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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. ... Could this be the excuse for people to take advantage of the way EidosMontreal have geared up for the three screen FoV and upgrade and expand?
  2. Well in another case.. a 23 year old University student with no previous criminal background has been sentenced to a 6 month jail term for looting a single ?3.50 bottle of water from a supermarket during the rioting.. Telegraph - Water Thief Jailed for 6 Months Of course, the key thing about the riots.. is that now no-ones really bothered about the phone-hacking scandals... Wait, have the conspiracy theorists started up that Murdoch was actually behind the riots yet?
  3. and Happy Birthday Malcador.. You've survived another year.. Well it is worth it for the total lack of political correctness alongside the general exuberance and enthusiasm of the presenters.. Trying to wake my mind up today, had a rough night's sleep and feel as if I'm not exactly firing on full cylinders. Which I need to start pushing into a proper zone of usefulness rather then lackadastical idling.
  4. I'm not sure I'd have said cool.. but it was a little interesting to see how the process went and how the art got developed..
  5. Tsk.. and there I'd just shaved after going four or five days with general beardy growth...
  6. Really ? Sure are scraping the barrel for media items here Sometimes folks get interested in the strangest things...
  7. For the quirky interest, a small bit about how the box art was developed... DE - The Story Behind the Box
  8. Is it just them or everyone in there with them ? I guess it does satisfy this need for 'retribution' the media here keep saying Brits seek I think the first one that was on the news was the rioter and his mother. It's legally part of the council's lease with anyone they provide a subsidized council flat for, that criminal activity committed by any member of the household can result in eviction. But it's rare for it to actually happen. I think part of it is pushing the whole "parents should be responsible for their kids" so they're doing the whole..maybe now parents will realise that if their kids screw up like this, it's possible for the parents to suffer.
  9. Dang.. having one of those slightly light-headed saturdays where I want to just kick back and relax.. but I'm not sure with what. There's no games calling my name that I'm in an urge to play.. I haven't got any fresh books to read.. the weather outside is grey and overcast threatening to rain.. Guess I'll have to figure something out.
  10. The police caught one guy who had actually driven up from Winchester to get to London for the "looting"... But now they've actually doing things like evicting tenants from Council Houses who were involved in the riots and looting. Which could have some.. interesting fallout. But I guess it's one form off added "punishment".
  11. A chunk of the 2nd mission gameplay for Saints Row the Third... Skies over Steelport Although warning, the language is probably nsfw if anyone tries watching it in public
  12. Well for the random interest.. I ended up picking up an MSI GTX 560 Ti Twin-Frozr which seems to be certainly a lot smoother and quieter then my old card. Also dug into the savings to pick up a nice 24" LED widescreen monitor, and changing to that dvi connection provides a little bit crisper and sharper image. So... I'm happy. If more broke.
  13. Apparently a recent psychological study in San Diego has produced evidence that spoilers can actually increase enjoyment in reading books or watching films... Spoiler's don't ruin enjoyment...
  14. Righty-ho, on the slightly cheerier note for the day, I've just spent the last couple of hours getting out to pick up the new graphics card and monitor, then uninstalling the old one, doing one major de-dust and cleanup, and install the new ones, plus the whole update software and assorted minor "admin" things related. Now it's all nice and shiny. I'm pondering whether to attempt to have the old monitor as a 2nd screen for the current setup... But right now I'm going to grab a fresh cup of tea and do a stop and pause for a moment.
  15. Depending on your relationships with great difficulty. Or with really warped humour. Case in point - one of my australian cousins was discovered to have multiple brain tumours just before christmas one year, and my mother was flying out a few months into the new year to visit the family there. Derrek refused to have chemo because as he said "it's fatal regardless of what they do, but I'd rather have a few clearheaded months to spend time with my family and build memories for them, then to drag everyone down for a 5 months while I feel crap and can't do anything." Anyhow, he insisted he would be at the airport to meet mom. My mother's response "Just as long as you're not counting your wife at the arrivals gate holding a bucket with your ashes as meeting me." Which he did get a laugh out of. They were batting that back and forth over christmas time. Unfortuntely, he did pass away before she arrived. But when mom landed, his wife was waiting there. With a bucket.
  16. Nasa releasing fresh pictures from the Mars Rover after 13 miles and a three year journey... New Pictures of Mars Crater
  17. Another one of those questions and answers which might be of interest to the folks around here...
  18. Raithe


    The original Buffy the Vampire Slayer Album - the assorted bands that played at the club during the series. I don't know why, but whenever I hear some of those songs playing it either puts me in a very Shadowrun frame of mind, or brings up memory of old dates/gf. Temptation Waits - Garbage
  19. With the petition for including it in ME3 hitting 1,100 so far.. I thought I'd reintroduce this one which while technically not a proper game theme..
  20. Paracetamol's generally not that good for headaches, at least if they are muscle-based. Anti-inflammatory stuff, generally ibuprofen around here, tends to work a lot better. Of course, if it's a migraine, then you're buggered. Well technically, they're a paracetamol, aspirin & caffeine combo. Pretty much just a general pain relief masking the symptoms and letting you get on with the day rather then curative Edit: 200mg paracetamo, 300mg aspirin, 45 mg caffeine, and some sorbitol.
  21. Well.. it's kind of like the police doing to the rioters.. what the rioters were doing to some normal people.. Police Raid Rioters Homes..
  22. Have a grinding headache that's kicked in something chronic over the afternoon which hasn't been the most fun, and the weather's turning grey and a touch grim. Also, my graphics card has crashed one time too many. So I think I'm going to have to give in to the inevitable before it damages my mother board and go out and pick up a new one manana. The joys of the credit card and then breaking into some of the savings. Of course, my sister returns home with the dogs this weekend as well after a week away, so I guess it's a good idea to be able to put in new hardware without the furbags around and getting in the way. But for the moment, i think a fresh cup of tea and some paracetamol.
  23. Today has started well. I woke up, started taking care of assorted things, but there were all sorts of little things off. Then a few general inconsistencies , but I plowed on with some work, had some brain waves for various things that I made notes of, then.. things started getting a touch more odd. Finally it all collided together with some outright logical insonsistencies and I suddenly realised I was dreaming. I woke up (properly this time) and found I'd overslept. And now I can't remember any of those bloody brain waves, and I'm caught in that "have i taken care of this/done that work, or was that only in the dream" kind of fuzziness
  24. It's the chemistry between the three presenters. They're sincere, enthusiastic, and extremely unconcerned with being politically correct when they're all as giddy as schoolgoys about cars. And Top Gear is something like the next biggest export for the BBC after Doctor Who to the world...
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