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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Russian news media is better news media in the World. http://vimeo.com/77083577 For example Russian news after last suicide terrorist attack yesterday. http://youtu.be/hfa2Mkw22IQ
  2. Moorish Spain? O'RLY? No-no, Vailians draw inspired by this: Its just English outfit from XVII century. In other words we can continue our fap to superior European culture.
  3. We have Russia to blame for that schlock? Feel free to take it back any time. Meh, do not want. Anyway we don't like feature films, Russians tends to short forms now. http://vimeo.com/48085135 http://vimeo.com/75110594
  4. dudeohmygodwut wut?
  5. riiiiiiiiiiiight. riiiiiiiiiiiight.
  6. But Russian culture IRL is superrior to Western culture. Hollywood created by Russian emigrants. Many modern Western actors have Russian origin. Best Western writers are inspired by Russians: Russian artists have incredible for West artistic skills. http://verehin.cghub.com/ http://gottsnake.cghub.com/ http://alexnegrea.cghub.com/ http://chosac.cghub.com/ http://deson.cghub.com/ http://chuvabak.cghub.com/ http://marat-ars.cghub.com/ http://lagunaya.cghub.com/ http://zoonoid.cghub.com/ http://light-child.cghub.com/ http://leshiy.cghub.com/ http://haryarti.cghub.com/ http://d8p.cghub.com/ http://andrey-r.cghub.com/ http://michalivan.cghub.com/ http://igorkieryluk.cghub.com/ And because this Russian animation is best in World http://youtu.be/Dd8Elj9GzN4 http://youtu.be/LpWn9ZbITDc Western modern Transhumanism is softcore version of Russian cosmism from late XIX century. And look at political systems now. USA - 2 centuries old oligarchic Republic. Citizens cant even elect own President, oligarchic representatives do it instead them. UK - medieval monarchy, looks retarded even in comparision with US political system. Dutch and other European monarchies - same thing. At least progressive Communistic Revolution happened not on West, but only in Russia. Because cultural backwardness of entire world this Revolution not transformed into World Revolution and this is main reason why this attempt fail and we yet live in retarded for XXI century capitalistic society. And you known what most fascinating thing? After 1917 year West especially destroy own culture ( and education ) for preventing own cultural progress (and possible Revolution). http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/modern-art-was-cia-weapon-1578808.html and so on. This list can be continued infinitely.
  7. Nice! I like conspiracy theories .
  8. Wut? Space Jews? http://youtu.be/ZAZhtT-dUyo No, i don't worried about that. I wooried about too homogenus feeling from PE fractions (all of them inspired by Europeans, even "blacks" ). Yet another game about fantasy Europeans looks boring for me.
  9. Rotten Russia http://vimeo.com/77073116 Igromir 2013. Russian cosplayers http://youtu.be/E4WatFxHNlo
  10. http://youtu.be/Qwe7p30Qxro
  11. Yet another Russian turist girl http://youtu.be/YOkt9tQVvWQ Russian wedding party http://youtu.be/BRjSKvVCMSY
  12. Too boring again. Russian turist somewhere in Turkey http://youtu.be/ov06_MQZbB0 Russian girl troll foreighn turists in Cuba. http://youtu.be/A7T_hD2MhT8
  13. 1. Venetians dressed as French/English people from late XVII century (later Baroque style)... in Renaissance setting. 2. It's looks like rejecting their right to cultural self-identification. They just must cosplay Europeans... and this is too similar to this slavery heritage and to this colonial heritage Actually i not worry about this. Probably it's just marketing decision - game must looks usual for potential buyer (medieval Europeans, Roman Empire, Pirates and Gypsies) , but this make setting less rich and less interesting for me.
  14. It's not like the author went off the beaten track to find them. Those locations all sit along 750+ km of the M10 - E105 main highway from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Just because they aren't all flattering doesn't make them inaccurate. The US isn't perfect but neither is Russia. Dont be such naive. Such ****ty places you can find in any country, even in heart of your godlike USA. http://www.flickr.com/photos/arnade/sets/ It's just a trolling propagand.
  15. Where you find racism here? Arrest of Caucasian (most pureblood Whites in the world from Caucasus! ) by Russian police is racism? Or police can't arrest saint migrants? Just remind - this moron sexual assault one girl, after this try assault other girl and kill unarmed boyfrend of this girl by knife. http://youtu.be/N3nZnPUFRVM I always wondering why foreighners constantly try find most ****ty places during visits in Russia. Probably it's some sort of western Coprophilia.
  16. Meanwhile Russian police arrest an migrant who stabbing to death an Russian man - this killing triggered massive anti-migrant riots in Moscow. http://youtu.be/_bH8JbOK2B8 http://youtu.be/s0c_HpVaDA0
  17. Don't like Vailian design. Africans have rich and exotic own culture but Vailian design completely ignore own African heritage and replace African civilization by European civilization, they are just colored Europeans.
  18. Instead of a thousand words http://youtu.be/feBZcUNxRP8 Meanwhile Muslims in Russia celebrating Kurban Bayram. http://youtu.be/GeiLWDkbi00
  19. Do you don't known about difference between riot police and military/FSB special ops? )))) And why so butthurt, explain please. On my point of view all participants of this arrest are happy, nobody beaten, gunned or teased. Where you find discrimination here?
  20. Vintage illegal migrants in Moscow http://youtu.be/SAwJjq5x5MU Do you like the police?
  21. It's just traditional Russian methods to control migrant crowds.
  22. In Moscow continue street riots. It as Swedish or British riots, but in Soviet Russia Russians beat migrants and crush their property. http://youtu.be/NOfKm1yekzM As result over 1000 migrants are arrested.
  23. Nice Western butthurt in comments as i predict. Other news from Russia. Boar perform suicide by attacking of Russians. http://youtu.be/PtVkBJcypIQ Meanwhile in Britain nobody help to soldier killed in crowded place. It's again about difference between Russians and Westlings.
  24. Daily reminder about Russian cultural superriority. http://kotaku.com/5857745/the-beautiful-russian-art-of-grafit/ Nice Western butthurt in comments are included.
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