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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. A QTE is in many ways, a mini-game event that usually involve pressing several buttons in rapid succession.. (at least to my mind).. In ME2, what you get is the <i>option</i> of stopping certain conversation's or cutscenes in midflow to perform either a renegade or a paragon style action. You don't have to do it, y ou don't need to do it. It's based around if you want to do it to suit your style of playing.. That's not quick time event. It is however only available for short moments of time before that option passes.. Just like it would in a normal conversation. To my mind, it almost seems like the way they've been talking about Alpha Protocol having those extra options in conversation trees It's just not part of the "conversation wheel".
  2. There had to be a hamster somewhere....
  3. Well.. since Friday evening all phone lines were down.. And so was the Internet access! It only came back on like.. an hour ago. So four days with no net access drove me to actually finish Assassin's Creed.. and fit in another playthrough of Alpha Centauri.. ( I guess I was working the AC types...) But I get online again and one of the first emails I see is the confirmation that my ME2 CE is in the mail.. so rahr.. that should arrive in a day or two..and I'll get to playing some of that..
  4. Yup, two years. So Tali goes from the perky and enthusiastic 19 year old (thereabouts) to the world weary and experienced 21 year old..
  5. Oh no way is it months. I'm fairly sure they said Shepherd has been believed dead for about 2 years. And I can't remember how long it was he "died" after the events of ME1
  6. If you want good natured cheesey actioner.. Tron 2.0 was entertaining.. I know people recommend it..but I found Crysis lacking a soul. Technically excellent but game play was just very.. meh.
  7. They've covered it semi-scientifically actually.. The whole "alien life forms probably won't catch diseases from other alien lifeforms..because they're.. you k now.. alien." The quarren use suits everywhere because after so many generations on starships and that sort of "clean environment" their own immune systems kind of suck. So they react badly to environmental pollutants. So get a quarren in a "clean" room and they're fine and dandy for getting out of the suit.. but after all these generations there are all sorts of taboos dealing with the suits... Other point ; there was some mention that Tali in ME1 was like the precocious teenager, unexperienced and eager to see what the world was like.. now it's several years later she's more the experienced twenty-something. One of the Bio guys mentioned something along the lines of it being like a "Now Tali's all grown up and Shepherd gets to contrast what she was like then with what she's like now." Or something to that vague effect... Now, I'm not one of those hankering for a Tali-mance. I've always kind of had the idea she was like the "adoptive daughter" type of character in a lot of sci-fi films. But ah well.
  8. No, it really doesn't. Braveheart is a fantasy on amost every level. LotR has more meaningful things to say about English and Scottish relations in the 13th Century. Well.. he got most of the names right.. of people and locations. That was about it.
  9. The point of bromances is that they aren't gay.. the bromance is the ultimate buddy concept shown in way too many films. Riggs and Murtagh (however you spell it) from Lethal Weapon was a bromance..
  10. Who needs demon babies when you can cuckold the english king and father the heir to the throne?
  11. Isn't that kind of like saying Mel Gibson brought historically accurate truths about Scotland to a new audience?
  12. .. I tried.. but there's too many slavvering threats about "Talimance" and "Garrusmance" going on.. I was overwhelmed and had to flee.
  13. That hive of scum, villainy, and fanatacism??!!
  14. What, there's no femShep and Miranda option? I hear the hearts of many geeky pervs breaking..
  15. Lost is like all of JJ Abrahms series.. He spends the pilot episode showing you a box. Then three years not telling you whats inside it.
  16. Pop-culture reference: Chuck - the database downloaded into the guys brain was called "The Intersect".. And it's what Yvonne Stahovski and Adam Baldwin have been doing before being voices in ME2
  17. I still find it amusing that the studio developing Bioshock 2 actually got flooded out.. The picture of the office with the Big Daddy model in the middle of this flooded area just.. hit that level of the universe taking a swipe.
  18. Purkake = The Gif-Intersect ??
  19. Byakhee Byakhee... Wait..is that a star or a tree...
  20. "If I were a Deep One.. blub-blub-blub-blubby-blubby-blub!"
  21. Dammit.. now i'm just getting songs from the Cthulhu musical going around and around my mind ... Curse You!
  22. Hm, the "latest" mmo with a big name is out soon.. and gee, I've noticed they're doing a special "if you pre-order, you can get a lifetieme account for only $239!" .. How many people will cheerfully shell out the cost of two years subscription fees in one blast before even playing a game?
  23. And it has to run the thread into the gutter within 5 easy posts..
  24. I did like the pc's shift away from the "wheel" . Maybe it's more aesthetics, but it felt easier to use when it was split into the three seperate boxes around the edges of the screen rather then a glowing wheel in the middle of it.. But then I'm big on keyboard and mouse, tend to find gamepads clunky.
  25. Gee, and I was only just thinking the thread was about due for pruning.. And on a seperate note ; watching that new launch trailer.. I loved the score. Looking forward to getting ahold of the soundtrack if the rest of it's like that.
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