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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Carrying Condoms can be Proof You're a Prostitute.. DC Police Confirm Condoms Used as Evidence of Prostitution Heh, for the weird - Police in DC apparently use the idea that any girl with more then two condoms on her is likely to be a prostitute...
  2. The Missing Link They've added a section on the official site with a video trailer for the upcoming dlc and some general blurb.
  3. Deus Ex : The Icarus Effect - by James Swallows.
  4. Trying to push through the day, but knowing I seriously need to kick my ass into gear. The lack of sleep not helping, but now the curry from last night seems determined to have it's revenge.
  5. For a nice quote from Neil Gaiman....
  6. From what I recall, the book actually makes the three mooks much less two-dimensional and fleshes out that mercenary group.
  7. Urf, had little sleep and what little I had was disturbed by a> the cat deciding to hammer on the door, then b> the alsatian deciding to jump on my bed. Then said puppy has been a complete sod with the devil in him this morning and only just appears to be settling. It makes me really appreciate the mornings I can actually take the time to drink a cup of tea within the first hour I get up rather then be constantly dealing with those mini-crisis moments.
  8. Ordered out for an indian. So waiting for the lamb balti and peshwari to arrive. Having one of those annoying sudden hit of tired and mental daze but keeping myself going forward or at least staggering in a general direction...
  9. Returned to Hensha on my second playthrough..and just realised I missed a couple of those Hugh Darrow ebooks in TYM.. Darn. Ah well, something to keep in mind when I get around to a third one.
  10. No, I've had that a few times but I don't alt-tab. It's not that common, but it happened maybe a dozen times through one playthrough.
  11. You probably have a lot of RAM. Mine were fairly annoying on the PC. Well, 4Gig of Ram. But in-game I don't have any long loading times, if I've been playing for a couple of hours re-loading a saved game might take 20 seconds or so.
  12. Maybe it's just cause I have the pc version, but loading times are never a problem for me.
  13. I kind of see the self-sacrifice one as the most logical for canon... Pushes the mystery aspects, adds to the Bob Paige ending talk of "search the wreckage", and adds the posibility of
  14. It's pretty much the and you'll be done... at least for one playthrough.
  15. Woke up from some semi-odd dreams because a dog jumped onto the bed and landed on my back. Then kind of laid there with the sounds of high winds in the trees and rain on the windows being a tad hypnotic... The rain has now stopped, but the wind is still causing a hellava lot of tree sway and branch/leaf rustle. Trying to keep my brain ticking along and in some form of focus as the day shapes up...
  16. Also, some of the hacks let you hack the registry. If you do, you automatically "win" the hack and pick up all the datastores, even if you haven't captured them yourself.
  17. Eidos Montreal had planned more City Hubs An interview with JJB and Frank Lapikas, mentions how they'd actually planned there to be streets in Montreal, a seperate hub for Upper Hengsha (most of which had actually been built), and even a small hub in India somewhere.. but due to constraints they'd had to cut them down.
  18. Gran is away in france visiting one of my uncles.. so we snuck over to her house to pull up a bunch of paving stones in her garden, level out the surface since it had all started sinking in, then relayered the paving stones. Now I'm home, it's noon..and I'm getting to enjoy my first damn cup of tea of the day. Huzzah.
  19. Raithe


    Read an amusing editorial on just how "rapey" George R R Martin's fantasy series is. Identifying each major female character, and just how many incidents of threatened rape, actual rape, raped and fell in love with rapist, which book either happened in, the general spousal abuse, and the teenage rape. Ended with an "if I hadn't run into Mr Martin at a convention and found him fairly pleasant, I'd think he'd be an exceptionally creepy man if I went by those books..."
  20. Been doing a slow paced 2nd playthrough of Deus Ex Human Revolution off and on between moments of reality...
  21. Got called in as "IT support" by a friend , so spend some time trying to solve a problem on a laptop. Complicated by the fact it was set to Chilean Spanish... and the spanish speaker didn't know how to translate completely. Then ended the evening with cuban cigars and cuban rum supplied by that friend as we sat around afterwards.
  22. I would say that I kept expecting there to be some sidequest involving the slew of missing girls in Detroit. You overhear a couple of conversations relating to it, you see the Missing posters up around the hub, and you can hack into the computer of the cop who is handling the case... But I never actually found anything you could look into relating to it. Background fluff, or potential DLC aspect?
  23. Hm, my first playthrough I wandered in there before I even knew I needed that card and it let me pick it up, had a nice little dialogue of "hey do you know of any use for a tym smart card? ah well, maybe it'll be useful later". I didn't think it was possible to break quests by picking things up or wandering into areas early...
  24. I think the one key piece of narrative that really annoyed me, was at TYM and the fact that you have to listen to the whole "helpless woman" routine and can't interrupt it. Throughout that whole talk, I just wanted to scream at Jensen "Stop listening and being distracted, just chin the bitch!"
  25. Raithe


    The Animals - House of the Rising Sun Sometimes, that just suits the mood.
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