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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. What went before is not ended yet. Or you think Irish people just forgot genocide by Britt's during XVII-XIX centuries, or concentration camps, killings and other **** performed by Britt's in Northern Ireland by Thatcher's government? Anyway reasons caused Irish terrorism is not disappeared and this mean terror is not yet over.
  2. This story begin on kickstarter, where appeared yet another game about Evil (very-very-very Evil) Ruskies. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/johnewarren/laika-believes-the-sun-at-night Russians notice this game too, and after prolonged laugh about idiotic plot (evil Ruskies hurt dog's blah-blah), some Russian artist paint caricature to this game. Suddenly this funny pic burn pukans on the West and Joistiq write hate-article: "Russians and Neo-Stalinists chew apart The Sun at Night's Soviet past". http://www.joystiq.com/2013/12/12/russians-and-neo-stalinists-chew-apart-the-sun-at-nights-soviet/ In this article everything is epic - author text an comments also. Now Russians laughing and copypaste idiotic quotes for teh lulz. Also in artist blog Russians celebrating successful trolling. http://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fegor-motygin.livejournal.com%2F121732.html P.S. ... and musical pause now http://youtu.be/zhSfLZyL2OU
  3. The man in question apparently tried to ignite an incendiary bomb and succeeded only in setting himself on fire. I'm not keen to admit I'm pleased. But I will freely admit that I haven't the least compassion for the murderous halfwit. Just single madman try simulate IRA. Anyway i have reasons don't consider seriously typical British anti-IRA propaganda from media or officials ( Imagine what medieval officials can say about Robin Hood in similar situations ). Just few examples: How shameful British "democratic" media covering crimes of government: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/jun/17/ira-hunger-strike-fleet-street Imprisoned IRA founder causing so much terror to British reporter during interview. http://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/regional/ira-founder-89-has-no-regrets-1-2686131
  4. Dudley Pound. Worst Admiral of WW2 and most hated men in Royal Navy in this time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dudley_Pound This slowpoke is main reason of German Navy success. But internets (and books) fulfilled by adulation to this men because of his noble blood. Monarchy so monarchy.
  5. Routine check in Russia http://youtu.be/iCIy4hri1Ig vs US patrol in war zone http://youtu.be/ide8UTxYhEg Why Nato soldiers acts so unsafe and carelessly? Also new pic of secret Russian APCs. This next generation of vehicles are extremely roboticized and can act's unmanned as drones.
  6. It's bad British influence. Yet 150 years ago girls in India have half-naked appearance, but century of brainwashing by puritan missionaries change everything. P.S. Just for lulz, British colonial behavior stay same. Wals yet blaming "wrong" dress of these Hindustani mens.
  7. Common Norwegian school girls. ... but IRL this is shoped pictures of these models http://matholck.blogg.no/1386534923_woow.html Lie, lie everywhere
  8. GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA! Be Evil Empire is cool.
  9. Shh. We don't want them to know how stupid they look. I think, local forum members don't known too how racist they look.
  10. http://www.vg247.com/2013/03/07/torment-tides-of-numeneras-phase-based-combat-ties-in-to-the-narrative/ blah-blah P.S. Yet another game with phase-based combats http://youtu.be/f1UiVw3m7zI
  11. Cheers Greet Mugabe At Mandela Funeral http://allafrica.com/stories/201312101528.html http://www.newsdzezimbabwe.co.uk/2013/12/mugabe-cheered-zuma-booed-in-soweto.html http://ethiopianewsforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67817#p412315 Looks like these people IRL not so easy can be fooled by colonizators as International media try represent. I think everything is only began in SA, real fight begin in future.
  12. I just leave this here
  13. I feel conspiracy here. Looks like someone want eliminate Father Christmas and Universe.
  14. Dude, it's not about who win nuclear war, it's about terrorism. Do you personally prepared be nuked for glory of Taiwan US? You (and all US people also) just become hostage's in case of war, China have possibility kill all you in any moment. It's talk about your personal safety (and about what your government can do in situation when enemy have 300 millions hostages ).
