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About Faraleth

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Budapest, Hungary
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  1. meh, tried all (melee) options, but not felt the connection, left all somewhere between 6-12 thinking about either of these: swashbuckler (sabre devoted/streetfighter) harbringer (trickster/skald) first one is more tanky, second is cc. both would be either human or wood elf, fast, blade dual wielder. Sintee did a very nice video for swashy, but I cannot find such a detailed guide for harbringer.
  2. yes, it is. my last char was a troubadour/debonaire with dual pistols, and this weapon is awesome with its modal. tried all pistols, and for me this+Scordeo were the top together
  3. Looking for some interesting idea for these builds, synergies with each other and weapons/gear, any tips? Skald+Barbarian (dunno about subclass yet, either pure or berserker) Skald+Shattered Pillar (10 wounds mod) Shattered Pillar+Barbarian And its gonna be a dwarf of course.
  4. https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Ninagauth's_Shadowflame_(Deadfire) this is my favourite spell since Poe1, solo carried me at Llengrath once my team died. I even installed a mod that lets me learn grimoire unique spells once I equipped the grimoire at least once in a playthrough
  5. Kalakoth+Wall of Many Colors are both insane spells, then theres Wilwing Wind+Meteor Shower+Minoletta Missile Salvo. and worth mentioning Petrification for low <25% health perma petrify.
  6. Grimoire is my go to choice for wizard always, but why Empower? I think I'm missing something here that I never realized. is there an item that recovers lost spell slots after empower?
  7. all of those spells are great and I normally use these on wizards. how would you solve the Brilliant buff for this?
  8. I wanted to avoid opening a totally new topic for this, cause my question is somewhat similar. thing is, I like the MCs, and not so much the SCs, but here's one thing I'm stuck with: wizard. once I had an Evoker SC, but was boring after quite some times, Evoker bonus seems nice, but the procs was quite rare, and most of the times when it procced I just slaughtered my melee dps. also losing transmutation as a whole hurts. then I found someone's build for Illusionist, modified Fassina in my previous run, and tbh there are way too many Illusion spells that can do great damage, and tbh the only thing I missed on this character was Wall of Draining - which is not an issue in a group. so the problem: I would really like to do an Illusionist+Psion, but the most used spells were Kalakoth Rake, Wilthing Wind, Meteor Shower, Missile Salvo, and even used Arcane Cleanse and Petrification several times- these are all lost for MC. so if I go with this MC, I still "need" another pure wizard. and if I play wizard, I need another cipher too for Ancestor's Memory. so while RP wise this build sounds interesting, gameplay wise its terrible, cause I need to bring 1-1 of the same classes with me all the time, a tank, and voila, thats 1 spot for a pure dps and support together. I have other ideas as well (Thundercat by NotSoCleverHound) or a Fury+Evoker glasscannon. I only know I wanna play caster dps/cc, but meh, its not easy.
  9. in this case I would create a Devoted fighter+either pure barb or Berserker barb. (berserker is higher risk, higher reward, and it needs you to use the Devil of Caroc breastplate for the intellect affliction resistance)
  10. how would you build these 3 Debonaire-Trickster-SF? which stats for each to focus on? any "must have" gear?
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