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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. .. Well.. it could just be along the lines of how many page 3 girls seem to list their A-levels while getting money for getting pictures taken of themselves topless...
  2. Well, one of my friends is stuck in that his sweety happens to be in the middle of her postgraduate thesis. So he's been warned of foul happenings if he turns up to distract her. So I went with movies and distracted him with explosions and such as we drank port and smoked cigars. First Battle Los Angeles, and then Conan The Destroyer. Although technically, the port and cigars was during the first movie. Conan had us on the tequilla shots from the good tequilla his gf's mother had sent him from mexico city.
  3. With a resounding thunk. I can only assume people from Amazon getting on the horn and giving them a piece of their mind. Of course, their whole contingent is now sold out, again, and probably at a significantly higher price than what people like me would've paid for it. I won't make idiotic proclamations like "I'll never buy another game from them", but I won't forget... It does make me feel a tad sorry for EidosMontreal though. With all of the excitement and fervour, and fan appreciation they were getting for the release.. to be soured on this note because of the publisher..
  4. Isn't the stats something about a 97% pass rate for students on A-levels this year? Which I have to say seem fairly ridiculous for any.. um...worthwhile results. Throw in that something like only half the college students who got their grades today will be able to make it into University.. it's certainly a tad frenzyish.
  5. Ah the sweet joys of a heavy storm. On the one hand.. you can admire the tempestuous grandeur of nature. On the other.. it bloody killed my internet for most of the day. Although.. to be fair, there's also the 6 weeks roadworks going on outside where they're digging down to do stuff with the gaslines and assorted pipework that might be to blame. .. Or possibly both causing it together... It's an evil conspiracy I tell you...
  6. A positive outlook is supposedly helpful in many situations.. but here's to hoping things turn out in a good way for Tarna. Hm, mom had one hospital appointment this morning so I was up earlier then normal. The joys , having to see the right specialist anaesthetologist this time that they ****ed up last time. It's weird to think that anaesthotology has become that specialised a field.. you now have them specialising in limbs.. Seriously. There's an anaesthotologist who specialises in "lower limbs" and one who specialises in "upper arms and hands"... Yeesh, I think they're beginning to overkill the specialisation there. Kind of amusing, mom doing her "I'm happy to go with a nerve block rather then needing general..." then later as the anaesthatist picks up on her allergies to Iodine and such.. mom did the whole "yes well... I've had x number of surgeries now where they miss/forget that and have given me iodine..why do you think I'm so happy and willing to just go with a nerve block? This way I can yell at them if they try to do it again..." Now it's the wait and see while they sort out the hospital date for the surgery. Waiting lists might just push it to beyond October.. which given that it was supposed to happen the other week and their screwup cancelled that out..
  7. Didn't Apple already have trouble with the EU over region locking the UK seperately from Europe for Itunes? I seem to have some distant memories of something along those lines..
  8. They can arrest people for putting up posters? If they were posters designed to incite criminal behaviour, disturbing the peace, racial hatred etc etc... Or an "I will give x money if so and so is killed" type of poster It's that fine line between freedom of speech and all that jazz. Although technically I don't think the european countries actually have that as a specific founding principle like they have in the states.
  9. Trying to read a report seriously rather then scanning through it. I keep losing focus. Or at least I keep having that bit where the words all seem to start phasing in and out of each other. Yeesh. I need to take a moment and make another attempt at it.
  10. Is that kind of "evolve or die" type of moment?
  11. Not a movie per se, but one of the satellite channels has been re-running Shogun at lunchtime. It might be getting a tad old (1980), but that is one damn well done adaption. Pretty much full of some brilliant acting from all sides, both european/american and japanese. Some amazing performances when you get down to it. Just be sure to watch the mini-series, not the crushed "movie" version some half-wit tried editing out of it.
  12. Or.. as they say on the Deus Ex forums.. you can activate a UK version of the game within the UK..and it'll be playable outside the UK. So if you really, really want that UK version, you just have to come over to blightey for a weekend trip and activate it then..
  13. Pondering on exactly how to get to sleep before 3-3.30am. Which for some reason I haven't been able to do the past week or so. And today had the added joy of an alsatian waking me up by jumping on the bed about an hour before my alarm was due to go off.
  14. Was it EA or Bioware that gave the report that based on current trending and the amount of pre-orders, they're expecting to be selling between 2-3 million copies of SW:TOR within the first year? Now I'm going to have to chase down the niggle that has on my mind..
  15. Big tetris inventory. And you can get augs to make it a bigger tetris inventory..
  16. I need one of the in house lawyers to answer this, but can they legally do this? Arrest them for posting on the web. I think it comes down to the "inciting to riot" style of.. does it really matter the medium that the "inciting" is done in?
  17. Two men jailed for inciting disorded via social networks... Both men seperately set up pages on facebook which were some variation of "Let's have a riot in [insert location]" which has ended up giving them four years in prison..
  18. Because, what, exactly ? Because you can trust a capitalist to be guided by certain principles.... But you can only trust a politician to be a politician. Or is that just a tad too jaded and cynical?
  19. Yes. its.. "game footage" where they keep flipping the view point around in non-game manner. Or at least that's the way it comes across.. You get used to them producing slick trailers and then they throw something like that at you... Edit: But for the good point, it at least had decent music..
  20. New trailer for those in need of a fix, a bit of new combat, but nothing too special.. ME3 Squad Leader Trailer
  21. Dang.. Sorry to hear that Nepenthe. That is major suckage.
  22. It's a government thing. The common public perception is that we don't want the Government to be in the EU, so for the past couple of decades the various pro-EU faction of the government have been signing documents up to a certain point... As long as they can get away without going too far and a referendum being held to stop them. I think it's hitting a point where no-one really knows how much we're connected to the EU or not...
  23. And it's baaacck. Looks like now the riot news is down, they're trying to get focus back on Murdoch's shenanigans.. Hacking "Widely Discussed" at News of the World - Letter released by MP's
  24. Not strictly a new science thing.. but I kind of found it a note of quirky interest.. Teenager talks Mercedes GP team into getting him a bionic hand..
  25. And for just a few weeks (or well, 10 days) till release and they show a new "teaser trailer" DE: Darwin Teaser
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