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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I'm having fun exploring the storylines. I certainly plan to poke around on the other classes as time allows. I think there's a certain pacing to it. Your first class is the one you push because you're exploring whats' what. Which can end up with you playing more then you might normally. I'm not going to have so many.. intensive play sessions as I did during that first month, so I fully expect things to slow down as I work my way through the classes. I haven't been rushing to "get to 50" with my Sith Inquistior, but I did want to explore the storyline, so I kept playing when I had the chance just to see how it developed and where it would go.
  2. Now Correllia was rather irritating I found. Just something about it just never settled right with me. I've left my 50 Sith Inquisitor idling for the moment on the Space Station, but Captain Dhar Khorval my smuggler is just wrapping up Taris and about to head on his way to not-so-sunny Nar Shadda.. Although I have to admit, the hour I grabbed after dinner seemed suprisingly glitchy. Latency kept jumping up way beyond anything normal, I got a few random disconnects, and for some reason I was only getting ambient sound. No special effects, no blaster shots, and no musical score in the b ackground.. And I have to say, that can have a surprisingly disquieting effect on the gameplay...
  3. Urg. It's a harsh monday. Depressed, weary, taken some paracetamol and trying to ignore a rather irritating stabbing headache behind my eyes. Seeing if I can gather the shreds of my mojo and build some momentum towards figuring out what I need to do today, and then actually getting something done...
  4. Hm, let me trace through the Sith Inquisitor from memory, so it might be a little rough in areas.. - Spoiler Heavy - Prologue End of Prologue. Act I End of Act I Act II End of Act II around there Act III End of Act III, and from here on it just shows "Interlude"
  5. I do have to say, as a Smuggler, it is damn satisfying to finally get your ship back.... They certainly manage to give you a story that provides a solid sense of accomplishment at that point.
  6. Apparently, I've spent 7 days, 22 hours playing my Sith Inquisitor since early access...
  7. I ran my Smuggler (named Dhar) through Ord Mantell and arrived at Coruscant now. The story had a definite different feel to the Sith Inquisitor one, and although it might be because I last played Ord Mantell back on that Beta Weekend, but I didn't have any of that "eh, I've already been here before" boredom. There were a few variations I felt I picked up on a couple of the quests that I did as a Trooper those couple of months back. I have to admit, I'm thinking of letting my Sith Inquisitor lay fallow for a bit and not worry on end-game content and pvp for awhile - let them sort out any of the issues before I actually get involved. Of course, there's still some world quests and wotnot to do with it, haven't finished Corellia, and I haven't done the Voss bonus series yet either... While it's not getting xp (although it does give Legacy xp), I'm still interested in what the stories will be and generally exploring the worlds and characters. Whats interesting now is that when I log in, rather then "Chapter" blurb as such, I get "Interlude" , which definitely suggests they do plan on expanding the class stories and level cap at some point in the future.
  8. Had things organised so I didn't have to get up today. Thought I'd be able to enjoy a long, lazy layin. Which I did to a degree, but for some reason my mind was spiralling out at a hundred miles an hour and even while dozing across the borders of consciousness had that stream of mental activity that wouldn't stay in any one place. Try focusing on one thought and boom, clicked onto one fragment and spiralled of to some tangent. So I gave up and got dressed and had a cup of tea. Although my new keyboard arrived, so had my mild moment of tech-geek goodness appreciating the click-click of mechanical keys and getting used to the slight shift in spaces of the keys from my old one.
  9. And they have (supposedly) a fairly clear cut plan for the next 3 years, and a slightly vaguer plan for how they'll be updating the universe and story for the following 5 or so years.. Which is one of the reasons they're keeping huge chunks of that team together and working on the project....
  10. Exterminatus Now - Internaltional Man of Mecenary Surprisingly spot on for the Dagenham area...
  11. Well I got pulled into being general handyman and helping my father get the old tv aerial off the roof in high winds...
