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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. So far I've only got Khem's affection up to the mid 5,000's.. I'm guessing that something develops as that affection goes up...
  2. I had that happen to me when I tried picking up a datacron one time. Felt exactly the same when I realised the reason for it. But it is odd that picking up a datacron counts as a mission for some reason...
  3. While the "starter" encounter for the Tattooine Bonus series is actually quite good, I found the missions some of the blandest/worst of the bonus series. Edit: speaking of the Republic side, I can't even remember anything standout about them from the Imperial side.
  4. At some point I'm going to have to actually sit down and try finding a space on some Operations at some point.. Just want to wrap up those final world quests before I get into that area.
  5. Neutral relics and other goodies for people on the neutral path are supposedly upcoming in one of the sooner-rather-then-later patches.
  6. The original Normandy was purely a stealth ship. Meant for recon purposes, and to get a small squad in undetected. The Normandy mark 2 was about twice the size, so I'm guessing while it was still built for some stealth, it was going to have a lot more actual combat utility. Throw in the assorted upgrades you pick up to push the envelope..
  7. Point of fact, you can wander off to the Citadel and they pretty much refuse to listen to you. Even Anderson has arranged for Ashley to be off at some colony to find out what's happening and doesn't admit that to you because of the rumours that Shep is working with Cerberus. So on the one hand you have all of these old allies who refuse to listen to you, or can't actually give you any help.. or there's working with TIM to find out what's happening, and that both gives you resources to protect humanity and allows you to keep an eye on TIM yourself...
  8. Sitting down with a plate of scampi for dinner. For some reason just had one of those days where I've been in a totally spacey headspace. Haven't really focused on anything or gotten anything done.
  9. Pretty much having a break from TOR this weekend... although I'm not actually in the mood to play anything else. Had a short return to my SI on friday to finish off a couple of the Correllian world quests. Although without the presence of the class-quest I will say I'm having a slight loss of forward momentum...
  10. There were seeming examples of Character stupidity, but that can't really be classed as plot holes. Case in point, the Council sticking their fingers in their ears and basically going "bwah-bwah-bwah, you might have saved our lives but we don't want to believe the horrible things going on". However, that can be backed up by history and how people react in general... so. Not so much plothole. I think a chunk of the background plot did tend to get overshadowed by all of the family issues you had to keep solving to get your crew focused, but apart from how quick Shephard was to forgive Cerberus, or how folks like Ashley refused to even listen to reasons of why you were doing stuff - oh, and that Human-Reaper which was just.. kind of silly - I wouldn't have said there were hordes of glaring plot holes. More just, plot annoyances. ME has always been that space opera format. And that allows a certain element of silliness to be enjoyed as part and parcel of the genre. It isn't dark, gritty, hard sci-fi that is meant to be taken completely seriously. Just watch Mordin's take on Gillbert & Sullivan to get that..
  11. Had some rather in-depth dreaming. Very.. spy thrillerish thing going on, betrayal, intrigue, being hunted.. Then I woke up. Had that combo of just..not wanting to get up, along with wanting to go back to sleep to figure out the plot of the dream...
  12. Ah, but if saving the universe requires trusting your team, then solving the teams problems before you go.. actually means having a better chance of saving the universe..
  13. Actually, I can see the reasoning behind it. The Mass Effect trilogy is the story of Shephard and how he deals with it all. If he's dead, he's dead. That's it. Story was over when you chose to play the game in a way in which he dies. That's the consequences....
  14. It also has that slight clash if you look at the Achievements you get for it. If you do the prison rescue/breakout without causing alarms or killing Batarians, you get the achievement.. and then basically a day later you do what you have to..
  15. One comment I found interesting back during the development days, was that they wanted elements of the Republic as we see it in the films, to show up in both the Old Republic and on the Imperial side, to highlight how things actually merged and combined at certain levels as time went by...
  16. Actually I'm not bothered b y the Imperial vs Metric split. I'm happy mixing it all up and using both. The one that bugs me is the month-day-year thing... Edit: And to move on to more amusing, but accurate things..
  17. Well the choice you made with Wrex in ME certainly had an effect on ME2 didn't it? I'm pretty sure that's going to carry across to ME3 as well...
  18. Chill. It's just so you can go to Korriban and do the political speech and then kick his ass in front of the Dark Council
  19. Well they did make a few comments that there will be issues depending on romance choices and potential love triangles to deal with... so I'm fairly sure something will crop up. Hopefully not just an email for that..
  20. They've also talked that at various stages, key "universe" altering events will happen. I imagine that when the full war breaks out again, the class stories are going to have to shift with them.. otherwise things might not make as much sense.
  21. Well they've always said they have a plan to roll out new worlds and add depth. I guess they expected people to spend more time playing around on multiple classes from both sides , and that would give them time to extend the play and add in such things.
  22. I caught Outlander on tv last night, and reminded that it's a fairly decent movie. Jim Caviezel, as a man from a far off planet crashlands his ship and ends up in Northern Europe, dealing with Vikings. Throw in the alien predator involved who's called a Moorwen and looks like a very funky non-winged dragon, and you get the whole "basis for myth" type of sci-fi/fantasy story. Add Sophia Myles as eye-candy and chief's daughter with a sword... Quirky fact, they actually put in some Icelandic as it was spoken in the early middle ages..
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