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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Random thought - those "missions" you could pay to have influenced via the Shadow Broker once you'd completed it. Odds on whether you'll get any "emails" or relevant effects in ME3 due to them?
  2. Realised I need more focused exercise then the scatted I do each day. Spent a chunk of time running on the spot while out in the garden with the dog.. then realised I could not actually raise my knee up more then a few inches because my thighs were too damn tired.
  3. Might be of some interest to all those talking on the music.. Interview by gamespot with a couple of the composers.. http://uk.gamespot.com/features/sound-byte-meet-the-composers-mass-effect-3-6350923/
  4. No matter how many times hear it.. the conversation between Liara and Sheperd about "omni-gel and that security upgrade" always makes me chuckle. Which also makes me think, the odds of them re-using that car-chase style of sequence in some mission in ME3 or not.. hmm. To ponder.
  5. And to further fuel the pot.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-17184955 Argentina turn away two P&O cruise ships from port. Because a> they're British, and b> they'd been to the Falkland islands.
  6. If I was spending the time playing video games, I wouldn't complain about not sleeping.. Although I did manage to get about 5 hours sleep last night. Of course, then had the phone go as the clocks hovered around 8am and the alsatian came pounding in and jumped on me...
  7. Heh, my sister is finally getting around to installing the copy of TOR I got her for christmas. I mean, she loved Kotor I & II, so I thought give her a free month to play around and see how she likes it. Of course, now she's doing the whole "if I don't like this I've wasted an hour of my life installing this and jumping through all the hoops." - that and using the phone to call me from upstairs and quiz me on various matters about it as she's getting it ready to play...
  8. Just had a really nice home-made dessert. Plums slowly stewed in half a bottle of red wine, glazed with a little syrup and brown sugar. Then coated with some cream. Maybe not uber-healthy, but damn tasty.
  9. True, but some of those balloons are being launched in London and Berlin..so you'd think they'd pay a wee bit of attention to those contest boilerplates.
  10. Okay.. either I'm totally missing something.. or no-ones really paying attention... The whole Mass Effect Space Edition competition? Various cities around the world launching weather balloons with copies of the game and you track the gps condition and you might be able to get that copy of the game.. But you have to fill out a form on the website to take part.. and part of it includes reading the "rules of entry".. Now is it me, or doesn't that automatically disqualify the majority of people in Berlin and London..?
  11. See, I haven't had any issues like that. The only real thing that crops up for me is exiting TOR. It takes a few minutes, and even then my pc is acting like a dead cow with sprained ankles for about another 5 minutes before things are running smoothly or quickly. The longer I've been playing TOR at any stretch, the longer it takes to settle out when I quit the game... I do get the feel of a memory leak or some such in there...
  12. Underworld Awakening.. Heh, Kate Beckinsale in that tight outfit, a few fun set action pieces (although one does slide into a Matrix / Equilibrium reminiscent event), the usual arrival of a "twist/surprise reveal" in the latter third of the movie, and Kris Holden-Reid as another Werewolf. Oh, and the ending pretty much screams out as setup for another film. Still, enjoyable popcorn for the brain.
  13. After last weeks fun boutage of insomnia.. I'm still trying to get my body to recognise some decent sleeping patterns. Forced myself up and seeing if I'm actually capable of thinking appropriately...
  14. Hm, just how many times do I have to mention this on this thread? Reapers like Sovereign are 2km long.. but the ones you see rampaging on Earth and such are apparently Reaper "destroyer" variants that are only 160 meters tall/long. o O (at least, according to the Art of Mass Effect Universe notes..) So definitely suggests that Reapers come in different versions depending on the tasks they need to do...
  15. You should watch that and be careful.. I mean, first you go and become a drone at some big company..now you're being insufferable? Before long, you'll be wearing one of those suits and talking pure management-speak with no regard for civility.....
  16. I have to admit, this is one of the reasons I dislike grabbing strategy / management heavy games like this in digital format these days. I like having a manual I can sit back and read through, or even glance at easily during my gameplay. Digital copies of games just seemt to have crappy in-game tutorials and/or pdf manuals that are a pain to read. Call me old fashioned, but I still hanker for the days of old when pc games came with half inch manuals
  17. Isn't DA2 proof that they, in fact, cannot? My personal pet peeve: I was hoping they would go back to full helmets/hardsuits for vacuum situations. No such luck apparently. Seemingly, explosive decompression is nothing compared to the threat of not looking gorgeous, always. The only part of the game I've seen in vacuum (on Mars) had everybody in hardsuits. Let's not keep mixing non-breathable atmosphere with vacuum, shall we? To be fair, while it looks a bit silly when they just wear face masks rather then the full helmets.. I think it can kind of be justified in-universe - The whole use of element zero in the production of shields / barriers? If the suits potentially generate those around the heads as part of the "protection" and that works as well as having a full helmet? - Still kind of silly, but so-so justified. Also, going with the whole devil's advocate here for the potential justification... The Reapers - Sovereign, 2km long, bloody big and powerful Reaper , but, all we've seen him do is capable of landing on a planet and taking off. Considering that Normandy Mk2 is too "large" and doesn't have enough element zero to successfully land on some planets... Maybe Reapers of Sovereign's size can't successsfully buzz around in planetary atmospheres conducting proper military actions. So Reapers of that design are for space, maybe the command/control types with big weaponry similar to dreadnoughts. Which is why the Reapears have the "Reaper Destroyer" variants that are 160 meters long/tall that can fly / maneuver / walk around on planets and conduct appropriate reaping activities...
  18. Have you not seen Stardust yet? DeNiro has a small changeup in that..
  19. Sixth Sense and Unbreakable.. the rest have just seemed to lose the plot. Or just become fairly.. inane rather then meaningful or smart.
  20. It can literally let you create a first level character.. and .. more importantly, skip the whole introcution sequence of ME2, so you actually just load it up and its the start point of Lazarus Station.
  21. Because it wasn't outright crap? There were flaws in it, and I'd say replayability is actually quite low because of the amount of grinding slog in some of the sections.. but at the time there wasn't much in the way of decent fantasy rpg type games, and it was a fairly decent offering. Hell, even DA2 had good points. I actually loved the whole setup of staging the progress of time like that, and setting things up for that growth and potential fallout of decisions you made earlier. Unfortunately the problems, the "only 3 dungeons reused continuously" and the fact that while some pieces of writing and setup were damn good, it would then sink to serious depths..
  22. There's always Gibbed's Save Editor that lets you create new saves and edit currents save and change the plot points around. It's mostly geared for ME1, with some elements of ME2 have been added I believe. Hell, if you wait a month or two , someone will probably modify it for the ME2 to ME3 area..
  23. Doing chunks of SW:TOR still.. and a few moments of the Chronicles of Riddick - Escape from Butcher Bay, and then onto Dark Athena..
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