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Everything posted by obyknven
Yeah. Let's add Icewind Dale to the mix, and you pretty much have my personal top 3. ok, i add Icewind Dale to this mix. Story in this game is good, but gameplay is terrible due huge amount of boring combats. Combat's are bad (stupid AI, cheats, routine) in all games with Infinity Engine, but gameplay in IWD consists only in combats.
Golden Trone is not Life-support machine, its just mechanical beacon of the Astronomican decorated by rotten corpse (this corpse even not belongs to False Emperor). Lords of Terra lie to you. You serve only to bunch of Terran bureaucrats and your non-existed Emperor can't protects you!
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Moar satiric games from Russia. Petka and Vasily Ivanovich save the galaxy http://translate.google.ru/translate?hl=ru&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.buka.ru%2Fcgi-bin%2Fshow.pl%3Fid%3D100 http://youtu.be/cWTbcHdKHrk Petka and Vasily Ivanovich 2: Judgment Day http://translate.google.ru/translate?hl=ru&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.buka.ru%2Fcgi-bin%2Fshow.pl%3Fid%3D99 http://youtu.be/N_iOGo-s2OM Stierlitz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stierlitz http://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.buka.ru%2Fcgi-bin%2Fshow.pl%3Fid%3D137
We hear this before many times. Lenin Lived, Lenin is Alive, Lenin Will Live!but IRL corpse is just a corpse.
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Your Emperor don't have will, it's just corpse at trone.
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Again add few Russian games to list. The Tiny Bang Story... just arthouse. http://www.colibrigames.com/ http://youtu.be/2fx0YeBBTPw Panzar, some sort of satiric game. http://www.panzar.com/ Elfish girl. Elfish men Here most ugly elfes in games ever. Why? Elfes must be beautiful by stereotypes. But these stereotypes it's only racist propaganda of these supremacists, IRL they are arrogant degenerative bastards. http://youtu.be/L97NhWFarDE
Yes, Baldur's Gate 2 it's great game .... for 2000 year. For today attempt of rerelease same game without improvements looks pathetic. Today such game looks obsolete, great game evolution happened from 2000 year, interface's, interactivity, graphics and many other things are improved during this time. In 90's we can only dream about such game as DA: I - grafics even better then in cg-movies, incredible interactivity, new strategic elements of gameplay (after this faction membership in Daggerfall looks pathetic), our actions causing effect to the world - it's just game of Dream if show DA: I to us in 90s. Nostalgia is good thing, but old games (as old girlfriends) should stay in the past.
Forget this Lancelot http://www.mobygames.com/game/lancelot
Add few cool games from British Level 9 Computing. Knight Ork http://www.mobygames.com/game/knight-orc Gnome Ranger http://www.mobygames.com/game/gnome-ranger Ingrid's Back! http://www.mobygames.com/game/ingrids-back Scapeghost http://www.mobygames.com/game/scapeghost
Budget or even price is not interesting for me (as for consumer). I just want waste own time only to best products, and DA: I have less technological limitations than PE, and theoretically can be much better game (if gamedesigners do their work good). Meanwhile due limitations of engine PE can be worse game than DA:I even if Obsidian gamedesigners make own work very good.
These slaves of corpse at trone are really boring. Just look at them, they are just a religious fanatics, conformists, their limited minds just don't known what is true freedom is. True freedom is CHAOS! It's really better be a Nurgle worshipper, at least we have cutest pets and most wet girls in Universe.
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Guys, read please title of this topic. It's my subjective list, and if i don't mentioned some game it's only because i personally don't consider this game as epic/best/coolest. Continue my list by true gems from Latinoamérica. Qasir at Wasat - just genius game. http://qasir.adugestudio.com/index.html#game http://vimeo.com/48379157 Games from ACE Team http://www.aceteam.cl/ http://youtu.be/nk3I1LN4cUM
These posts even not about history, but about baby duck syndrome. http://www.intertwingly.net/wiki/pie/BabyDuckSyndrome You try protect rejected yet in XIX century theories only because brainwashing by patriotic education system in your childhood. It's just funny to watch how you can be manipulated so easily.
Dude, these wet Normanistic fantasies rejected by historians long ago. It's too long to read, but there proofs, this is serious scienice: https://eportfolio.pace.edu/artefact/file/download.php?file=38870&view=33724 Also this map represent Scandinavian geografical knowledge about Kievan Rus. Do you understand? There is Jotunheim, Rim of the world, White spot on the Map, Here be a Dragons, they known nothing about this land. But by Normanistic theries this is just can't be, but this is reality. Also historic calculation's of Rus people populace in this period take ~ 1 000 000 in Eastern Europe in X century, meanwhile populace in Sweden reach ~ 500 000 only in XIV century. But by wet Normanistic theories it's deserted Scandinavia produce crowded migration waves one per another during Migration Period and Dark ages. As you see above your education system from many possible interpritattions choice most nationalistic ( and most not trustworded). In other words this is same **** as Gothicism few centuries ago. Also just as example, how real historical knowledge can be different from popular historical myths: Danes and Norwegians at least partially have non-Germanic Celtic origin (for historian this is obvious, Celtic influence in Scandinavian cultures during Vendel era is wery strong, but as usual common people known nothing about this). http://www.davidkfaux.org/Cimbri-Chronology.pdf As result Danes and Norwegians have different origin from Swedes, and not bro for them.
Pikachu! I choose you!
