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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. There are the "Echo" zones that can be accessed via Ourouboros time travel shenanigans and such-like for a lot of the things that would no longer be available in the "normal" game.
  2. Continuing my current plunge into nostalgia gaming with CoH: Homecoming. It's interesting to go back to an MMO that was made before WoW become the cookie-cutter imprint for all others. The other point that appeals to me is that it's not about the end-game, but all the stories going through. There are so many little story arcs and in-game stuff about heroes and villains, and groups and characters that you will completely miss in a single play through (unless you use the time-travel stuff later) because it's designed to have you pick up contacts depending on how you play and you'll outlevel some by doing others. So it does encourage you to try new characters to explore different parts and history of the world. But then with the Homecoming version (I can't remember this being on the original game) but you can literally turn off XP and it gets converted into the in-game influence money instead so you don't level up and just roam and do stuff without worrying about getting too high-level for it. Which makes an interesting balance.
  3. Turks and Caicos. The 2nd of the Johnny Worricker trilogy of low-key modern spy films. Bill Nighy as the lead, but bouncing around with Christopher Walken , Helena Bonham Carter (in a non character role), and Winona Ryder doing an incredible nuanced performance as a "normal" but highly damaged by abuse woman. It's no action, just all dialogue and performance.
  4. Had a bout of Hero-Barbie and switched up my Blaster's costume look...
  5. Taking over all the utilities for the house at the moment, plus organising times with my sister to do house jenga as we tidy and sort stuff figuring out dad's things. Have the solicitor's appointment this afternoon to double-check legal aspects of probate and all in regards to his will and inheritance tax. Have to get on track for dealing with dad's bank stuff and related matters. Also need to dig through the paperwork for the house insurance documents and such... On the flip side, having a few random days off work here and there so that's making an odd end to the working FY. And randomly spacing out time on City of Heroes in the background.
  6. Hover is definitely a Blaster's good friend once you get used to it. Lurking just above melee reach and remembering to move around as you snipe and blast them down. And for the amusement, here we go with the fashion display: (And not in Squid form but...) While on the villain side of it I have: and
  7. It's the quest chains that do it. I am remembering I really did dislike the Council of Thorn "dungeons"...
  8. Continuing my journey to see what I remember of City of Heroes after 15 odd years, I spent some time on and off through the afternoon and evening leveling up an Energy Blast / Energy Manipulation Blaster to 13th level, a Robtics / Force Field Mastermind to 5th, and a Warshade up to 5th. Interesting what stuck and what required a bit more jogging loose from the memory stacks.
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