  12. Heh, well my previous keyboard - before it got submerged - was around 3-4 years old. And had seen enough use that the majority of the keys had been worn down so you couldn't read them. Made a nice bonus security feature..since no-one else in the family could remember a qwerty keyboard layout that easily.. So I like the idea of something really solid that will last. Not something I'll have to replace repeatedly.
  13. See, in the Imperial version of the Foundry, he's got a hood up and swiftly puts on a mask.. And the "great general revan" seems to have returned to his more sociopathic ways after 300 years in prison. At least, judging by his plan to use the Foundry to build galactic hordes of robots that are capable of detecting the slightest trace of sith genes and killing them... He's not so worried on actual force powers, or belief in the sith system of philosophy, but if your great, great, etc grandaddy was pure sith.. You'll be in trouble.
  14. Raithe


    For the general interest value: Game Over Man! - Tor Appreciates Military Fiction
  15. Well, while I still plan on pootling around with my SI now that he's at end game content, I'm actually thinking of trying out some more with the Smuggler to explore how that is set up. Do some republic side and see what that viewpoint is. I'm not so stressed on end-level content and PvP stuff and those are the two areas that seem to generate the majority of complaints.
  16. Well managed to put in a couple of hours tonight, I've hit 50, and I've just finished off my class-storyline. Which was.. nicely satisfying. And I can see plenty of areas where they might expand it in the future. Now having a break before I bother to look around at what's around. Plus still have world quests on Corellia to wrap up. I do have to say, I'm fairly unimpressed with Corellia as a world.
  17. I have to admit, I've managed to put in a fair bit of time on my main character at the moment, I mean, probably silly time compared to the average mmo player. I haven't been doing it to power level up, but to explore the class story and explore as much as I could to see what its like. I can see myself exploring the other classes to see what those stories are like, but when I do, I'll be taking it slower, fitting in a few hours here and there rather then managing to get in multiple days in a row.. As it is, I don't have any compunction about getting the 6 months non-recurring subscription, and then re-evaluating at the end of that to see whether I want to stick around. There have been no game-breaking bugs for me, while there have been some cheesey dialogues and mild annoyances, no more then in a single player game (especially a bioware one). I mean, if I can get an hours worth of enjoyment for every
  18. Having a brief moment of break from TOR, I went back to Saints Row the Third, and poked around at Genkibowl... I will say the Sad Panda Skyblazing was a bit annoying to get to grips with, but its a nice short little expansion of Genki related activities.. and the closing speech if you win is amusing enough.
  19. Well, I have to replace my keyboard with a proper one soon.. and since until that pint of tea got splashed over, I was using a combined logitech wireless mouse & keyboard, I should probably replace the mouse. .. And my headphones broke so I need to get a decent pair. Damn it. that's going to eat up budget if I don't get cheap stuff that will need replacing in a few months. I'm actually looking at the Qpad Mk-80 Pro Gaming keyboard.. chunky, heavy, cherry mx blue mechanical switches and the usb hub and audio ports. But that is around
  20. Oh the joys of trying to make some inquiries at the department of pensions and general government crud. The hoops you have to jump through to get a few simple questions answered.
  21. Interesting. Thanks for sharing it Wals.
  22. Heh, I've actually had a lot of positive commnets from women over those simple courtesies. Quite a few times when I've been out with a group of my friends, and I'm the one who does that for the various girlfriends of my mates and the gf's will say how rare it is, and that it is nice to see someone still knows how to do such. Usually with a few digs at my mates who forget to do so... So yeah, having a lady turn around and act all snarky over it was a touch of a surprise and out of the "normal" range of behaviour to it.
  23. One of those random articles stumbled across.. American Thinker - The Abolition of Gender Which actually made me think, since I got accused of being all chauvenistic the other day for opening a door for a lady, and pretty much got slammed for not recognising equal rights and wotnot.. Going further on..
  24. Heh, it's when you run into people you were at first and middle school with, and you see them married, carting 2.5 kids around, and putting shopping into a family wagon... I can never tell whether that makes me feel too damn old, or as if I've never actually gotten around to growing up....
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