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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The journal is glitched for her companion quest, but it kept going along for me through Act 4.
  2. I'm going to take a pause from it to wait on some updates I think. Managed to get pretty far into Chapter 5, think I'm near the conclusion, but I've got a stack of glitches with the journal on companion quests, and Ulfar saying if we don't do x before we carry on he'll be leaving to handle the matter on his own. And no options or locations to go to for carrying out what he needs to do. I think one of the minor background disappointments is that my origin isn't reflected in any way during the entire thing. I've got a Crime Lord who controlled an entire star system, but all references are high society rogue trader having no connection or clue or attitudes to all the smugglers and organised crime groups you deal with.
  3. Have to say, I've really only encountered any glitches from Act 4 onwards. Which makes sense, since the Beta didn't go there. While I've been mostly enjoying it, there are some truly awful moments in the latter half of the game. The annoying freaking maze planet map for one, because there's no real guidance and it fails to highlight that the path back doesn't always go to the map you left. And then there's a "quick save, reload" constantly for a stealth required companion mission. Yes, we don't have a stealth mechanic, and we don't have anything to let you know when you're in line of sight or line of awareness of moving people that you have to sneak between their patrol movements or bad things will happen...
  4. https://www.tor.com/2023/12/11/military-science-fiction-author-david-drake-passes-away-at-age-78/
  5. https://kotaku.com/cyberpunk-2077-phantom-liberty-2-1-update-metro-1851065622
  6. As mentioned, the series is a pretty good adaption for the characters and storylines. The battles however are lacking, due to the budget issues. And as I recall, it was mostly shot in Hungary, so the majority of extras playing the French and English troops mostly didn't speak English and had some issues with the translations from the Director and co-ordinators.
  7. One of my old amusing pieces of trivia is that Toshiro Mifune insisted that all scripts had to be corrected so that none of the Japanese was modern, and that all anachronisms were changed to be 17th century appropriate.
  8. And we have that new adaption coming out in a few months, although the trailer does have a certain glorious spectacle to it.
  9. https://www.polygon.com/23979399/fallout-tv-series-amazon-prime-video-images-teaser-power-armor
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