can't into tactics and warfare. Because this they cant do nothing against Israel and NATO. These "Chechen rebels" is ex-Soviet Army veterans (with Afghan war experience). It's Soviet school of warfare. Against them mostly acts Internal Army (some sort of riot police with tanks, but without properly tactics, - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_Troops_of_Russia ). Russian Armed Forces avoid do something in this conflict (they hate Internal Army so much ). Tanks and thermobaric weapons... Looks like you watch Fox TV to much. Actually all modern armies are retarded. But NATO armies are most retarded, as most huge and powerful. For example they have scary tanks (WW2 style warfare). But tank's not needed if you want stop them. Any cheap car + Kornet-E M1 can exterminate any amount of them. It is asymmetrical strategy. NATO have scary Aircraft carriers (WW2 style retarded warfare again), but you not need carriers to destroy them. Cheap hypersonic missile system is weapon of choice. http://youtu.be/QNYuMQLPFgQ
  23. nope. It's thread about future warfare. NATO is most powerful military force in the world, but with huge amount of weak points. This is huge bureaucratic machine, very inert and retarded. Because this even small flexible army or group of freedom fighters can defeat them (if they use asymmetric strategy). MOAR: http://youtu.be/0O-apVLasjU
  24. Russia sell arms to both sides of conflict. It's obvious. Looks like our real interests in Syria is not Assad. While Assad and FAS weakened each other, third force grown, with our help. Only PKK, only hardcore! http://youtu.be/hx2L9a2BRXw http://youtu.be/0W-xf7I9M-0
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