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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Fallout: Hawaii.... Surfing Glowing Ghouls...
  2. Only certain weapons can be hidden.. so if you're not actually carrying any that qualify... So lets see.. Brass Knuckles, Switchblades, Silenced 22, 9mm, Laser Pistol, Grenades and dynamite... Oh and you'll probably need to remap the quick keys for weapons everytime you go in and out of a casino.. And on the Laser weapons.. Meltdown + Laser Pistol is deadly to use in close quarters..
  3. Isn't that just the Bounty Hunter gear? the Wasteland trenchcat with a little armor? You can also get it by pickpocketing it off Red Lucy after she sleeps with you if you finish off The Thorn Quests... Edit: When you find the dead patrols of Brotherhood..the Armor you pick up from them was listed as Brotherhood T-45 Power Armor.. so I'm wondering if that's the "faction disguise armor" as opposed to the T-45 you earn as a quest reward. And yeah, I prefer the look of the Trenchcoat..but the + to strength for carrying capacity from power armor is so darn useful...
  4. Red. Entertaining in that light and fluffy manner. A few outrightly humerous bits, and seeing Helen Mirren use a large amount of guns is worth it.. The romance sub-plot is used for the humour effect to start with then mostly forgotten abouts in the last half of the film. Brian Cox is quite standout as the aging russian spy who used to be the enemy.. and until he opened his mouth I didn't recognise Richard Dreyfuss in his evil businessman character.. Some nice action sequences, but nothing too overblown.
  5. Waking up from vivid dreaming..to find yourself wrapped up in sheets, really warm..comfortable..(apart from a slow-grinding headache in the background) and the realisation that its cold, grey, and fairly miserable outside.... really makes it an effort to push yourself out of bed and get the day started.....
  6. There's a glitch where if you tell him to go the Lucky 38 to wait for you..he instead returns to the Kings School of Impersonation...
  7. Where do you get the training to wear Power Armor then? The Brotherhood Idolise me..but I've not seen any "get trained in power armor" options...
  8. Well..besides the only 1 humanoid and 1 non-humanoid companion at any time.. I think you have to make some comment in the right manner about the Brotherhood of Steel for her to travel with you... But then she was the first human companion I encountered and tagged along right away..
  9. Yup, done that.. picked up Cachino's journal.. read it.. talked with Joanna..found out what a creep Cachino is.. even unlocked that room up in the hotel suites area and found the tortured and dead hooker... Which is why I handed the journal to his Bosses which led to him coming down with a sudden case of high velocity lead in the head. Of course..all that was before I tracked down the platinum chip at Ceasar's camp.. so.. I think that's what somehow broke it when I finally arrived at this point.. Which is odd.. I mean the game recognised I'd encountered the Boomer's at Nellis and danced right past House Always Wins pt III..
  10. Yup. That doesn't work. The trouble is that I think Cachino puts you on the trail of some other information of what the Omerta are up to... And the fact that I'd used up the "favour" the receptionist owed Benny means she's already spoken to me about where Cachino was... So there were no dialogue options to pressure her for information to find out what the next "part" of the quest is... So I'm just left with the quest pointing me to talk to the Receptionist..and nada in the conversation tree moving the quest on..
  11. Well, I sat down after dinner to get some FONV on..and found that I seem to have broken one of the main quests.. - The House Always Wins IV I'd already talked to the Receptionist and hit her up for info and handed Cachino over to his bosses.. and done the whole.rescue Joanna and the Hookers before getting on with the House Always Wins quest line.. so now that I've started House Always Wins part IV...and it keeps pointing to the receptionist but there are no options in talking with her that let me carry on.... I get the feeling that this means the only way I can carry on the main quest line is if I stop working for House, and pick one of the other groups to support.. or just go totally independant..
  12. Just that slightly random thing... Can you just imagine the effect on the world's geeks if anything did happen to Taiwan's trade?