  15. Why so childish war? Do you think China really begin war against US with tied hand instead of extermination of own enemy by one powerfull strike? Dude, It's how real projecting of power in post-WW2 world look's like.
  16. Just as example of such system. http://youtu.be/A9nZ43iwS-c Original TRPG use sequential turn-based system due limitations of gamers. Meanwhile video games don't have such limitations, computer can just simulate "reality" and perform all calculation without boring tabletop gameplay elements. Copypaste rules of tabletop games into computer games is just stupid.
  17. Main disadvantage of turn-based combat is time-consuming. If for avoid this devs make synchronous enemy turn (not one per another) - then i am ok from this.
  18. RIP. Just bit of info. Actually some ultra-left movements considered him as traitor. He stop possible revolution and as result Apartheid don't be overthrow and just masked. Black majority yet not own property ( only about 15 % of land belongs to him, all other belongs to white colonists ), Police yet continue mass massacre of them, meanwhile media constantly brainwash them by blah-blah how happy and democratic life become in SA.
  19. Yeaah, sea blokade of China can causing serious problem for this country. But Westlings forgot how in past times similar politics causing Japanese attack to Pearl-Harbor as response. Imagine such response now not from small and resourse-less Japan, but from huge and powerful Chinese nuclear Empire. Do you really prepared be nuked, because such pathetic reason as ownership of few small rocks in Ocean?
  20. You dont understand point of UN. UN is private club created by victors in WW2 for victors in WW2. All others are guest's here, they can give all own money's to UN but this change nothing, they are not bosses here. Your attempt include ex-Axis states as permanent UNSC members in such organisation is laughable.
  21. Imba. You kill intrigue ITT.
  22. Oh, nice Western propaganda in Rambo-style. Evil communists so evil! Meanwhile IRL Just a traitor bribed by III Reich, member of Fascist counter-revolutionary conspiracy. Anyway these peoples are theorists, they don't participate in real war and because this they can't be described as best generals. P.S. Zhukov in difference with Rokossovsky have some fails, he is not best of the best. Meanwhile Rokossovsky is best General of WW2.
  23. Unsuccessful General is unsuccessfull.
  24. If one accepts the premise that Germany in ww1/2 was - by virtue of geography - completely incapable of winning a naval conflict with Great Britain. Germany didn't really try and win a naval conflict with GB in either war though- even at Jutland it wasn't intended to be 'stand and fight'- and for the forseeable future China won't try it with the US either. China's navy isn't designed to fight the US one, just to project a certain amount of power which it lacks at present and to build up prestige. If they did have to fight the US one they'd lose, and they'd try asymmetric tactics/ rely on subs much as Germany did. But if they want to apply pressure to the Phils, or Vietnam, or Korea or Japan then it's a useful tool; and if they want to protect essential sea supplies from anyone other than the US it's essential. After invention of Nuclear weapon all other weapons become obsolete. Just for lulz, US yet armed by Nuclear weapons from Nixon's time's, all these wasting of money's (~700 billions dollars every year) needed only for war against some low-tech Ali-baba's from caves. Same story with China - for war against US they must have Nukes instead of fleets, but some people yet have thinking patterns from times of WW2. IRL country even with small amount of conventional weapons, but with nukes just invulnerable against any agression. All these talks about: "My fleets is bigger than your's" is just sublimation of men's *********.
  25. Yeah! NATO only kill few thousands Libyan civilians by air strikes, "rebel's" after taking of power begin terror against opposition and ethnic cleansing ( add to this quantity of people killed during civil war by them also), weapons taken by rebels causing civil war in Mali, after extermination of opposition victors begin internal fight for power and Libya become more and more similar to unhappy Somalia. NATO during this intervention violate UN rules (do not participate in civil wars on one side of conflict), violate UN resolution ( ground air strikes and Spec ops instead no-fly zone). Yeah West, you do everything right! I think it's hard to find more shameful example of Western failure (or success, if they goal is just steal resources instead this childish blah-blah about democracy).
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