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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I can't think that the dialogue system could be called anything resembling a QTE... after all, there aren't going to be huge flashing symbols obscuring half of the screen that you have to pay attention to while tapping 2 or 5 keys in rapid succession.. About 8 seconds to choose one of potentially four options with no "fail" because you chose one of them over the other... Nah, that's not a QTE to me. Just a slight case of pressure to keep me moving in the storyline.
  2. So what conspiracy theories can be spun from the latest of offerings... "Darcy never figured out the multiplier I put into his e-transactions - winning the hazing bet got me 2 grand instead of 20 bucks."
  3. Couldn't we just go with the Monster Raving Loony Party ideology? Or is that just too English?
  4. It's suffering from the "it's different!" thing. Until we actually get to sit down and play with and and see how it feels.. it seems rather silly to say whether it's going to be a brilliant concept, an appalling concept, or just a mediocre one. It might be fluid, it might be jarring. It might be something that will really suit this game but would never work in something else. You just can't tell without playing it. Because it's something "new". The Mass Effect dialogue approach might be similar, but there are a fair few differences from what's been mentioned about it. But people will be people when things crop up that they think they'll be uncomfortable with even if they don't really have a basis to judge it on.
  5. True... But then it's been mentioned that choices you make in conversations can have influences hours of game play later.. so on later playthroughs a few different choices might have you dealing with something quite different... I'm interested to see just how much of an effect it will be. After all, they said much the same about DE: Invisible War and look how that turned out...
  6. From what's been shown and mentioned, the dialogue systems is geared towards giving a sense of urgency and pacing to the events... and combined with the fact that you can't "loop" the conversation repeatedly. Once it's been said, it's done. No testing multiple answers...
  7. It could have been worse... I mean, we could have seen a new Fox Special Report about the amount of sheer pornography in a game they've never even played.... Not that journalists would ever be silly enough to not actually research a subject they're reporting on..
  8. From high-brow to under-boob in just a few short posts....
  9. Eloquence, thy name is not Purkake...
  10. I wouldn't say it's the fact that they've delayed it that are causing the villainisation of Sega.. It's that they delayed it but didn't make any public mention of it. They left the fans with nothing but a few rumours, right up until the release date and only then did something turn up.. (and that was just a small change on Sega's site of the date). There was, and still is, a wall of silence over the whole thing. And that is what's causing more grief and speculation and general irritation with Sega over the matter. We know Obsidian aren't allowed to say anything at the moment, so no-ones casting aspersions on them over the matter. So the irritation runs up the line to the big, bad publishing company that seems to be behind it all.... Until there's some form of actual public announcement, with possible reasons for it, there's just going to be a continual upswell of ill-feelings towards Sega.
  11. If they're packing heat, they're a legitimate target.. Or to go with the quote :
  12. Yes, you don't need every character to be romancable. Some characters and storylines work better without romance possibilities lurking. Although it might be interesting to see relationships formed other then "party follower" or "potential romance" in rpg's these days... (Although probably not any bromances needed...) but some of those pseudo-family roles that can spring up between characters in stories could be a change of pace in rpgs...
  13. A lot of European countries.. but not in most states of America.. which is generally the guidelines gaming companies use for such matters.. for some strange reason..
  14. You can try to believe that... the troubling aspect of that, is that haven't they kind of got a game thats going to get a sort of mature / 15 rating due to the violence and potential romance/sex aspects of the game.. so half of that age bracket probably wouldn't be able to buy the game... Of course, then their parents will probably pick it up, not paying attention to any age warning on the box, and then turn around and complain that this game isn't suitable for children after noticing violence and sexin...
  15. Gee.. Sega screws things up once more and people start panicking...
  16. Sis is the teenage jailbait sociopath with some guns.. who is the one female you can't have a romance with because she's jailbait...
  17. There's having patience to wait for a games release.. and there's being given a release date.. and having that date pushed back.. waiting for the new release date.. total silence.. then a week before the release date getting a few rumours that a company are delaying it further.. more silence.. more silence..then a small change of date on a single website and no announcement.. It's more to do with the frustration of having interest peaked, looking forward to picking it up.. and on the day suddenly finding that you can't get it. It's the anti-climax, and wondering what the hell they're doing that they can't even handle basic public relations as a company to the people they're wanting to sell their product to..
  18. Heh, so sega.co.uk still lists October 2009, and sega america has the spring 2010... How many more days before everyone has the same date I wonder....
  19. It's not like they've made any official press statement or notice to the effect... Just a couple of pieces of rumour slipped into gaming news, and now a single date change on a website... Definitely not earning points for how they handle it.
  20. It's not the basing games / films and such on classic pieces of literature / mythology that's a problem... It's the people who then base their information on the warped "inspired by" game or movie and never actually bother to find out which bits were just a little bit.. stretched... After all, I've actually encountered people who honestly believed william wallace's son ended up on the throne of England after watching Braveheart...
  21. Yeah, I was a lot more psyched about AP coming out rather then Dragon Age.. c'est la vie. Now it's just the wait and see...
  22. He'll probably start up with one liners that are relatively meaningless, just to enjoy watching the forums try to unravel the 'secret' meaning behind them all... (That is, if he isn't doing that already.. )
  23. Eh, I don't see a point to cancelling my pre-order. I mean, I plan to get AP when it's out.. whether it's this month or next year. It's not like they're going to swipe my money until they actually dispatch it... And after all, I might be a touch fuzzy on this, but don't they use the amount of pre-orders as one of the yardsticks by which to measure the potential of a release...?
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