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Now we can compare strategic elements, faction menegment and outposts building from Dragon Age: Inquisition with stronghold from Project Eternity. Bioware perform great job and invent new gameplay strategic elements, modifable enviroment, cool design. Meanwhile Obsidian just copypaste strongholds from Baldur's Gate 2 / NWN 2 and it's make PE pathetic if they really don't add nothing new (and cool) into gameplay. I even don't talk about visual superriority of DA:I upon PE. http://youtu.be/98Y1IAY-TYk
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It's funny, but some forum members think i say bull**** about History of Sweden. These guys are victims of brainwashing by patriotic education system in their countries. Just short info. Vendel era - on territory of modern Sweden suddenly appeared totally alien to this place highly advanced culture. They create state, use cavalry and very technologically advanced. Their Ship burial unusual for this place, but common in Eastern Europe and can be finded here from ancient times. Probably they are Suetidi of Gothic historian Jordanes. This ethnonym have non Germanic origin (but can be easily translated from Slavic languages). As result historians IRL don't known who they are - Sarmatians, Alans, Proto-slavs or some yet unknown people (paleo-Europeans?). After end of Vendel era they dissapeared without any tracks - they are not ancestors of Swedes. Viking era - territory of Sweden mostly inhabit by primitive tribes (no horseriding, low level of technology, totally different traditions in comparision with Vendel era). In some places exist few towns with civilisation, but again their culture quite alien for Sweden, it's some sort of colonies. Huge amount of Slavic artifacts and ceramics (80 % in Birka) can be found here, also Slavic fibulas and Slavic dress (considered by Nationalistic Swedish historians as "Swedish") and common for Baltic Slavs Ship burials. After end of Viking era during wars against Danes, plagues and Crusades against Baltic Slavs migration to East happened and slavic presence dissapeared from Sweden, also suddenly dissapeared fibulas and Slavic "Swedish" national dress. Obvious these slavic "Viking" colonies are not Swedish ancestors. In Later time these deserted territories has ben included into Kalmar union and settled mostly by migrants from Germany. These Germans (and local Finno-Ugric tribes also) are true ancestors of modern Swedes, they create national state and take name to nation. Sweden is German word. And they considered yourself as German Goth-descendants, not as Svear Tribe and not as Vikings. This Viking faggotry begin only in XIX century, when attempt of fap to Goth's make fail. p.s. Vikings is not ethnicity, it's just common word in Baltic region for naming of pirates, but Swedes continue imagine yourself as ethnic Vikings. Meanwhile real modern successors of Vikings looks like these guys.
Games from Eastern Europe All games from Amanita Design http://amanita-design.net/games.html Black Mirror and NiBiRu: Age of Secrets http://www.mobygames.com/game/black-mirror http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/nibiru-age-of-secrets http://youtu.be/QMXrLOuInzs Witcher 1 & 2 http://www.mobygames.com/game/witcher http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/witcher-2-assassins-of-kings Darkwood http://www.darkwoodgame.com/ http://youtu.be/qSjnDKBLZbc
In this thread i and my new infected brethrens worship Grandfather Nurgle! Children of the Nurgle, our lovely, our pets ... How Nurgle loves his little children! how Nurgle loves his kids...
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Clone of Resident Evil with Religious propaganda - do not want.
Swedes yet try invent fantasy ancestors for yourself. Firstly they imagine yourselfs as Goths http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothicismus book's: Kurt Johannesson; Gotisk renässans: Johannes och Olaus Magnus som politiker och historiker. Publisher: Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell international, 1982 Nordström J. Götisk historieromantik och stormaktstidens anda Lindroth S. Svensk lärdom****oria. Stockholm, 1975.Bd. I: Medeltiden. Reformationstiden. S. 160-172, 288-309; Bd. II: Stormaktstiden. S. 235-348 Stenroth I. Myten om goterna: Från antiken till romantiken. Stockholm, 2002 When this attempt fail they try become "Svear's" . P.S.Just for lulz - "king from the Svear tribe" can't be because tribe is not kingdom.
Last French games in list. By Delphine Software Another world I & II http://www.mobygames.com/game/out-of-this-world http://www.mobygames.com/game/heart-of-the-alien-out-of-this-world-parts-i-and-ii by Microids Syberia http://www.syberia-series.com/en/ And now some amount old cool British games Ork http://www.mobygames.com/game/ork Leander http://www.mobygames.com/game/atari-st/leander Perihelion http://www.mobygames.com/game/amiga/perihelion Shadow of the Beast I & II & III http://www.mobygames.com/game/shadow-of-the-beast http://www.mobygames.com/game/shadow-of-the-beast-ii http://www.mobygames.com/game/amiga/shadow-of-the-beast-iii Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Comet http://www.mobygames.com/game/call-of-cthulhu-shadow-of-the-comet Lure of Temptress http://www.mobygames.com/game/lure-of-the-temptress Beneath of Steel Sky http://www.mobygames.com/game/beneath-a-steel-sky
By the way Oby, far be it from me to question your deductive/reading skills, but there are letters making up words on that map, and they say "Svear", "Götar" and "Gotland (Land of the Gutar)". Just for the hell of it, I typed it into wikipedia to see if the english version would recognize it; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svear http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6tar Svear and Swedes are names for the same thing... And it clearly points out sources mentioning Svear/Swedes from way before 800AD. Just thought I'd drop that in your lap and see where you run with it. Oh, lol, ancient Swedes and other wet naionalistic bull**** from late XIX century. Meanwhile IRL http://sweden.se/society/history-of-sweden/ dude, IRL hisorians even don't known who is who during Migration Period and Dark Ages they just have no trustword sources. Historians talk about Germans only after unification quite different ethically states into Germany only in XIX century, and about Swedes only after XVI century by same reason. Before this time nor Germans nor Swedes yet not exist, your nations quite young really (in difference with most old European states/Nation's as France, Poland, Czech and Russia)