  13. Well I made it through the day getting assorted odds and ends done.. some basic labors, some actually mentally challenging.. Got poked at by the cat and leapt at by the dog.. Then the evening rolled in and I had to make the choice.. a quick shower and some time to sit down and play FONV...or take the time to soak in a hot bath with a good book for an hour or two.. I decided on the latter... So that's an entire day without any FONV playtime managed.. I know technically I've got about another 30+ minutes before the days out..but that seems to be pushing it for just a "quick dabble".... So I shall leave it till manana to see if I get a chance to continue those wasteland wanderings at any point...
  14. All sorts of girls fell for Spock during the 3 year span. Nurse Chapel had the ongoing flame for him, there was the mating madness, there was the planet that made him euphoric.. There was even the one where he played harp in a greek/roman setting and had Uhura panting after him... I think he actually had more girls fall for him then Kirk did.. but Kirk was more likely to chase them.
  15. Nah, they have to be able to **** everything of the opposite sex in the universe. Pfft, if only it were that simple. They also have to be able to **** everything of the same sex. And lets not forget the inter-species stuff. I blame this on the influence of Kirk and Spock.. their "every week one of them gets a different alien / starfleet girl"..
  16. That kind of makes me want to do the reverse pick pocket with a Frag Grenade on Ceasar at some point...
  17. Running through my first playthrough of FONV .. a few hours here, a few hours there... although I haven't gotten any in today as of yet.. I'll have to figure out some way to cram it in somewhere...
  18. So how long before someone does a run through where they don't aim to finish the quests..but just kills the heads of each faction? Or will that automatically slide you into a "Yes Man" approach? Although so far I've somehow managed to be Idolised by nearly every group.. Well, the Powder Gangers see me as a "Merciful Thug" and I think Ceasars Legion, The Strip, and The Followers of the Apocalypse merely "Like" me... I think I'm going to have to make a decision soon on just who I'm supporting...
  19. Yup.. They get in close... they move fast so its a pain to shoot them without using VATS..but quite often they get so close that VATs will only show 0%.. so you exit vats..try to take a step back to give some distance.. and another handful of Cazadores are swaming around you ...
  20. Yup, the power fists are very slamo-tastic. As I said, wait until you find the Paladin Toaster..that just gimps enemies even more. And as someone said earlier.. Cazadors.. flying insects that are one of the most annoying and deadly creatures you'll encounter on the wasteland.. Although the Sniper Rifle is great if you can spot them from a distance..
  21. Now the Paladin Toaster.. now that's groovy. Giant Radscoprions in one blow.. Deathclaws in 2 or 3.. with nice explosive fist punches...
  22. Dabbled in that route once already, so I know the danger signs.. I rely on stiff upper lip to keep me going..that and an unending curiousity.... but if I was in Nashville..I'd be writing many bad bluesy country n western music..
  23. There's always that whole series of "fetch" quests you can pick up in The Thorn... what someone will do to impress a girl.. (Red Lucy)... hunting up eggs for various beasties.. all to get laid.
  24. Well tis fairly grey, wet and miserable outside...but I've had a deep cup of tea and getting the day started. Clearing some assorted tasks around the house.. and need to make time to shave off four days of facial hair and make myself somewhat presentable... Depending how I organise things..I might even get some FONV in here and there during the day.. Hm, on a random sidenote.. Indian Takeout..there's a very nice place near me, but I'm just pondering on the trading standards style of the procedure of "Free Delivery .. but 10% off if you come and pick it up yourself.." am I looking at that wrong or is it just a .."we'll deliver it for 10% charge up" worded in a different manner...
  25. Just catching a Mythbusters.. and they're doing Sleep Deprivation... They're going fairly nuts from a simple 24 hours without sleep. Maybe I've done that too many times.. and I know they're the mythbusters team..but still.. I've never gotten quite that crazy from a simple 24 hours sleeplessness. Oh yes, and Happy Birthday Kor. Enjoy before they start adding up...
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